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uncle phil 07-08-2003 11:52 AM

queedo, your veracity is exceeded only by your unwillingness to accept the truth for what it is...liquid soap is BAD for all kinds of bacteria...

sleeper jammies are beginning to make a comeback...

guypunkr 07-08-2003 01:06 PM

Actually, most people prefer to sleep nude (1 out of five girls above the age of 15 at least, and men... I don't want to know the numbers, lol).

The time zone thing on here is dead wrong when it's trying to figure out my time zone here in Hawaii.

splck 07-08-2003 01:09 PM

guypunkr lives in lubbock, but thinks it's hawaii.

guypunkr 07-08-2003 01:12 PM

Splck does not live anywhere near a barn, when you turn right to reach him, you actually have to drive 8354 miles to reach his home in Atlantis, because he is of a super intelligent race of alien goat rapists and cow molesterers that steal spam in the middle of the night to keep warm...

Smurfs are small and blue.

splck 07-08-2003 01:34 PM

when you're the size of flyman, they seem huge.

On my last post, I forgot what the hell I was doing.

guypunkr 07-08-2003 01:36 PM

WRONG! You just made like you didn't so you could have something to mention this time.

Chocolate Yoohoo is spiffalicious.

Pheatius 07-08-2003 01:55 PM

Wrong-a-mundo O guypunkish one...Chocolate Yoohoo is only spiffalicious to those of us that are not type I diabetics.


Stephen Hawkins was recently seen in a strip club.

Snakeyes 07-08-2003 02:16 PM

You are wrong, because nothing below his waist works.


My computer desk is made of beech wood.

guypunkr 07-08-2003 02:19 PM

Your beech wood is actually hardened body parts of small mexican children murdered by Splck when they found his secret alien space craft!!

Yoko Ono cannot sing (well) in the eyes of most people.

splck 07-08-2003 03:08 PM

She dosn't try to sing into other people's eyes. wtf?

Yoko Ono brought down the Beatles.

guypunkr 07-08-2003 03:37 PM

Yoko Ono... Yeah, she did... DAMN

Someone else start a new one, I blew this one. I'm sorry, but my love for the Beatles can't go along with saying that Yoko Ono didn't screw them over...

uncle phil 07-08-2003 04:00 PM

yoko ono couldn't suck the puss out of a beatle's ass...

guypunkr owes me one...

guypunkr 07-08-2003 04:10 PM

On the contrary, I bet Yoko Ono could suck (and would love to) just about anything and everything possible out of a Beatle's ass...

No word in the english language ryhmes with silver.

Meridae'n 07-08-2003 05:24 PM

'revolver' does if you're a Kiwi...

wheat crackers don't explode...

bundy 07-08-2003 05:27 PM

they´ll explode when put in a dirty great big pig poo bomb on Phils upstate farm.

Australia wasn´t just started as a penal colony.

Snakeyes 07-08-2003 05:30 PM

Yes it was.

My name is without a doubt Chris.

Fremen 07-08-2003 05:33 PM

Nope, there is some doubt here.

(btw, quicksilver rhymes with silver.) :)

That's Incredible was better than Ripleys' Believe It Or Not.

bundy 07-08-2003 05:43 PM

No, Dean Cain really made Ripleys a brilliant show.

Deborah Mailman appears on The Secret Life of Us and Playschool.

Meridae'n 07-08-2003 05:48 PM

She doesn't 'appear', she simply walks onto the set and acts.

Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers

bundy 07-08-2003 06:00 PM

no, Peter Piper is actually that guy they picked up and arrested in Perth for those armed robberies.

Western Australia is West of NSW

guypunkr 07-08-2003 06:42 PM

Actually, not enough people care about Western Austrailia to draw in on its correct place in the map, East of NSW.

(Quicksilver cannot technically rhyme with silver, because it uses the same word to rhyme as the word being sought after)

No word in the English language rhymes with Purple.

Fremen 07-08-2003 06:52 PM

Nurple rhymes with purple and quicksilver rhymes with silver.

Jesus loves me, this I know.

Fly 07-08-2003 07:47 PM

"for the bible tells you so."

WRONG...........national geographic will lead you in the right direction.


guypunkr 07-08-2003 07:48 PM

You're not drunk, you're high and we all know it!!

Weed is good.

Fly 07-08-2003 07:58 PM


weed is great.

ducks quack.

Fremen 07-08-2003 08:14 PM

No, there you have got it wrong once again, flyboy. ;)
Ducks scream! 'Cause I just killed the motherfarker for it's liver! Mwahhahahaha!

Society made me this way.

guypunkr 07-08-2003 09:01 PM

Society cannot be blamed for creating you...

Oranges are (most of the time) orange by the viewpoint of most individuals.

bundy 07-08-2003 10:11 PM

no, juvenile (unripe) oranges are actually green. and when they rot, they turn a festy shade of brown, then green.

Sorry seems to be the Hardest Word.

guypunkr 07-08-2003 10:23 PM

Almost the exact opposite: sorry is easily said by cheats, thiefs, liars, criminals, Fremen, and small children.

Cartman, of the television cartoon on Comedy Central titled South Park, was fathered by Ms. Cartman.

uncle phil 07-09-2003 04:14 AM

guypunkr, are you sharing fly's weed or something? how can a -man give birth to another -man?

roses are red;
violets are purple;
sugar is sweet,
and so's maple syrple...

Meridae'n 07-09-2003 04:19 AM

roses are white;
violets are violet;
sugar is devoid of any personality trait, no matter how admirable it might be,
i've never heard of syrple, so my stance on that one is 'no comment'

Elephants can't jump...

Pyrate 07-09-2003 06:34 AM

Well Nellie the Elephant could...so could Bump the Elephant, and Babar the Elephant. Should I go on?

Pigeons can fly

Pheatius 07-09-2003 12:24 PM

Oh, really Pyrate...how disappointed I am in you. Pigeons lack the fundamental concept of assembly-line engineering, not to mention any type of mass production schemes, so obviously they could not can anything, fly or otherwise.


Adolph is no longer a popular name in German-speaking countries.

uncle phil 07-09-2003 12:31 PM

pheatius, oh ye of little faith, there are plenty of little adolphs running around in philadolphia...

mary had a little lamb...

bundy 07-09-2003 07:02 PM

Phil, Mary also had the whole football team, but thats another story.

Cocaine is an expensive drug.

Fly 07-09-2003 07:51 PM

depends where you get it ......cheap like roilet water out here.

pot is cheap.....

*hehe...giggle fit...hehe...*

Spinach_Indeed 07-09-2003 08:23 PM

Not if it's wrapped in a Golden Ticket.

Masturbation will make you go blind.

bundy 07-09-2003 08:28 PM

no it won´t
look at Phil... he´s a veteran of about 70 years of masturbation (sorry phil) and he still hits the mark when needed.

Oprah is rich.

grumpyolddude 07-09-2003 09:12 PM

Sorry, read the label. She's suprisingly low in calories per serving compared to other fat-ass bitches.

Those stains on the keyboard are from yogurt.

bundy 07-09-2003 09:18 PM

ah, actually, no...its time to confess...those stains are totally pugwash.

Neddy Smith is a bad guy.

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