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rat 06-25-2003 07:56 AM

That's quite inaccurate as some dogs are known to scavenge from the bodies of other dogs, and thus, the digested dogs create said "dog pellets" when excreted from the dog of consumption.

Stairway to Heaven is the greatest rock song never released as a single

bender 06-25-2003 09:48 AM

rat...please step away form the bong.

Margrettaville by Jimmy Buffet is the greatest rock song never released as a single.

Space is mostly empty.

rat 06-25-2003 12:01 PM

Bender, the only empty space is that between my ears.

Space itself is populated with particles, stars, solar currents, gases, and theoretically black holes as well.

tomatoes are the only fruit both commonly mistaken as a vegetable and used as a source of displeasure with a poor public performance.

uncle phil 06-25-2003 12:08 PM

rat, your knowledge base is as twisted as your tail...eggs serve both purposes as well...

marlon brando, robert duvall, and martin sheen starred in "apocalypse now..."

rat 06-25-2003 12:12 PM

i wouldn't call it "starred in," more like "got caught in a bad acid trip during"...

Matrix: Reloaded had a very deep, meaningful plot with a superb cliffhanger ending :o

bender 06-25-2003 01:27 PM

rat .... rat.... rat....
any movie with K. R. as a star in it can not have any of the above.

I wish that I had a million dollars in my bank account

Peetster 06-25-2003 03:15 PM

No, you wish you had a million dollars in shiny quarters on your kitchen table right now.

I just finished a beer.

mrsandman 06-25-2003 04:23 PM

NAY...It was finished in some obscure brewery, somewhere in the distant past...you just drank the contents of the bottle/can/glass.

The word "especially" does not have a "K" in it!

Scott 06-25-2003 04:59 PM

Actually, Mrsandman, the dutch word for "especially" is "Voornamelijk," which which obviously does contain a "k."

"And you just don't get it
You keep it copacetic
And you learn to accept it
You know it's so pathetic" are lyrics by Local H.

Meridae'n 06-25-2003 05:33 PM

To my knowledge, those are lyrics by Scott form TPF. I have no reference to Local H, or in fact, any reason to believe they exist...

If my colon gets cancer, i die.

paddyjoe 06-25-2003 05:42 PM

Hey mate, you're goofy. They'll cut part of it out, give you some chemo, and back in business you go.

Tomorrow is my day off!!!!!!

OranjeDrank 06-25-2003 07:30 PM

Tomorrow never comes...except maybe in that Annie movie

Gatorade(R) is scientifically formulated to replace more of what you lose when you sweat by providing fluids and electrolytes to promote complete rehydration and carbs to refuel working muscles.

uncle phil 06-26-2003 03:59 AM

od, you've been drinking too much of that "juice"...there is no such thing as "complete" rehydration...

tiger woods can hit a golf ball...

Fly 06-26-2003 04:29 AM

wrong my friend phil.......

tiger woods "kills" the golf ball.

the five iron is the utility club.

bender 06-26-2003 09:11 AM

Flyman what are you from out of town ?
The Utility Club is a rocking pub down on forth .

its good to be the king.

Pheatius 06-26-2003 11:39 AM

I think King Charles I would disagree, O prince Bender, as his head was detached from his body to speed the end of his reign.

Nobody is perfect.

uncle phil 06-26-2003 12:06 PM

phaetius, phaetius, phaetius, phaetius...all i can say to that is...oh?

today is pete's birthday...

bender 06-26-2003 02:23 PM

Phil !!
Thats some narrow thinking you've got going on over there.
the pete that I know has his b.day in Sept.

I got rid of my aviator as a show of support and I miss it.

Meridae'n 06-26-2003 04:18 PM

You got rid of your avatar because you wanted people to know you cared about the forum... if you missed it, you would get it back.

Polar bears make lousy bedfellows...

Tophat665 06-26-2003 06:00 PM

Unless they're dead or you're a Female polar bear.

George W. Bush has never had carnal knowledge of a farm animal.

bing bing 06-26-2003 06:37 PM

Bullshit, his wife moans like a cow in orgasm during their daily enema session.

God is hung like Ron Jeremy.

rmarshall 06-26-2003 07:55 PM

Wrong! God's doesn't "hang". It stands straight out all the time.

It sure was hot today.

Meridae'n 06-26-2003 08:53 PM

Outside my building it is currently 12 degrees Celcius... you call that hot???

Women are never wrong...

paddyjoe 06-27-2003 01:25 AM


It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Fly 06-27-2003 02:39 AM

it used to be until mr. rodgers left us.

it is fucking hot out,and it's 3:30 in the morning.

Nisses 06-27-2003 02:59 AM

wrong, you posted at 11.39 AM :p

I need to shave more.

Fly 06-27-2003 03:23 AM

wrongo..........you need to wax more often.

Nisses is a rookie with 40 posts.we welcome Nisses

uncle phil 06-27-2003 03:41 AM

...only in the biblical sense, fly...

i'm drinking coffee right now, in between pounding on the keyboard...

Fly 06-27-2003 04:16 AM

wrong buddy......you're poundin your pudding and drinking coffee.

tea is for girls eh.

Nisses 06-27-2003 04:27 AM

Wrong! Tea is against girls!

My popsicle has a stick so I can hold it without melting the ice.

mrsandman 06-27-2003 05:11 AM

unlikely...it is what some call a penile enhancement.

I still haven't found what I'm looking for.

ape123123 06-27-2003 05:45 AM

Ah, but you have found what you're looking for and his name is David Hasselhoff.

I think its time for breakfast.

bender 06-27-2003 06:37 AM

Not here my syminan friend, its past breakfast time and getting closer to Miller time.

I've fallen and can't get up

uncle phil 06-27-2003 12:48 PM

bender, you simpering nincompoop, all you have to do is "CLAP...CLAP"

sandman previously aluded to some U2 lyrics...

Midnight_Son 06-27-2003 01:04 PM

no he didn't, what he said had nothing to do with spy planes. :o)

that, was a really dumb joke

bender 06-27-2003 01:06 PM

No no it was such witty remark that some people just don't understand it.

I going to play a ball game tonight.

Fly 06-28-2003 04:39 AM

sorry bender.....i thought you said you were playing with your balls

my truck will soon to be mobile.

uncle phil 06-28-2003 04:43 AM

fly, the only way your truck is going to be mobile is if it unchains itself from the rollback it is sitting on top of...

i need more coffee...

Fly 06-28-2003 06:16 AM

wrong phil.......

the way you're rippin around tfp today,i think you should chill out on the coffee.

uncle phil has a nice vette.

rat 06-28-2003 08:30 AM

That's a lie flyman, uncle phil sold that veteran a year ago :o

Rat is a four legged creature

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