- Saddam "worse than we thought"
- No matter who wins there are going to be cries of voter fraud
- Six Degrees of Voting
- Veep Debate thread
- Hypothetically speaking....
- Rumsfeld admits no link between Saddam and Al Queda
- Affirmative Action... help me?
- new 527 group: football fans for truth; or do sports matter in presidential politics?
- State Republican Party Chairman Chris Vance called it a "Watergate-style break in"
- Just when you thought the world couldn't get any crazier...
- Some interesting FACTS about the debates....
- VP debate - taking early bets
- South Korea hates us, too?
- What scares me
- Would my vote even count?
- Debate Moderation: What did you think?
- If Bush is reelected, by the time 2008 rolls around...
- Michigan absentee ballot printing error: simple mistake or intentional?
- North Korea, Truth, and Lehrer
- Is a vote for a third party...
- The sound of the debate.
- Whoever wins, we lose
- Live debate thread
- Federal Court Strikes Down Patriot Act Surveillance Power As Unconstitutional
- Tax Reform
- Bush announces capture of Bin Laden!
- Those damn 'hearts and minds'
- Upcomming debates
- The Kerry Campaign needs to lighten up (no pun was intended but it worked out well)
- Patriot Act: Another one bites the dust
- War video
- Presidential Race Lies
- To the tilted left, show'em or fold
- Hey I missed this one this year!
- Flip-Flop
- Question about Al Sadr in Najaf
- Poll: would you enter public service?
- Current lie making the rounds about Kerry and Pre-emption
- Found this interesting...
- In Hindsight: Was Bush's May 1, 2003 "Mission Accomplished" Speech Appropriate?
- Is trading votes illegal or unethical?
- Someone explain to me voter registration
- Kerry in Win-Win Situation
- What is a terrorist?
- demockracy in action
- Operations are killing twice as many civilians as militants are, statistics show
- Iran tests new "strategic missile"
- GOP admits mailing anti-gay fliers
- How do you propose we fight Islamist terror?
- Rigging elections to be "monkey business"
- Things That Can Be Said About America
- What is Responsibility?
- When are elections democratic?
- "Disenfranchised" Voters
- Cat Stevens: Islamic Terrorist
- ARG uber-poll shows presidential dead heat
- The "breaking point"
- Republican-friendly documentaries??
- Media 'hid" news that Cal. Rep. David Dreier (R) is gay.
- Debate rules and regulations
- New swift boat ad.
- leaast we forget the sexed up dossier
- So you wanted good news from Iraq?
- Bush Has Big Money Advantage
- House of Representation
- Kerry on Letterman
- What does Kerry need to do to win?
- Essay: Gay marriage, neither left nor right
- Why does the religious right want to limit the religious freedoms of all christians?
- It's things like this that have me convinced the CC....
- Kenneth, what is the frequency?
- Whispered in Russia: Democracy Is Finished
- Perhaps the answer isn't right or left... maybe it's up?
- Election 2054
- Why hate? **analog Mod Note, everyone read this.**
- Ok now that I've seen the documents
- Why Did We Invade Iraq?
- Things like this make me go hmmmm
- A GOP telemarketer called my house
- 527 adds, hurting or helping?
- The Two Faces of Bill Burkett
- Can Electoral College ignore voters...
- Military Draft
- So it comes to the debates....again....
- US reports finds that Iraq had no WMD
- US Intelligence report on Iraq
- This Day In History--Sabra and Shatila
- Are Iraqi's Better Off?
- How much touche' in our repartee?
- Arnold vrs Clinton 2008
- Annan: US war in Iraq is Illeigal
- Dan Rather before the Internet
- The politics of health care
- Bushisms - A medical condition?
- This week in Iraq
- "Rigged letter sent to Schwarzenegger"
- Who should I vote for?
- Pray for the boys.... Most since WW2
- West Virginia elector may cast protest vote against Bush or withold vote altogether
- A better understanding of politics
- Flag Desecration Bill
- Colin Powell describes neocons as "fucking crazies"
- Explaining Radical Libertarianism
- Let's jump on the band wagon!! Or is it gravy train?
- Just how hard should we rock this vote?
- “I know the urge to arm yourself because that’s what I did."
- If at first you don't succeed..
- Seymour Hersh with more info on Gitmo and our newest Rambo force
- Novak reveals his hipocracy
- How do you get young people to vote?
- Fuck CNN (AWB article)
- Cheney Economics
- I'm sick of it
- Speaking of DNA...
- Now this is scary...
- DNA databases
- Why I believe Bush will win
- 9/11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows Statement
- Who is next?
- I have had enough
- Tell me, What does in your heart CHINA look like?
- Kerry can't stop the B.S. for one day it seems.
- So is this our October surprise? Is he or isn't he? Does it matter?
- North Korea may have just tested its first nuclear bomb
- Dirty Deeds
- Poll how does smear affect your vote
- The truth about politics and smear campaigns
- 9/11 reflections, honesty,tributes
- Could the U.S. win a major war again?
- John Kerry turns hecklers' attacks against Bush
- As they would say on FARK, "Rational Thought Surrenders"
- Before banning "Assult Rifles" - take a look at this
- French, Germany, and China supplying illegal weapons to Iraq
- Politics make strange porn fantasies.
- We're Going To...
- Powell calls genocide
- If it all boils down to Israel, how would you handle it?
- Still believe in Gun Control? Read this.
- More Islamic terrorism - Target: Australia
- Get rid of money?
- The 9/11 Commision Report
- If you were the US President, how would you handle Terrorism?
- Gitmo detainee deemed not a combatant
- I am proud of Bush
- America's new ally in War on Terror helps Iranian nuclear power plant
- Putin plans pre-emptive strikes on terrorists
- #1)Defend This.....with facts
- This "flip flop" BS is annoying.
- Why are Islamic terrorists so damn cruel?
- Interesting analysis of the crisis in Chechnya
- Bounty offered for Chechen rebels
- Kerry Holds Gun-He-Wants-To-Ban High
- Saudi Arabia to blame for 9/11?
- 1k
- Vote for Kerry and we will get hit again
- This struck me as interesting
- Polling Results:how polls work
- Something big looming: Coverups. Sen Grahams book.
- Can Anyone Make a Convincing Case for Bush?
- Okay...thats it, Kerry now "officially" has my vote
- Conventions
- Experiment in Polling #3
- Experiment in Polling #2
- Experiment in polling #1
- Schwarzenegger and the big lies he told at the RNC
- Russia's response to Chechnya
- Just some random thoughts, need input
- Bin Laden capture close.
- Bush by the numbers (long article)
- The Fox News phenomenon
- Interesting article on George W Bush
- typical liberal media
- Latest TIME Poll: Bush 52%, Kerry 41%
- John Kerry, will you ever learn??
- Support the President - That's what I'll be doing after the election.
- 5% undecided
- Australian General Election
- After the Election
- Because He Says So
- Unfit For Command and UNAVAILABLE
- Big Media + Government = Death of Democracy
- Why a college freshman could run the Kerry campaign.
- Anyone see Zel Miller pretty much challenge Chris Matthews to a duel?
- What's the deal with the French?
- What would AMERICA do?
- Suspected Chechen rebels take a school hostage.
- the Bush twins speech
- Anyone catch Schwarzenegger's speech at the RNC?
- How I came to a conclusion on who to vote for...
- General Tommy Franks endorses GEORGE W. BUSH for President
- Appeasement does not seem to be working
- Opening night of the RNC. Let's play pundit.
- What is up with this?
- Bush agrees the "War on Terror" is unwinnable... WTF?!!
- Conservatives for Kerry
- "Evidence" of Bush's support of Swift Boat group
- A new can of worms!
- Bush Dodged Vietnam
- Who is your favorite news anchor?
- Police Officer Arrested, for Bush Hating
- Israeli spy at pentagon
- Is anyone going to New York next week ?
- Getting to the Heart of the matter!
- When Bob Dole Said No
- Olympic Campaign
- Bush top adviser resigns over Swift Boat ads
- Bush Violates Act of Congress in campaign
- Cheney backs "Freedom" for same-sex marriage
- Are guns really all that great?
- The candidates on domestic issues...
- The Last U.S. Election Thread You'll Ever Need!
- Why when you tax the "Rich" you aren't really taxing the rich.
- How do you really feel about Vietnam?
- $8.8 billion in taxpayer money is unaccounted for
- Educate Your Vote: Learn About the Constitution
- Bush attacks working Americans, again
- Deceptions by "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" are surfacing
- Kerry slams Bush for 527 group claims
- Illegal Immigration
- Bikes Not Bombs?
- Factcheck.org and subjective economics?
- What do you call a WMD
- Written in capital letters is...
- investigations of antiwar/antibush acitivists
- Bush flipflopped on Iraq
- Job Outsourcing
- Voting and Education
- How to teach young children conservative values!
- education
- Is this what we should do? Or should we make a parking lot out of the place?
- SpinSanity.org
- What's Happening in Iraq?
- Sorry for another McGreevy thread, but I'm wondering if NJ TFPers can tell me more
- Does sexual orientation matter in public office
- Gov of NJ announces resignation, homosexuality
- Libertarians
- The breakup of Yugoslavia
- D&D book reader on ferry hassled by security morons
- Political Mudslinging that I can get behind.
- campaign tatics, mudslinging, etc.
- Don't tax the rich says Bush - WTF?!
- Thanks for the help.
- Native American Sovereignty is as Sovereignty does.
- censorship in iraq
- Authoritarianism
- 59 deceits in Fahrenheit 9/11 - article
- Forget elections, who would you appoint? (read the full question first)
- I think there should be some new terms used..