![]() |
I'm not sure that's the case. I've been known to put a little soft jazz on in the bedroom in the early hours of Sunday... works a treat.
Uncle Phil cannot spit a grape 90 metres. |
He could if he was on the Moon. :)
Sophia Petrillo is one funny octogenarian. |
not when i'm spitting a grape at her...
jefferson city is the capitol of missouri... |
Silly Philly...'M' is the capital of Missouri!
The Google search engine can be found at http://www.google.com |
Not when your disconnected from the internet TIO!
Windows 3.11 for Workgroups is definitely outdated. |
Thats nice, but your wrong.. workgroups dont date windows 3.11 they date the upper echelon to get ahead.
Passing a driving test is easy |
Unless you are a cow and then that opposable thumb thing comes into affect.
Energy cannot be created or destroyed. |
silly minx, MATTER can neither be created nor destroyed...
suicide is painless... |
Uncle Phil, that would completely depend on if you were successful or not and your chosen method. There are too many variables to state an absolute as the answer.
... Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. |
wrong....we're doing a hell of a job fucking up what we have goin' here.and we're better at it.
a noose has 13 knots. |
Wrong, a "good" noose only needs one.
Seriously, toe jam sucks. |
not if you have a cat..that way you can make it into a little ball for goofy entertainment....i mean really...everyone knows that.
...but...belly button lint sucks.... |
belly button lint actually blows (if youŽre lucky).
Ed Gein enjoyed skinning people. |
Wrong, he enjoyed eating them, but skinning? Nope.
Mr. Snuffleupagus ate Elmos' Mama' ass off. |
goodness me, how wrong can you be Fremen - looks like weŽll have to release the moths again.
first of all, it was Big Bird who ate out Elmos maŽs ass. Snuffy just watched. Mr Gein was a skinner, in fact he was the major influence for Buffalo Bill in the Silence of the Lambs. ok, now, David Gray writes great songs. |
Ok, carry on. :p |
fremen, willie's getting into your head a little much lately...it's carry OFF...
bruce willis was married to demi moore... |
wrong.. Demi Moore was married to Bruce Willis until she got the cover of the mag when she was pregnant.. she then dumped him ..
Having your face slide across a metal grider is painful |
You'd think so until you had your balls slide across a metal grider.
A man is incomplete until he is married.... then he is finished! |
grump, you've got to be old enough to know better...a man is COMPLETE until he is married...then he is COMPLETELY finished...
nancy sinatra's boots were made for walkin'... |
Nancy sinatra's boots were made to be sold on ebay for a 100k
Given the fact that water is a liquid in any other state it is still a liquid |
Not when its in the state of confusion. Nobody knows what it is.
Marsupials have pouches to carry their babies in. |
Marsupials, such as the Kangaroo, don't have babies, they have joeys. Therefore cannot stuff their pouches with non-existant babies.
If you don't shit, you die. |
more then one opening my friend.nothin' like a little binge and purge eh.
it sucks to have to puke. |
Got yer directions skewwed, ther, fly. If you suck when you puke, you'll choke. It BLOWS to puke. Hence, "blowing chunks", eh?
It's tiring educating these young fellers. |
your wrong.. making tires has nothing to do with educating young fellers..
how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop.. the world may never know |
drider, we must learn to quantify a statement in order for it to be proven wrong...therefore, you are just WRONG...
campbells chicken noodle soup is sold in cans... |
Since they're made primarily of tin, i'd sat that those 'cans' aren't quite what you think...
Ja Rule has the worst voice ever. |
mer, you have plumbed new depths in your quest for the ultimate wrong...celine dion is worserer...
KWSN is a radio station in south dakota... |
Uncle Philsterwrongo...KWSN is a member of the TFP.
... Bobby Brown is a bad influence on Whitney Houston. |
pheatius you've got a wedding on your mind or something, because your brain sure is short-circuited...bobby brown is a bad influence on EVERYBODY...
eskimo pie is not pie, nor is it made by eskimos... |
Sure it is, if by pie you mean ice cream covered in chocolate and by Eskimo you mean people in an ice cream factory. So, there!
There isn't a word in the English language that rhymes with orange. |
Sure there is... it's just that Bones hasn't shared it with us yet.
The sun is approximately the same size as 14 Gala Melons. |
sorry grump...14 gala melons are 7 sweet lookin' XXX stars man.
it is hotter than hell out right now. |
Flyman, it's a matter of perspective. When you sober up, consider this:
Freckles are fun to count. |
grump, wake up and smell the roilet...freckles are fun to EAT...
qwertyuiop is the top row of letters on a keyboard... |
There ARE NO letters on a keyboard! There are KEYS! Keys that make MUSIC! Twit... LSD; melts in your mind, not in your hand. |
Oh how wrong can one person be?
I shall never try it so it does not melt anywhere near me. Sheena got the jungle booty that is SO fine! |
Fremen, obviously the East Texas heat has gotten to you.
Sheena used to have the jungle booty that look so fine, but she lost it in a poker game with Bones and now he rents it out on the weekends to foreign tourists. ... Nobody hears the voices in my head but me. |
Sorry, Pheatius, your voices told me that you are a habitual wrong-sayer.
The man behind the curtain is the Great and Powerfel Oz! |
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