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HiThereDear 06-08-2003 02:34 PM

No God would allow such things as Macs! Therefore Mac God cannot, and does not exist.

My left testicle hangs slightly lower than my right or middle ones.

THE MAC GOD 06-08-2003 02:59 PM

i thought it was standard for men to have 2 balls...

The world is sperical in shape...

3leggedfrog 06-08-2003 03:02 PM

nahh it oblong slightly larger in the middle

the mac god does not exist. hee hee hee

THE MAC GOD 06-08-2003 03:06 PM

neither does your "Third" leg....

The world is not oblong

3leggedfrog 06-08-2003 03:11 PM

ahh envey it rears its ugly "head". lol the world is a slightly squshed ball and not a true sphere at all.

mac god is envious of my third leg.

THE MAC GOD 06-08-2003 03:34 PM

never seen it... so how can I be envious of something I know nothing about...

But, frog uses his cleaning syphon for his frog tank for other things...

3leggedfrog 06-08-2003 03:43 PM

yea like putting the water back into my tank.

mac gods snake (yea the real kind not the phalic kind) is creepy

Fly 06-08-2003 05:02 PM

nope.....it's slimey

i've got me a nasty sunburn.

3leggedfrog 06-08-2003 05:31 PM

no you got a first degree burn by the sun

my cell phone won't work

HiThereDear 06-08-2003 06:38 PM

No, you can't work your cell phone

I forgot to include my statement, therefore I had to edit this post.

crackpot 06-08-2003 08:13 PM

Nah. You pretended to omit your statement, in order to create an event to state.

Adults are obsolete children.

3leggedfrog 06-08-2003 10:22 PM

nahh were not obsolete

i want my bottle!

Wingnut 06-08-2003 11:47 PM

Nope, you are only interested in the contents!

Hal has got the best job on the planet

freedomdowntime 06-08-2003 11:50 PM

Somewhere there is a person with that name who has a shitty job.

This statment is false.

Wingnut 06-08-2003 11:55 PM

Nope, the mere fact that you made it false, means it is true, which means it is false which makes it true....

Life on earth is fragile

vermin 06-09-2003 12:02 AM

Wrong! Life on earth is tough and will survive and adapt, no matter how much toxic material we force it to live with.

If you mix toxic waste with clay, you can make little toxic bunnies.

myMHz 06-09-2003 12:08 AM

You can't really make a bunny at all, just a model of one.

The dead do not speak.

Fremen 06-09-2003 12:37 AM

Wrong, the dead do speak. Just ask Whoopi.

Root beer is the best beer.

Wingnut 06-09-2003 12:45 AM

Sorry, nothing beats hops and barley

Animal cruelty sucks

uncle phil 06-09-2003 03:24 AM

wing nut, how not right you are...some suckos are really into that...

the yankees lost again last night...

3leggedfrog 06-09-2003 06:35 AM

hey i am a yankee living in the south i never loose.

toxic bunnies are cute but not fuzzy.

Giant Hamburger 06-09-2003 07:55 AM

Incorrect, sir.
Here is my proof...
<img src="http://www.chewable.com/myfanwy/sensbun.jpg" width="640" height="493">

Now hamburgers, they are cute and not fuzzy. Perhaps that is what you ment my 3legged friend.

3leggedfrog 06-09-2003 08:10 AM

lol that was great but i don't think that a cow grinded up to bits and fryed or flamed broiled is ... cute. tasty but not cute.

there are many ways to cook a hamburger.

Midlandmadman 06-09-2003 08:27 AM

nope the are many differnt ways to prepare hamburger but only one way to cook it .........with heat!!!!!!!!

All this hamburger talk has made me hungry!

3leggedfrog 06-09-2003 11:05 AM

nahh you have a sensation that your body tells you is hunger. in reality you just may be slightly dehidrated.

killian irish red is a great beer!!!

GSRIDER 06-09-2003 11:27 AM

Wrong: You first need to drink EVERY BEER to detirmine if Killians is a Great beer.

Today is my birthday

uncle phil 06-09-2003 01:01 PM

(loud buzzer)...that is only what your birth certificate says...do you really believe that?

sun's out...

Giant Hamburger 06-09-2003 02:20 PM

Giant Hamburger met Uncle Phil's stare. "Look to the east, my friend. That is not the sun."

Uncle Phil glanced above the wall, his eyes straining to discover what loomed beyond the blazing horizon. Over the hills poured hundreds of angry villagers violently waving torches and pitchforks. The swarming mob pushed quickly towards TFP.

"I'll let you handle this," whispered GH as he backed away from Uncle Phil slowly.

Anytime is a good time for a giant hamburger.

paddyjoe 06-09-2003 02:32 PM

One time someone woke me at 3 in the morning and asked if I was hungry, so I slugged them. That was NOT a good time for a giant hamburger!

Tonite, they play for the Stanley Cup.

splck 06-09-2003 02:36 PM

No they don't, they (the only team that counts) got knocked out in the second round.

My girl got 10 out of 10 on her spelling test.

3leggedfrog 06-09-2003 04:41 PM

your girl friend sounds ... special... anyway there is alot more than ten questions on all the spelling tests she ever taken

tonight i will consume or eat some home made pasta sause.

splck 06-09-2003 04:51 PM

No fuckin' way can your house can make pasta sauce...no way !!

Flyman is going to shit when he reads this stuff. Oh well, he always says it's good to add to the old shitpile house.

paddyjoe 06-09-2003 05:01 PM

Y'know splck, I think flyman will be shitting long before he sees your post.

I had some delicious chicken parm for dinner tonite.

3leggedfrog 06-09-2003 05:08 PM

there is no such chicken call a parm

the tittiy board is awesome

Meridae'n 06-09-2003 05:20 PM

There is no such thing as a tittiy board (i know it's lame to pull you up on a spelling mistake, but there is no possible argument to your statement!)

Barney Rubble's wife is better than him...

blandestsounds 06-09-2003 05:48 PM

well i looked it up and your dog's name is "jebidiah" but i can see how you'd get confused

it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, and aeroplanes

3leggedfrog 06-09-2003 11:03 PM

nahh dogs and cats living together

ice tea is nice

Meridae'n 06-09-2003 11:09 PM

ice tea is not a spiritual entity and therefore has no temprement or emotional traits at all.

Anchovies taste like shit

3leggedfrog 06-09-2003 11:11 PM

nahh they are a great part of foreplay

barnie miller is great.

myMHz 06-09-2003 11:27 PM

Indeed the TV sitcom Barney Miller was great, as far as this barnie miller that you speak of how great can he be I never heard of him.

Radio commercials are 30 and 60 seconds long.

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