- Sex
- The Lot
- The Old Guy
- The Pregnancy
- The Bull
- The Bird
- The Mole
- The mother in law
- The afterlife
- The breakdown
- what's your favorite cereal?
- Why do guys...
- Joke of the Day - April 20
- Quotable quotes
- Best Friend
- Three Mice
- Freudian slip
- Punishment ?
- funeh
- Who is your daddy, and what does he do?
- Sinister Minister
- Seeing Eye Dog
- Silly joke.
- Shipwrecked
- The Party
- The Texan
- The Dr.
- Bush and Cheney
- Dumb criminal
- The job interview
- The fisherman
- Sadie's husband
- there was this blond
- The Missionary
- Preggers
- Airlines
- Emo Quote
- Real Defintitions
- 40 year old virgin?
- Mommy's Balloons
- Two Drunks
- The Breathalyzer Test
- Blonde Quickies
- A blonde was bragging
- World's Funniest Joke: A Scientific Study
- Dutch Joke
- Jokes Only A Computer Geek Would Get
- smoke joke
- haha, iraq jokes
- Proof that Detoit Sucks
- 10 Reasons Why Computers Are Better Than Girlfriends
- busted at work
- someone just emailed me this one......
- Yet another cannibal joke
- PP Joke
- Embalmers are sick
- 100 beautiful women
- The Good Sport
- What's the difference between a whore and a bitch?
- There's a Pussy Hair in My Soup
- Most Offensive World Records
- -->All The Little Johnny Jokes Go Here<--
- Saddam's yacht FOR SALE
- It's Lent!
- Microsoft TV Dinner Product Instructions
- Help Theres A Bear On My Tree!
- Tongue Twister
- Masturbaters of America
- Kids say the darndest things... (these kids can't be human)!!!
- Tech Support Gets Drafted
- Math jokes (warning SUPER LAME)
- The poor French
- Actual Marketing Flops
- Elephant Jokes
- All your one liners and Q&A's go here
- Dear Ma & Pa
- Joke of the Day - April 19
- Why didnt' Hal cross the road?