- Another bill to make conservatives go apeshit
- Up in Smoke
- Operation Chaos
- Should she stay or should she go?
- Why Do You Disagree With Convictions of Ex-Border Patrol Compean & Ramos?
- John McCain, leading presidential candidate in recent polls, gives MAJOR SPEECH
- What does the non-partisan majority of Ameria want more?
- Democract issues
- Is the Fed Bailout "Corporatist"? Is Corporatism, Fascism?
- Gravel bolts
- Wow, Patt Buchanan...
- weinberger's "what i heard about iraq" 2005
- This Video Made My Eyes Tear With Pride: "Made In The USA"
- Bill Richardson to Endorse Obama
- Bush approval rating at 31% - I'm surprised!
- Operation Gladio
- JP Morgan/Chase Buys Bear Stearns For $2 a share and Fed Protection Against Losses
- Partisanship
- Researching the Candidates
- Rev Jeremiah Wright - or WRONG?
- Canada: Bringing Down Dion
- bush further weakens espionage oversight
- Should prostitution be illegal?
- Why Do You Think That the US "Market Economy" Is a Superior Economic System?
- Net Neutrality and the Candidates
- If you have seen the Cuban soccer team.....
- Fohpah
- What to do with Florida and Michigan?
- The Punishments in 'To Catch a Predator'
- DOJ "Sat" On PA of Spitzer Story for Weeks. Was Story Timed to Distract From This?
- We have a Public Utilities commission why not one for oil?
- $100+ for a Barrel of Oil - Thanks Washington!
- Candidates Security
- Journalistic integrity
- What is "ILLEGAL"?
- Is this the best use of the FBI's Resources if there is a real War on Terror?
- Eliot Spitzer
- When does political view become racist in your opinion?
- Could Obama go Independent?
- Obama wins Wyoming
- Is the Primary Role of the US Press to Uncover and Report "Secrets of the Powerful"?
- Watch this movie!!!!!!!
- Isn't this illegal? Iran-Contra 2.0
- Affirmative action
- the good in economic equality?
- I don't know who to vote for...
- Who would you absolutely NOT vote for?
- Cadscam - The Chuck Cadman Affair
- Are You Leaning Far Enough to the Right to be Considered a Fascist?
- Who would you vote for
- the american military-industrial pathology
- For anyone, but especially if you do not support the death penalty
- What am I?
- Great article detailing Obama vs Clinton Senate activity
- Put Up or Shut Up: Post Support for Accusations Against Kennedys and Clintons (cont.)
- It has started......
- Obamania
- Do you consider abortion when choosing a candidate?
- If they are going to do it, we will too.
- Is Wealth Inequity Defended Due To Faith That Great Wealth Was Legitimately Amassed
- Recognized independence
- Did Bush Commit Treason by Attacking Iraq Instead of Saudi Arabia?
- Political Science Question.
- A Question for Conservatives: For whom should I vote in the upcoming Texas primary?
- Inequality
- McCain=Danger
- what we need in a USSC justice
- If you had one question to ask a major presidential candidate...
- Where will they go....What will they do?
- Why no Mitt?
- Canada's uncertain role in Afghanistan
- The Democrats selecting Hillary is the equivalent of conceding the general election
- Why are you for or against John McCain?
- American Politics - A Canadian Perspective
- Who is leading
- US regional differences and politics
- Explain this to us foreigners
- Yes or No to New FBI Plan to Scan Your Eyes & Collect Your Body Features
- Historical "real Enemy" ultra conservative wealthy christian /jewish white guys ?
- Why are so many Republicans retiring?
- Voting Integrity
- Dumbing Down America
- Is this reasonable if US military uses blatantly deceptive methods to recruit youths?
- history, not news or political science...
- SOTU 2008: Identifying President Bush's Lies and Intentioanlly Misleading Statements
- Liberal vs. Conservative Benefactors and their Agendas how is G.Soros More Troubling?
- Kucinich drops out?!
- National Debt: Year 2000 Increase= $18 billion, 2008 Increase= $700 Billion
- Unanswered Questions Surrounding the 9/11 Attacks: Take 2
- Iraq War False Statements By Month Chart of 935 False Statements by 7 Admin Officials
- My Sperm... My Choice, too? Please?!
- new information on the runup to the iraq war
- Historians looking at Bush presidency may well wonder if Congress actually existed
- CNP connected christian evangelical ex-US congressman indicted for funding Taliban
- How do you feel about mandatory health insurance?
- a ham radio operator and the us-iran antagonism
- China's Involvement in Sudan
- Do you think we are headed for a recession?
- Bush on Israel
- The "Can anyone now say the Surge isn't working?" thread OP article isn't "NEWS"
- Can anyone now say the Surge isn't working?
- Are Republicans In Unilateral, Constant Preemptive Aggressive Politic War in the US?
- Hillary Clinton is unelectable
- "Change"
- Where are you on the compass?
- This Forum, vs. "News Sites" that are not... "Non-Partisan" Orgs that are not..
- Libertarians! 08 candidates
- This is retarded
- Voter ID Law....safeguard or supression?
- The Comeback Clintons
- Is it really important that I vote
- Guns helping lower crime?
- Obama the perfect candidate?
- Political Ads
- Thats my boy
- Cynthia McKinney :Green Party Presidential Candidate-How Is She Worse Than Your Pick
- constraint thread 2: the political recursion game
- Constrained Thread: Hillary is of a Corrupt Presidency, How Is She Acceptable?
- something to consider
- Obama, Huckabee win Iowa caucuses
- A dialogue with Those Who Wouldn't Vote Republican: Five Untouchable Symptoms
- Political Affiliations
- SC1: Healthcare in the US
- Solution-centric discussion!
- Police & Prosecutorial Misconduct: Do You Have a Personal Tolerance Limit?
- Police - An evening in America
- Benazir Bhutto Is Dead
- Where do we draw the line between political discussion and ideological spam?
- 1,000 Attorneys...
- Is American "conservatism" and the President's Oath of Office, Incompatible?
- Please take a moment to pause, and think of our Military overseas this Christmas
- Get out of New Jersey while you still can
- "Fixing" Non-Exsitent Problems, Does it only SEEM Corporate Media Is Promoting It?
- Rate Ron Paul's performance on Glenn Beck tonight
- Facebook Poll versus ABC News Poll
- I'm afraid of the candidates :(
- How Will "They Stand Up", So We can "Stand Down", If we kill them without consequence
- Canada: Mulroney Schreiber affair
- This is damn funny
- interpretations, stare decisis, and judicial activism/tyranny
- A modest proposal
- Why are these two guys still in office, and another question-
- In the Climate of the Bush "Politics of Fear", Democrat Leaders Our Eyes & Ears?
- Romney - "attacks on my faith are un-American".
- Socialist Bush
- What would be in it for Iran?
- nic report methodology and spin
- Presidental Election - Questions...
- Ignoring the Neoliberals and Agricultural Transformation
- Muslims call for the death of English school teacher...
- 16 members, or so (So Far...) voted "no" to Issue #4 on the "6 Issues" Thread
- no special class in this country, uh uh.
- Yes or No: Stephen Colbert:Journalists = stenographers recording what Bush admin. sez
- For those against the death penalty:
- where do you stand on 6 issues?
- The "Real" Story of Thanksgiving by Rush Limbaugh and John Stossel
- This can't be real.
- Iraq:"It can be saved and won", Can You Be Reliably Informed Yet Have That Opinion?
- Personal details of 25 million Britons "lost"
- The truth about Social Security
- Letīs do history together on DEC 16th!
- Limbaugh, or CBS News 24 Year Anchor, Rather? Reagan's "Noble" Vietnam War, Or?
- "It's all about oil !"
- Comparing Ron Paul to the "Serious" Candidates
- If the CSA had won the Civil War
- Intelligence Deputy to America: Rethink Privacy
- FEMA's "circle jerk": Is my reaction "too partisan" or is yours too cynical/apathetic
- Platforms you wish to hear
- Illegal Immigration
- Student organization - yea or nay?
- What is being partisan? Is it blind adherence, or holding non-fact based beliefs?
- GOP honorably helps Kucinich
- Who's Next?
- Do 2008 Election and $95 Oil Make This the Time to Rethink US Pro-Zionist Policies?
- Public broadcasting
- Here is the part where I tell you what to think
- Snowflake memos
- Ron Paul ISN'T Solution for Wealth Distribution, Economy, & President out of Control
- Presidential Candidate Selection Quiz
- The Free Market
- Cuban Missile Crisis: TRUE quotes - FALSE insinuation
- the 17th Congress of the CCP:princelings mean legitimacy十七大 太子党是合法性的来源?
- Boycott the 2008 Beijing Olympics 抵制北京奥运会!
- What Would the Conservative Biased Press be if a Democrat Praised this Guy?
- words of wisdom....
- Is this the face of Patriotism?
- outsourcing
- Why is being religious so closely tied with conservative politics?
- If Not Supply Side then What?
- A Symptom of Our Divide...That One Faction Sees no Difference: Hsu vs. Abramoff?
- Chris Dodd and the California Primary
- Why is the approval rating for Congress so low?
- CANADA: Throne Speech This Evening (10/16/2007)
- microstamping for crime solving?
- Harper & The Throne Speech
- If an American Soldier asks, "What Are We Fighting For", How Would You Answer?
- turkey, armenia, iraq yikes.
- Al Gore wins the Nobel Peace Prize
- Anne coulter...again..."Jews need to be perfected"
- Guns and Parenting
- CNBC Announces Maria's Puff Interview of Resident Bush
- Global Climate Change - youtube video - worth a watch
- Does it RESTORE enough?
- Against wishes of country, congress, Bush vetoes healthcare bill for poor children
- anthropologists and the military
- Illegal Flag Vs. Destruction of Private Property
- A little bit of world politics.
- When can we hold the Dems accountable?
- What's your meat footprint?
- Hey Big Spender.....
- Texas Legislature Massive Fraud
- Blatant Disregard
- Fuck Bush: Colorado State's student paper pushes the free speech button
- i finally registered to vote
- The Political Compass
- the paradox of prophecy and the tragic dilemma of leadership
- Help me understand Jena 6 protesting
- Don't Tase Me Bro
- Hillary's Health Care Idea NSFW
- Greenspan: "Iraq was is largly about oil".
- The Bin Laden Video... is fake
- Russian Government Dissolved
- naomi klein's "shock theory"
- One too many Fosters?
- Concentration of Media Ownership?
- tonight's republican debate/Fred enters the ring
- the bush administration's view of executive power
- Saudi Arabia and the arms deal
- Television is a Vast Wasteland - Newton Minow
- Education in the USA
- What's all this hub-bub about George Bush?
- The accumulated data thread (GW)
- bad neighborhoods and urban development
- Its about time?
- US to attack Iran?
- Hiding the information Act
- Republican's strategy to take the white house in 08
- Simple Politics
- this about says it all....
- Karl calls it quits?
- If Only.....!!!
- Single Issue Debates
- The "Do Nothing" Democrats?
- Hugo Chavez
- Feds raid over warrantless wiretap leak
- Have you ever given money to a campaign?
- So ummm... Tom Tancredo
- Does the term "Wingnut" Fit the Mindset, Is Their Disinformation Ruining The Country?
- Soviet Socialism Reborn... ?!