- Funny article on the election by Bill Bryson
- Is it true in Pittsburgh??????
- Problems at the Polls...
- Alaska - Marijuana
- Follow the money.
- The Draft
- Let's just pray whoever wins
- I totally got disenfranchised (aka: I am dumb)
- Why aren't there voting alternatives?
- Happy Election Day!
- Do Americans care about what Canadians think about the election?
- Good luck in the election tomorrow America
- Full transcript of bin Ladin's speech
- Watch Stolen Honor
- Rational of a Suicide bomber
- Timeframe before we KNOW
- The Winners Circle
- Who will you vote for?
- Mrs Mephisto wants to know...
- Anyone else upset...
- Colorado's Amendment 36 = Political Suicide?
- How will you get your elections news tomorrow?
- So, no October surprise after all?
- Opinion polls and the US election
- Final Thought Before Election Day
- republican thugs will not be allowed to harass voters at the polls in ohio
- Kerry's Discharge Is Questioned by an Ex-JAG Officer
- don't vote???
- Dead Votes
- Mistranslation in Bin Laden Tape
- Politics and the Net - information or agitation?
- Capital Punishment?
- Responsibility to Vote?
- US citizens and Oil policy changes
- Bush/Edwards and other possible election results
- Iran wants new toys.
- Winter Soldier
- How will you feel if Kerry is elected?
- How will you feel if Bush is re-elected?
- The Bush Pledge
- terrorists or insurgents
- Kerry fans? No need to worry!
- Interesting graph on political demographics
- those texas house races
- Osama video
- Al-Qaida releases new Bin Laden tape just before U.S. election
- Some of the missing explosives may have been destroyed
- Bush clones Soldiers
- Germany's Largest Newspaper Endorses Bush
- National Security Threat???
- So what is the Dept of Homeland security really up to?
- 9/11 is Bushs' fault
- FBI investigates Halliburton contracts
- Battle of the movie-stars
- Florida ballots go missing [Is this news in the US?]
- Who could follow Arafat
- Bush gets an endorsment...
- Democrat or Republican, this is what your side does and what your vote supports...
- Explosives Were Still in Place After Invasion?
- Ohio Elector
- Presidential alternatives
- Bush flip-flops on Iraq
- The United States of America is not a democracy!
- Democracy on the retreat in Florida
- Greatest American
- Arafat in Critical Condition
- Eminem's new video
- RFK Jr book - Crimes Against Nature
- List of Notable State and Local Amendments to be voted on...
- 100 facts
- The Electoral College from a Founding Fathers Perspective.
- USA Patriot Act
- Presidential Poll - Take 2
- Florida's Touch Screen Voting
- Stern FCC Chairmen faceoff on Ron Owens radio show
- ABC News withholding a tape threatening another attack.
- Poll: How would you vote, if no vote was "wasted"?
- I Give Up
- Mr. Bush harnesses ''facts,'' both true and false
- BBC says Republicans planning to intimidate black voters
- Bush's website not accessible from outside the US?
- Politically-biased news sources?
- More $$$ for Iraq! Will this effect Nov. 2?
- Bush Intentionally Refrains From Striking Zarqawi
- CA Assembly District 1
- US Deficit Graph
- A Letter to America
- Extended voting? Anybody bothered by this?
- Flu Vaccine and Edwards
- America threatening Taiwan's Sovereignty?
- 50 Iraqi troops ambushed, killed
- Proposition 200 -- 2004 Arizona Ballot Initiative
- US Election "for the rest of us"
- Kerry transition teams taking steps to heal america
- Badnarik for President... perhaps
- Do you EVER listen to or accept a story from the "other side"?
- John "Mr. Integrity" Kerry caught in a lie
- Question: Absentee Ballots in Florida
- Rehnquist Diagnosed with Cancer
- If Bush or Kerry both say there will be no draft
- New Yorker endorses Kerry
- Bush thinks God wants him as President
- More Spin for Kerry's Campaign
- Riots in PA if Bush wins the State? (this thread is now entirely about gun control)
- The Denver Post's Endorsement, well sort of...
- Findings on "Fahrenheit 9/11"
- Bill Clinton: Off the Operating Table, Into the Kerry Camp
- 380 tons of high explosives missing in Iraq, for over a year.
- Why I Am Voting For Sen. Kerry
- Early voting...anyone taking advantage of this?
- Soldier files suit to avoid Iraq tour
- Good news from Russia
- CIA Report on 9/11 Being Withheld From Congress Untill After Elections
- october surprise coming monday morning, or just another internet rumor?
- CIA broke the Geneva Conventions... again
- Pat Buchanan's last minute endorsment of Bush
- How would a terrorist attack affect the election?
- a good reason for "Four More Years!" (NSFW)
- Florida State Consititutional Amendments 2004
- the updside of a win by the cadidate you oppose
- Must see..
- The Guardian At It Again
- Sell your vote on Ebay!
- Bush and Kerry Supporters Have Separate Realities
- Bush vs Kerry... and Astros vs Red Sox?
- How can people justify not voting?
- How would you deal with Social Security?
- Anti-Bush Ad going around the adult industry
- Hmmmm weird thought about a massive October surprise
- Billions in Iraqi Oil Revenues Missing
- $137 Billion in Tax cuts for Corporations
- CIA report being witheld from congress
- Why I am truly scared of a Kerry/Edwards win.
- whats up with electronic voting?
- Inherent Autonomy: The Intrinsic Nature of the Human Condition
- Trail Run: Post how you would solve increasing Drug prices
- Fear and Loathing on The Campainge Trail
- Proof of African-American Disafranchisment in 2000?
- Bush predicted no casualties
- Soldier sentenced to eight years
- Most Bush Supporters: Intentionally ignorant or unable to process reality?
- Most Bush supporters: Intentionally ignorant or stupid?
- Say Somethig you like about your canidates opposition
- Whos for Nader and Why?
- The Problem With Instant Runoff Voting
- Should the U.S. go into Sudan?
- Interesting article on Afghanistan
- Anti Kerry film cut
- U.S. Election Predictions
- How will your SO be voting? (USA election)
- What do you say to a Revolution?
- Why not repeal taxes for people making over a million?
- Where's the good in Kerry???
- Iran endorses Bush
- Anti-Kerry film backlash for Sinclair
- A very important, very relevant article
- Cheney and GOP getting very desperate
- Bush and 1984
- Another Flip Flop! What else is new for the embellisher?
- How to get ready for a debate
- who are you going to vote for?
- Kerry Excommunicated?
- Still Undecided?
- What John Kerry does NOT want you to see...
- Obviously a Black Tie only event (or "Don't use Threads Titles for digs")
- 20 Years in the Senate and this is what we got!
- I have a question regarding our candidates
- Does anyone feel the polls are underestimating Dems this year?
- Did Bush evade $2.4 million income tax on his 1998 filing?
- Bush, the Faith-Based President
- Should people who aren't that bright be allowed to vote?
- Anyone watching "Meet the Press"?
- Is Bush ill? He looks like he's sufferred a stroke.
- Kerry and Police Support
- Environmental issues
- *kind of* off topic...but not really
- Video: How does Bush keep us safe....
- Political Signs
- Desperate Democrats Use Fear Mongering Tactics
- where's the good in bush?
- John Stewart... Funny shit
- US Soldiers not willing to die for the war?
- Media blackout over the illegal Cobb/Badnarik arrests
- Will the "Seperation of Church and State" premise, survive if Bush is elected?
- Response to hijacking by fighters...
- Jon Stewart on Crossfire 10/15
- Iranian Nuclear Proliferation
- Has anyone else noticed this???
- The Politics of Football
- "Singapore's the size of a booger"
- a comparison between clinton and 9/11
- John Kerry evades question of ties to Iranian Goverment
- Rolling Stone Magazine
- Is enthusiasm really necessary?
- the great bar debate..
- Kerrys paid just 12% on combined Income tax in 2003
- Questions for the Libertarians
- Lynne Cheney pissed at Kerry over the lesbian issue...
- How many of you have had a heated argument with a family member over elections?
- Bill O'Reilly, another seriously confused conservative
- Non-American viewpoints on Election
- Political climate in America
- There's no such thing as a "wasted vote"
- a quick question for kerry supporters....
- Where does the Internet lay politically?
- So who do you think won the third debate?
- Legality election question
- Final Debate Thread....(thank the gods)
- Foreign attempts to sway US elections
- Is there anything that can be said in tonight's debate that will sway your vote?
- Our candidate can't win on his own merit, let's commit voter fraud.
- First Amendment outdated?
- october surprise?
- Dailykos.com
- Vote for Change Tour on Sundance
- Where Will Bush Get More Votes than he did in 2000?
- Chris Reeve's sad death and the political flamefest
- Hamdi
- Damn Liberal Media
- Words from Garrison Keillor concerning change in the Republican Party
- Sinclair Strikes Again
- internet political memes - do they affect you? plus Bush dementia?
- Latest stance on terrorism by Kerry
- Anyone else feel that the Vice-Presidents are more qualified?
- Good Party Affiliation Quiz
- Is Bush Endangering Our Troops To Improve His Election Chances?
- Kerry is a bad candidate
- why do you love or hate Politics?
- Presidential Race And Guns
- Presidential Candidates Acting Like Leaders
- Ears Full of Bullshit, Ass Full of Smoke: Is There Spin-Free Political News?
- Polling Good or Bad?
- Iraqi Elections
- Bush cant speak for himself?
- For everyone who said Iraq was not a threat...
- Can terrorism be stopped by any President?
- Town Hall Debate Thread
- Medical malpractice reform
- 3rd Party Presidential Debates
- A new one from JibJab...
- What If? Internet had existed during lead-up to Third Reich.
- Why come?
- welfare state
- for Palestine - Bush or Kerry is same old S#@!
- A lie worse than Clinton's
- Of Rights and Wrongs
- Jim Borgman - Cartoonist
- On Poverty
- Report: No WMD in Iraq, no imminent threat, only "intent"
- no wmd, according to one inspector...