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uncle phil 07-23-2003 04:07 PM

guy, you are the epitome of wrongocity...the tfp is the coolest community in ANYONE'S opinion...

grump messed up my last factoid...

Fly 07-23-2003 04:31 PM

sorry phil.....*edit*messed up your factoid.

it is daaaaammmmnnn hot out today....

splck 07-23-2003 09:03 PM

flyman, the weather has been just right. You work on a roof with a fucking tiger torch. Stop pointing the damn thing at yourself, you'll complain less.....

flyman tends to complain.

Coolidge 07-23-2003 09:39 PM


Originally posted by splck
flyman, the weather has been just right. You work on a roof with a fucking tiger torch. Stop pointing the damn thing at yourself, you'll complain less.....

flyman tends to complain.

wrong...flyman is the most humble person you'll ever meet.

I think I'm getting fatter

TwistedFate 07-23-2003 10:20 PM

Wrong, it's your clothes that are shrinking.

I am outstanding in my field.

guypunkr 07-23-2003 11:11 PM

Wrong, Twisted is out sitting in his field (be sure you make sure those weed rats don't climb anywhere too warm)...

My guitar pick is currently in my mouth.

Fremen 07-24-2003 04:54 AM

Wrongo, more like the mouth of your acoustic. (give it a good shake)

Dave Attell is a cool guy to drink with.

castex 07-24-2003 05:42 AM

No he's not. He's a complete nob after half a pint of shandy - leering, pinching girls' bottoms, missing the dart board, and tonelessly singing boorish rugby songs. As if that wasn't bad enough, if you're foolish enough to allow him a Tia Maria chaser he'll cough, splutter, then be copiously sick on the carpet before eating the contents of the nearest ashtray while moaning the name of his first and only girlfriend.

I'm just too conscientious about my work.

bing bing 07-24-2003 07:20 AM

negative. if you were, you wouldn't need to tell us.

Arnold will be back.

bender 07-24-2003 08:18 AM

Wrong ....
Arnold is being made into Canadian bacon along with the rest of the pigs.

I am the God of all hell fire, and I bring you fire.

looneytoon 07-24-2003 09:21 AM

If you are a God you're omnipotent so you can't bring me anything - you're already here.

Mother knows best.

Pheatius 07-24-2003 10:47 AM

Mother lets you play with those weird kids on the TFP, therefore she can not possibly know best. (Although I hear she is a MILF)


Being dead kills your sex life.

lurkette 07-24-2003 11:33 AM


Originally posted by Pheatius

Being dead kills your sex life. [/B]
Not around a necrophiliac mortician.

There is a fire engine outside my window.

uncle phil 07-24-2003 12:29 PM

lurkette, how can one so cute be so wrong...that's not a fire engine outside your window, it's a fire TRUCK which happens to have an engine...

i haven't said "hey" to flyman in a while...

lurkette 07-24-2003 01:16 PM

You flatterer, you ;)

Sure you have, only in your head where he can't hear you.

I am sleepy.

splck 07-24-2003 01:33 PM

sorry lurkette, you're dopey.

I am grumpy.

grumpyolddude 07-24-2003 09:26 PM

I don't think so, spick!

Life is full of an amazing variety of crap!

I really would like to thank everyone for leaving this one here for me to find. I almost smiled and cracked my face wide open!

TwistedFate 07-24-2003 11:16 PM

Life a delicious cereal with no crap to be found.

Mikey will eat anything.

(Bonus points for having both my statements related by a common theme)

guypunkr 07-24-2003 11:52 PM

Sorry, but Mikey didn't eat the milk out of his cereal bowl, he drank it.

You can have your hand chopped off in Muslim countries for stealing.

Fremen 07-25-2003 12:26 AM

Nope, wrong, guyp. You will have it chopped off, it's not a choice you can make.

Jack don't know shit.

guypunkr 07-25-2003 12:30 AM

Jack's taken a crap before, I'm sure of that. So he must know shit, I mean, if something came out of your ass sometime, wouldn't you make damn sure you knew what it was?

Love is the greatest joy and darkest sorrow that I have ever known...

Mavric98 07-25-2003 01:21 AM

You are wrong. The greatest joy would be to fuck the hotest chick on the planet, and the darkest sorrow would be to find out that it was your sister.

The next person who makes a post is cool.

uncle phil 07-25-2003 12:31 PM

not on this idyllic summer afternoon, mav...(and i'm WAY beyond cool)

dude's goin' to UT...

Fly 07-25-2003 06:29 PM

sorry phil buddy....but it's uranus.

that's where he's goin'.

man,these T-bones are tasty.....

bing bing 07-25-2003 10:54 PM

They're not tasty if you're a militant member of PETA.

My car's oil leak with subside if given enough time.

Fremen 07-26-2003 03:34 AM

Au contraire, mon frere, you have a dike on your hands and there's no plugging it.

"Armegeddon" ripped off "Damnation Alley".

uncle phil 07-26-2003 12:17 PM

fre, correct me if you are WRONG...wasn't that dalmation alley?

mercury is closer to the sun than venus...

vermin 07-26-2003 01:06 PM

Wrong! Sol and Venus have been friends for years while Mecury could be termed an acquaintance at best.

For a cartoon character, teen-aged Pebbles is hot.

KellyC 07-26-2003 01:55 PM

thats funny...it always answers when i calls out "bitch"

the Sun is not yellow

KellyC 07-26-2003 01:56 PM

aww shit....i fucked up....

uncle phil 07-26-2003 04:19 PM

well...fix yourself!

bing bing 07-27-2003 02:34 AM


Originally posted by uncle phil
well...fix yourself!
Evidently, this has failed to happen. Perhaps your instruction was wrong or insufficient. Thus, i've take the initiative.

Grass is green.

castex 07-27-2003 02:36 AM

Not under the cheap, plastic swimming pool you've had on your lawn for three months, it isn't.

Golf is a good walk, spoiled.

bing bing 07-27-2003 05:53 AM

Negative. Golf is a perfectly acceptable and enriching sport if you're a middle to upper class white male.

All men are bastards!!!

grumpyolddude 07-27-2003 07:41 AM

I'm sorry if your parents never formalized their relationship. Maybe I knew your mother breifly. I was a bit of philanderer once.

The cute nurses at the hospital WANT you to hit on them!

bing bing 07-27-2003 07:44 AM

Not if you're an AIDS patient

Jesus died for MY sins.

Diablo 07-27-2003 11:35 AM

Not if you have no sins in the first place.

People need water to live.

KWSN 07-27-2003 11:40 AM

Not me, I feed on the souls of the living.

I am wearing socks.

Diablo 07-27-2003 11:45 AM

You only think they're socks, but they're really cloth shoes.

I am incredibly sexy.

KWSN 07-27-2003 11:50 AM

if by "sexy' you mean "difficult to look at" then yes.

Ham exists.

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