- Bush comes through for the working man
- Why People Fear Guns
- The Red Flame of Socialist Courage...
- Ethnic Division in Iraq
- 60 minutes, Saddam, Rumsfeld and the Geneva convention
- The s.89
- The trial of Saddam Hussein
- Proportional Representation
- A revision to the electoral college system?
- Brazil Begins Fingerprinting U.S. Travelers
- Favorite Bush Adminstration Lies*
- Would this be offensive?
- Kofi Annan on Sesame Street!!
- One More Thing about Moore
- A dissenting student hounded for his views
- An outrage...
- Plame situation update
- The Racist Tapestry of Lord of the Rings
- FBI urges police to watch for people carrying almanacs
- Where do you get your news from?
- Haliburton didn't profiteer? Thats unpossible!
- More civilians killed needlesly in Iraq
- Bowling for Columbine
- Warning, tasteless video from iraq.
- Interesting article "Imperialism and the capture of Saddam Hussain"
- Army enacts the Stop-loss.
- The Frog Experiment
- And this is gonna' be the Democrat's Candidate?
- Does the state have the right to not allow gay marriage?
- is there any real proof that Usama Bin Laden organised the WTC attacks?
- He lied
- The hypocrisy that sickens the decent opinion of making
- Are you still eating beef?
- You win some.
- The Wal-Mart You Don't Know
- How stupid can you be?
- Ponder this...
- Who Armed Saddam?
- Things found in Iraq
- Bush's Resume
- Was Saddam caught early, and left for our troops?
- A war between the Socialists and those who value Liberty
- Al Gore's Son Arrested for Pot Possession
- Let's talk, fellow Democrats
- some of the good things in Iraq...
- George Bush and Ken Lay
- Libya to Allow Weapons Inspections
- Popcorn? Soda?
- The Religion of Environmentalism
- PM Martin finally replacing Sea Kings
- 9/11 Investigation Chairman: Attack was Preventable
- Albright thinks Bush hiding bin Laden
- Why all the UN bashing in this forum?
- Michael Moore responds to the wacko attackos
- I feel sorry for Saddam, says Pope's aide
- Vice pres Cheney warned Hans Blix
- Why is all criticism of the US dismissed by some right wingers
- Is this the Democratic Party Line? Or just one oddball?
- Some of my fellow Democrats are unpatriotic - Orson Scott Card
- Eminent-domain strikes again, I dare you to defend it.
- Strom Thurmond has a mixed-race illegimate daughter!
- Does this link Saddam to 9/11?
- Here we go again...
- Michael Moore - We Finally Got Our Frankenstein
- Saddam in US Custody!!!
- Election 2004 is a wrap..they got Saddam
- Child disciplined for saying his mother is gay?
- where are you on the political compass?
- If the election was today - who would I vote for? and why?
- High school infringes upon civil liberties
- Tom Ridge just cost Bush my vote next year
- Are Firearms laws Effective?
- Has America forgotten about Afghanistan?
- US says no bidding on reconstruction projects in Iraq unless the join "coalition"
- Gore's endorsement of Dean
- U.S. Bars Iraq War Opponents From Bidding
- Republican v. Democrat
- Bush opposes Taiwanese independence
- So which is the real Iraq?
- George Soros - $15 Million vs Bush
- Subliminal Messages
- Belief structures of USA political parties
- Just think if GWB said this....
- I had a Rethuglican in my house...
- Janklow found guilty!
- Ahhh ! Stop saying it!
- Zimbabwe out of the Commonwealth
- A War of Choice or of Necessity?
- The Gore Exception
- Vote before you go to prom.
- A day which shall live in infamy
- Canadian Alliance & Progressive Conservatives merge
- Hillary to make peace on TV - Snubs FOX News.
- similarities between iraq and vietnam
- Smoking Ban
- Global Warming caused by Humans
- who would you like to see on the dime?
- I can't believe I'm supporting Rush Limbaugh...
- A Return to the Moon?
- Do It Yourself Cruise Missiles
- govt qualifying a religion
- Unions
- One of these days Alice!
- Ding, Dong, the Koyoto Treaty is Dead
- Something I find disturbing...
- More Medicare Mischief...
- "Dick" Gephardt exposes himself for more votes
- State issue Photo ID before boarding airplanes
- Foot in mouth award for Rumseld
- Bush's spending
- Hillary in Baghdad
- CBC News DEADLINE IRAQ: Uncensored Stories of the War
- RIAA and MPAA seek antitrust exemption!
- Bush in Baghdad
- What's up with the French now???
- Master and Slave
- Yeah !! New Primeminister !
- simple math
- New Nukes?
- A discussion about war gone bad
- "Boats could be carrying terrorists" Thanks, Senator Vanstone!
- 40 years ago today JFK was murdered...
- Resistance to the 'Patriot Act' in the Heartland
- *Sigh* 9th Circuit at it again
- It's a PC Christmas!!!!
- FCC & "number portability"
- Do we need Swordfish
- Terror Strikes in Turkey, Again
- NRA For Kids - Fun Site (Parody)
- Anonymous Republican Senator blocking ban on plastic guns.
- The merged Gay Marriage thread
- Education Article
- Free speech and Censorship
- Public Campaign Financing?
- Bush says, "You're either with us, or you're against us"
- U.S. renews ties with repressive Equatorial Guinea - rich in oil, poor in human right
- Bush Medicare Rx plan gets AARP backing
- UK Voters Show Pro-US Surge On Verge Of Bush Visit
- Terror Market Back
- Making friends and influencing people
- A Frenchwoman, a Libertarian, and Joan of Arc walk into a bar..
- Synagogue bombings in Turkey
- The Bush administration is jettisoning real scientists in favor of yes-men
- Why is the US trying to dump toxic waste in my country?
- Bush v Greenpeace
- Serious ? .... is Islam a thorn in the side?
- Google - a Public Utility?!
- Military draft... What do you think?
- The lies of Canberra
- Al Qaida commander 'anticipates' 100,000 Americans dead in attack
- Why don't they just admit they are a branch of the Republican party?
- Bill O'Reilly considers running for President
- There are so many echoes of Vietnam in Iraq
- Jews are the root of evil? Betcha didn't here this story yet...
- Senate debating for 30 hours straight...
- Rush Back?!?!!?
- Arafat: Israel Has Right to Live in Peace
- Operation Iraqi Freedom
- Red versus Blue (Spy vs. Spy)
- A Veterans Day reminder
- Billionaire takes on Bush
- Hrmmmm?
- Politicians are animals too...
- WAR IN IRAQ - Should it be? Should WE be?
- christian presidents
- Presidential Wach-A-Pol!
- The 10 Planks vs The Bill of Rights
- The Wingnut Debate Dictionary
- Insurance
- Court: Homosexual sex not adultery
- Where is the memo?
- Al Franken, a lying liar?
- "Leave no child behind", hmm?
- 300,000 new jobs
- New Candidate
- Babs on Ronnie.
- EU poll sees Israel as peace threat
- Constructive Criticism from Clark
- What now?
- What Lynch thinks about the whole mess
- Official documents regarding "sales" by the US military
- Finally, a blog that is worth reading
- Interesting Editorial by Zell Miller
- Iraq Said to Have Tried to Reach Last-Minute Deal to Avert War
- More Jessica Lynch Exploitation $$$: Anally Raped
- Mexico
- Points for each one you find.... and avoid.
- ...another opinion...
- Indian Gaming, A boon or a plauge?
- VOICE VOTE!!!?!!?!
- [Dirty] Politics as usual..
- Presidential Policy and China
- NRA. Worth Joining?
- Republican Wins Kentucky Governor's Race
- History lesson: How we botched the occupation
- Wesley Clark quote.
- Now *this* is rehab.
- Why I hate 'big government'
- Behold: The power of ch... er The Internet
- Halloween as the War Economy.
- Who said what?
- Ok someone give me a reason why guns are legal.
- Isreal is the greatest threat to world peace; US 2nd.
- Chris Matthews: Simpleton Bush not chief
- Tomorrow is election day...
- Was anyone here opposed to Afganistan???
- Should NAMBLA exist?
- "Freedom Fries" a Good Idea?
- Why Was my Greedy Micheal Moore thread closed?
- New Millennium Digital Copyright Act
- ACLU Hasn't A-C-L-U-E by Dennis Miller
- Can We Just Stop These Stupid Poll Topics?
- 48 percent would vote for Bush, 47 percent for anyone else
- Prediction
- Missing billions in Iraq
- A link to some pretty funny information about the Democrats
- Sorry Fox News Haters:Matt Groening was just joking
- Diversity: The Anti-Drug (Buhahahahaha)
- Quagmire? What quagmire?
- Would you vote for Hillary?
- The Man who Knew
- Ya know how some people complain about Clinton passing up chances to grab Osama?
- 2004 Presidential Primary Meaningless?
- What If: World ravaged by nuclear war. YOU are in charge of rebuilding the US.
- Introducing the leader of the European Union
- Fox News watchers most likely to be clueless
- Bush: What mission accomplished?
- Martha Stewart
- Al Franken's Web Site
- Report links Iraq contracts with Bush donations
- Democrates shy away from gun control
- USA overpaying Dick Cheney's company for gasoline
- Gallup Poll Shows 62% of under 30 crowd PRo BUsh
- California Fire, the Environmentalists fault?
- Damned slow economy. Only grew at a 7.2% rate in Q3!
- Interesting piece concerning Atheists in America
- Points to ponder
- Fundamental flaws in the analysis of global warming model?
- Suggestion for bush in iraq: stop the PR
- punishment and sentencing
- Justified police shootings...
- N00b question. Which way does this forum lean politically?
- Another look at media bias
- A rose by any other label....
- Vote rigging still exists
- slave reperations
- Who do you believe?
- Greedy Micheal Moore does it again
- What does it take to overturn a Supreme Court ruling?