![]() |
Wrongo pal. The best alcoholic drink is always the one in my hand.
Tuna fish and peanut butter sandwiches are stank nasty. |
Incorrect, they are both delicious and nutritious providing that you have had your tastebuds surgically removed.
You are older than you've ever been right now |
No, in my past life i was a turtle and i live to be 150 years old.
My penis is short, shriveled, and to the left :D |
Wrong, from our perspective, it's to the right.:p
Swords are cool. |
Not all swords are cool,in fact..I think rapier's are a girly-man's weapon.
Someone will post a reply to this! |
wrong, I'm a nobody
lesbians are cool |
Wrong, agentsmith. Lesbians are hot. ;)
Motorcycles, when properly ridden, are more fun than two polecats in a canvas sack. |
Wrong, the fun factor of two polecats in a canvas sack can only be determined through emotional examination of the specific polecats used for the endeavour, thus they could either be more or less fun than a properly ridden motorcycle
An apple a day keeps the doctor away |
No, not having insurance keeps the doctors away.
Vitamin C helps to boost your immune system |
Vitamin C is a cute redhead euro-pop singer
I have a headache. |
INCORRECT! By now you HAD a headache. I'm presuming you went and got some form of analgesic to make yourself feel better.
The grass is always greener on the other side |
remiel, remiel, remiel...your wrongness is exceeded only by your willingness to be deceived by age-old adages...grass is the same color here or there; it's only our perception of what we want the other side to be that lends seeming credence to that statement.
(jeebus, did i say all that?) yogi berra is originally from st. louis... |
Uncle Phil,
a person of your age should know by now that he came from his mothers womb. How wrong one can be when they get up in years..... I've just poked fun at Uncle Phil |
Bender, Uncle Phil is a fictional character on the popular TV show 'The Fresh Prince Of BelAir'. It is impossible to poke fun at people who don't exist.
My blood type is A Rhesus Negative |
remiel, tie your kangaroo down, sport, because you are so wrong even the 'roo can't help but run away from you...rhesus monkeys are very positive creatures and to allude to their negativity is oh, so wrong...
a picture is worth a thousand words... |
WRONG. A picture is only worth a thousand pixels.
The last person to post in this thread is the winnar! |
Nope, you are so wrong, Apokx. There is no "winnar", as you put it, for this isn't a competition. ;)
Cupid let fly with his arrow one too many times yesterday. |
you are wrong, for the last arrow that he let fly hit yo mammy who in turn gave me head all night long.
I am cool |
baaa, we've all been there so many times that, unless you live in the depths of antarctica or the frozen wilds of the alaskan tundra, you're warmer than the average bear...
a nickle is worth approximately 5 cents... |
Wrong, a nickle is worth whatever someone is willing to trade for it.
Arnold WILL be governor (of CA), then President. |
arnold is a freakin' robot man....oh yeah......aren't they all.
vermin is definately on the edge. |
an edge of one thing is just the beginning of another
it is the season of summer in the northern hemisphere |
Not if you stand on your head.
My penis is tiny |
You are wrong, baa, it's not tiny, it's miniscule. ;)
Salad is good for your colon. |
colons don't care aboot salad, you big idiot. semi-colons on the other hand...
E. Texas has many other things, besides steers and queers. |
Wrong! E. Texas only has one other thing besides steers and queers.
Having webbed feet would be cool. |
wrong, if you had webbed feet you couldn't wear those toe socks!
everyone dreams about naked midgets |
wrong! Some of us just wake up and see them in bed!
english beer is better than english wine |
They are equally bad. The library of Alexandria was burned in 150 B.C. |
tex, your history is a bit shaky to say the least; the great library of alexandria, named after charles e. beatley, jr., is still in existence at 5005 duke street, alexandria, virginia 22304...
my electricity was out from 4:11 pm until 11:10 pm thursday august 14, 2003... |
No it wasn't, you just mistakingly had your eyes closed during that duration and thought the lights were out.
This thread is making me learn a lot of new things. |
no, you because you can't read, and you already knew that.
baa, haven't you been around here long enough to learn that you aren't "typing" in all caps, you are ENTERING in all caps...
bones are made of calcium... |
sorry phil.....he's made outta smart ass remarks and a shitload of blah,blah,blah.
*he's a funny fucker too* hehe......the walrus is Paul.... |
no Paul was the eggman...the walrus refers to yoko's fat ass
there is no gravity, the earth sucks |
you is wrong mista pangavan, the earth doesn't suck, that $5 haircut you have does. ;)
Tranquility Base harbors cryogenically frozen midgets, awaiting the day that we are ready to un-thaw them. |
You are wrong, the Midgets have already been released and are marching on to New Mexico as we speak.
While drinking Dr. Pepper you can imagine it's a candybar and it will taste like chocolate cake. :D |
belt, you've been out in the sun waaaayyy too long...it's THC wine (bong water), not dr. pepper...and your taste buds will be altered in such a manner that you can imagine that you taste anything you want...
bugs shoulda turned left at albuquerque... |
Wrong!!!! If Bugs had turned left at Alb.....he would most certainly wind up in Quebec.........Not a good choice for a funny cartoon.....I saw the Bugs in Canada cartoon...........yawn.
My penis is 12 inches long. |
mr. president, monica SOOOO disagrees with you, and she wasn't sucking on your foot...
today is giant hamburger's birthday... |
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