![]() |
balderdash, you're hungry for a big mac, not real food...
cinderella's fairy godmother was a nice lady... |
Phil, Phil, Phil..... your worng she wasn't a lady she was a fairy, an old one but a fairy just the same.
I have a thirst. |
no you have a craving called thirst you dont have a thirst
the matrix and the Advertisement Industry are the same thing |
no, because you have a choice (in most cases) whether or not you want to buy whatever the Advertisement Industry is selling, until you figure out a way to get out of the matrix, you have no choice but to be there.
Newspapers contain words |
Wrong..news papers contain chips ( Freedom/French fries )
and fish. The door is open |
What are you blind man? The door is plainly closed.
Sheesh. Bender got his avatar today. :D |
He certainly didn't on the other side of the international date line.
It's raining quite heavily right now. |
no its not, sumones pissing on your roof....
The Zeppelin album "how the west was won" is the number one seller right now |
Nup, just had a look... not even close over here.
Green eggs go best with ham |
only if your wanting some nasty bacteria
Minx, apparently, plays well with others. |
I seriously doubt it. She has to beg people to come to a BBQ at her house.
Playing on the TFP can use up a lot of time. |
Bah, it's not the playing that wastes your time, it's the reading and the typing that takes most of it up...
Larry Bird won 3 consecutive NBA MVP's - 1984, 85, & 86 |
No not really Larry and the team won. He didn't do it alone.
Books have pages. |
online books don't have pages
human's must breathe to survive |
Not quite acurate - They need to breathe air( amixture of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide) to survive. No good breathing Helium, although that might have a funny effect
Crocodiles are dinosoaurs |
Wrong! Crocodiles are Crocodiles!!!
So far, (excluding this post), everyone has been proved wrong by the next poster. |
so you think...some people lie...
jim morrison is buried in paris... |
No, he is buried under 6 feet of dirt
The element that is most common in the earth's crust is oxygen |
Wrong! The most common element in the earth's crust is Graham Cracker Crumbs.
53 miles is a long drive. |
Not to me... I'm used to traveling hundreds of miles... anything ofver 500 miles is a long drive...
A long drive is relative to the person(s) it concerns. |
53 miles is a long walk, but a short drive. I typed this |
Maybe... but there is no way for any of us to know that!
I am now classified in the Tilted Forum as "Tilted". (without the quotes) |
It dont see tilted avert your eyes
i just posted |
Did you just post, or what it actually just your hands doing your evil handiwork? ::quirks a brow::
My monitor has pixels. |
Maybe... but how do we know you are on a computer you own?
Johnny Bravo likes to do the Monkey... |
No Johnny likes to do a dance called the monkey, please don't put your own fetishes on poor Johnny.
I have a smirk on my face. |
at the time you wrote this maybe but most likely not now
The B rated movie bucket of blood is a hard to find. |
nonono, froggy...my nephew did a production of bucket of blood in his back yard last summer...
the producers and moon over parador were on amc back-to-back this past saturday... |
Uncle Phil you and i both know that movies do no have backs ... well i hope you know that.
sound is just vibrations |
eh? Sound is really a series of waves that transfer energy. The vibrations come when those waves hit our eardrums...
Ants have 5 noses |
not true, this if so this is jstu a generalization as it cannont be said that ants have 5 noses, maybe some.. but not all due to GM and accidents etc.
TV is the greatest invention ever |
without electricity, tv is nothing.
Hydrofluoric acid is the strongest inorganic acid. |
Huh uh, I'd say based on my acid reflux..stomach acid is.
Seeing is beileving. |
I seen a polar bear ride a moose on the Simpsons last night... and I still don't belive it
The Statue of Liberty's nose is 1.37 metres long |
not in this pic i am looking at it is less than inch.
meridae'n is insane |
Is Meridae'n insane, or is this accusation simply the result of Meridae'n's actions contrasting from that which 3leggedfrog percieves as being "not insane"? ... :) Insanity, as with much everything else, is relative.
The background color for the TFP is a dark teal-ish color. |
not if your color blind
stiltzkin is tilted |
I'm not really tilted, just a bit slanted.
w00t is the sound an owl makes when it is aroused. |
Don't think so. It's what grandpa says when he can't hear me.
We don't do metric, and that's final. |
who is this we there buddy
theories are not facts |
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