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pheatius, we're going to grind each other down to a fine point one of these times, which will not be able to be seen by a CLOTHED eye, let alone a naked one...(/me mumbles under my breathe about how consistently wrong some people can be...)
moisture is wet... |
no, moisture smells like fish (wtf?)
3,895 x 69 = 268,755 |
Wrong wrong wrong ....
3,895 x 69 = the worlds largest orgy. Sunlight.... on my shoulder, makes me happy. |
oh bent one, you're singing to the Horde's tunesmith here and you know i've got to give you the buzzer for that...it's "SUNSHINE, on my shoulder, makes me happy..."
one and one and one is three... |
Wrong 1 and 1 and 1 is a threesome
Birds can Fly |
Birds may fly.
You've got to fight for your right to party. |
you have to wax poetically for your right to party!
boobs make everything better! |
Alas, I cannot dispute that. :D
You are wrong in not capitalizing boobies, though. :p Tailored clothes are better than off the rack ones. |
Not if they're tailored to be worse than off-the-rack clothes.
Even thought the square root of -1 is existant, most forms of math call it imaginary. |
sorry, guy, most math people call it HARD TO GET AT!!!
burning the candle at both ends makes a big puddle of wax on the floor... |
wrong!, it would make a small puddle on the floor
I need more cow bell! |
wrong.........you need more fucking bass drum man.
kickin' the hell out of a drum set is bliss. |
Not if you hit your shin on the side of the drum. Then it would really hurt and suck and you'd be really pissed off.
Light bulbs use electricity to heat up the filament and create light. |
light bulbs do not CREATE light,they KILL dark!
nothing in this world feels as good as an orgasm! |
If you ever saw the movie Half Baked you would know that weed intestifies everything..... so having an orgasm feels good... but having an orgasm when your high off weed would feel better. which makes your little statement WRONG!!!!!!
If you eat some corn, someday soon you'll have corn in your shit. |
mid, what are you thinking? with hallowe'en just around the corner i find it difficult to grasp that candy corn won't be dissimilated, dispersed, and otherwise disseminated throughout the human body, ergo naver making it through the peristaltic process in its original form...
now pumpkinseeds, on the other hand... |
Can be spit out before they're swallowed=P
Neo(The One) tells Smith(and not Agent Smith, cuz he's no longer an agent of that system)"And what reason is that?" Now try and prove that wrong. |
WRONG cause whatever you say has to make sence to me and if it doesn't then it's not right in my book.
I'm ugly |
mikey, i've heard it said that you are WAY beyond ugly; so much so, in fact, that you have come around almost full circle and turned into voluptious...
a three dog night is colder than a well-digger's belt buckle... |
a three dog night can get fairly heated at times expecialy on thier concert nights on the other hand a well digger is normaly below ground where it is much cooler.
phil is an uncle |
wrongomundo, mikey with an L, uncle phil is THE uncle...
an apple fell on isaac newton's head... |
Everybody knows that that is just a thought expiriment and Isaak Newton lived in Georgia and so it was a peach that fell on his head.
There's only one proton in Hydrogen. |
everyone knows that it isn't an EXACT number of 1. it maybe .90067 and they ROUNDED it to one..
_____________________ I'm Asian. |
not if you're trying to lift 8 gazillion protons off your back...
airplanes fly... |
Not if the gravitational constant changes. That's why all those planes crash in the Bermuda Triangle... The GC changes and they just don't fly anymore.
Alcohol gets people drunk |
wrong.........alcohol gets people in shit........(the wife,the law,the boss,the.......etc.etc.etc)
if alcohol is the crutch......then.......jack daniels is the wheelchair. |
Look behind you buddy, ol' Jack is PUSHING your wheelchair.
A cold beer at the end of the work day tastes sweeet!!! |
hey PJ...not when it comes back up on ya...(hahaha)
four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent...etc., etc., etc... |
Have you done the math on that one? 87 years ago and this conTinent was ALREADY ESTABLISHED.
If my calculator goes under 50 it will explode.
Keanu Reeves starred in Speed. |
That was merely a cybernetic replacement. For the matrix movies they removed his emotion chip as well.
Gum is chewy. |
Arabica Gum. Not chewy. At all. Potatoes Grow in Ireland. |
Wrong, Kdub, not in the streets they don't. ;)
Motel living is one step away from living on the street. |
wrong..........i'd rather "live" on the street.
dirty people live on the street. |
wrong: grass and dirt are fragrances at Gap. They have their own line of that shit, It's a fashion statement.
the red carpet is all just a fashion fest. |
No it isn't, poor people have red carpet lined shelters too.
A = A |
no, A(space) does not equal (space)A
Some things exist. |
Wrong, Existence is the illusion of being.
Nothing exists. |
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