![]() |
Wrong! 1 and 1 is still 1. (boolean logic)
If it weren't for pussy, we all wouldn't exist. Pussy rules! |
You are so wrong rmarshall...
We all know its a dog eat dog world... Dog is man's best friend and... Cats were domesticated long after dogs... ... Latin is a dead language. |
Wrong again, Pheatius. Latin is a language made by living beings. It can't really live, now can it? :p
Underground homes are very cool. |
Wrong! If the home is too far underground it will be destroyed by magma.
I'm learning spanish from a website. |
face it .....you're learning how to swear in spanish.
B.C. got the winter olympics for 2010. *Woooooooooohooooooooooooooo........................* |
Hail denizen of Wrongistan!
When you say B.C. do you mean British Columbia or perhaps Bacon Cheeseburger or Baja California or Ballistic Coefficient or Bank of Canada or Bay City or Beavercreek or Bill Cosby or Bill Clinton or Betty Crocker or Boston College or Brooklyn College or perhaps just bull crap? Nobody calls me Giant Wrongburger. |
Wrong Giant Wrongburger, my name is Fremen.
Feelings, nothing but feelings.... Situational comedies aren't that funny nowadays. :( |
Wrong! They are very funny in the right situation.
Dogs like to sniff butts. |
not so right, disc jockey person...dogs like to pee on fire hydrants, trees, and other assorted vertical appendages...
butterflies are free... |
Not all butterflies... some can get very expensive...
You can't feel a headjob when you're blind drunk... |
Meridae'n, that would really depend on which side of said 'job' you are on now, wouldn't it?
... You cannot divide by zero. |
Yes you can. All you need are a pair of scissors...!
I now, thanks to Pheatius, have a phobia for hot chocolate. |
No you don't, you are confused with hot fudge. That's where your phobia lies.
It's getting hot in here. |
cpa, you must be getting audited...it's not getting hot in here, it's getting hot out THERE...
books are full of numbered pages... |
no phil, books are full of numbered pages, they are full of numbered pages, with other words.
Cameron Diaz is VERY hot. |
sorry bundy but she is WAYYYY hotter than hot.
drew barrymore has a great rack. |
Wrong! It is inadequate to completey contain the wide variety of spices Ms. Barrymore uses on her cousine.
David Letterman isn't as funny as he used to be. |
Vermin, my employed friend, you are completely covered in wrong.
He is the same and sadly, it is us that have changed. We are getting older and aging is death and that is not funny. You do not look at me the same way anymore. |
Gh, the mayo has seeped from your cranium!
We look at you exactly the same..... with relish! Silver whiskers make a dude irresistable to the ladies/ |
no, i´m sorry thats just not true... lets take the Kenny Rogers look a like competition as an example.
Saddam is on the lam. |
You are wrong, chico! Saddam is on the lamb. *ba-a-a (ouch) ba-a-a*
Strom Thurmond is finally at rest. |
fremen, you have a proclivity for falsehoods...mr. thurmond's contemporaries are finally at rest...
i got sunburned at a baseball game yesterday, and i was even wearing my hat... |
Nah, you're confusing the sun with that bright overhead floodlight you were sitting under!
Flour is an ingredient of many cakes. |
I am an avid lover of Cakes. I have never eaten a Many Cake, and I move that such a cake does not exist. Therfore, the flour in said cake is also non-existant.
Liza Minelli has a Vagina |
No liza is a vagina, she doesn't have one, thats why she hooked up with that gay guy.
I've had enough. |
Oh bender, you're so wrong. You'll take a lot more, and like it, biotch!
Now I think bender has had enough. ;) |
bender wouldn't know enough if it hit him in the crotch...
summer is a good thing... |
Wrong unc. p., Summer is a bad thing if your muthafuckin' a/c goes out and your punkass landlord won't get off his lazy ass and drive 150 miles to fix it.
/rant I feel better now. :p |
No you don't. You're one hot s.o.b.
I'm gonna cut my lawn tomorrow |
sorry p.j..........you'll wait til sunday cuz you can always put off today,what you can do tomorrow.
man...this cold beer sure is tasty. |
no, fly, that beer WAS tasty... in fact is was so tasty, you finished it a while ago.
Kathryn Harby-Williams is the captain of the Australian Netball Team. |
nonononono...she's mrs. williams...
i want my maypo... |
no phil... you want your play-doe...please...
Camilla Parker-Bowles looks like a cross between a horse and a rottweiller. |
wrongo.........she could eat an apple through a picket fence that girl.ain't never seen a rotty do that.
bundy is fast and loose. |
bundy is from Oz...no one from Oz is fast, but they are loose.
flyman likes to buzz. |
No my friend flyman WANTS a buzz.
Sex is great! |
No no no no no! Start again, and this time, say:
SEX IS BRILLIANT! Shock and Awe is both shocking and awesome. |
pyrate, i can see that the lights are on, but absolutely no one is home...shock and awe is a book written by h k ullman and j p wade...
elton john wears glasses... |
Maybe you should adjust your glasses phil, because those are blatantly SUNglasses he wears.
The grass is always greener... |
Man, you should see my lawn - all brown and dead
Mice are smaller than elephants |
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