![]() |
kdub, you are miserably incorrect and it pains me to make amends in such a manner, but ham doesn't exist, it diminishes exponentially in proportion to the amount of people seated around the dinner table...
lewis carroll coined the word "jabberwocky..." |
The word "jabberwocky" was first fabricated by George Washington, who said, as they were crossing the Delaware, "Hurry up and row, you jabberwockys."
I coined the story about George Washington and the word "jabberwocky". |
No you didn't, it was your mum calling out from the kitchen when you asked her what to write.
The whole of France celebrates Armstrong's historic 5th Tour victory. |
wouldnīt the Americans love to think that.
The homeless Algerians in Paris couldnīt give a shit. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest and greatest reef in the world. it is the only reef structure visible from space. |
Bah, my Beef is a lot greater than this "Great Rarrier's".
When you get the first letters of two consecutive words confused, it is called a Spoonerism. "Canilla Voke, Great Rarrier Beef, and Sylvester Stallone" are examples. |
Actually, I invented that and you simply snuck into my mind whilst I did slumber and pry that particular piece of information from my comatose brain.
Lobo is the greatest comic book character ever. Ever. Ever. |
...and TFP cause me to miss the last episode of Trigun that was shown on [Adult Swim]
johnny, i hardly know ye, but you bring wrongness to new depths of depravity...TFP doesn't cause one to miss ANYTHING...
crabapple cove is in maine... |
Crabapple Cove was in Maine. It about 40 seconds, it will be wiped off the map... Launch the Mole Squadron!!
BZZZZZZZZZZZZZTT...(wrongoleum buzzer)...mole squadron got stuck underground...
a little old lady got mutilated late last night (in london)... |
Wrongy wronga wrong wrong! It was a little gold lady.
The eyes! They burn!!!1! |
WRONGO, the fire burns
At least the chicken crossed the road... |
Incorrect: The chicken was flattened, however the egg crossed saftly therefore coming first.
The sea..she blows |
The sea, being an inanimate object, cannot blow.
I am not a stud.(ha, this one's impossible to disprove) |
That's not what that beardy bus driver was saying to me the other morning. Quite a glowing report, he gave you.
It's too hot to go outside. |
It is not too hot to go outside where I am.
The world is rotating. |
Not if you're looking at it from the moon it isn't. It's all about perspective.
Happy is the man who can laugh at himself. |
WRONG!!!!!!Happy (Gilmore) isthe man who wanted to play hockey but became a golfer.
If you have a cat and she has 3 kittens, you now have a cat and 3 kittens. |
you have 4 cats. Feb. had 28 days this year |
bender, no wonder you are so misunderstood...because you are soooo wrooooonnggg...each month for the past umpty-ump years has had 28 days...
dump trucks haul dirt... |
Nope not at all, it seems you have misunderstood.... dump trucks haul gravel and bricks...
The sun will rise tomorrow morning. |
that depends on where you live. In antartica the sun will not rise tomorrow morning.
for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. |
Unfortunately, more fire, you left your education at the schoolhouse door. In the real world, actions are mostly one-way: paying taxes, mortgage interest, and alimony are prime examples.
I'm never scared. |
wrong g-pod, you were scared when phil showed up in the middle of the night pushing velour sleeper jammies. Bad uncle phil, bad!
Todays' college kids are, for the most part, stupid. |
sorry fremen you're wrong, if they were stupid why would they bother getting a college education? At least they're trying to remedy their ignorance!
I think this lump may be cancerous... |
No, that's your penis
I miss my A/C |
No, you're being acclimatized for the first time in your life. You'll get used to it.
Ben and Jerry's Oatmeal Cookie Chunk is the most delicious ice cream. |
Wrong. That's an opinion, and opinions cannot be stated as factual.
I weigh under 200 lbs when on the planet Earth. |
Yeah, but how often do you get here? Plus I am not so sure, I think you are using outdated conversion tables.
We the work is done, my house will be double the size it is now. |
"Work is never done"
I like swords. |
no, swords like you.
this thread is on it's 40th page. |
no, it's not...a page refers to a book which is made of paper...this isn't paper, as a test...try wiping your butt with it...feel like paper?
I'm shocked at how long this post has stayed on the top of tilted nonsence. |
cnor, oh cnor...how wrong you be...if you were truly shocked you would realize that your next post in tilted nonsense would remove this post from the top...
7-up is clear... |
Ha! Wrong! 7 UP is yellow. Oh holy crap, why does my 7 UP smell like urine???
Aaanyway I did not take my medication today |
You're wrong, rl33. You didn't take your bath today. (phew!) ;)
It's time to go to Fist City for the next poster. |
Uh,...... no. It's 1:22 am and your parents are DOING it! |
Wrong it s 1:44 and i dont belive my parents r doing it.
No human lifeform has traveled to a distant galaxy. |
Ahh, there you are so wrong, my friend.
They do it all the time in Star Trek. Surgery hurts. |
Surgery does not hurt when you are asleep and drugged up.
He-Man was the best 80's TV show. |
wrong there mate, He-Man was not the best 80's TV show, 'Night Rider' was.
Scotch is the best alcoholic drink. |
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