![]() |
Not if you're a vegan.
Gasoline prices always fluctuate. |
Oops. Too late, sorry. Never mind. Oops.
Wrong! It's never too late, you're not sorry, and I rarely mind.
Most days I'd still be sleeping at this time. |
Nah, most days you'd be passed out/unconcious from too much alcohol....
I'll have my computer parts in 2 days. |
Wrong. I'll ship you your parts in 3 days. ha!
e^(3.141*i) = -1 |
If e=7 and i=1000, then that equation would be e^3.141=-1 and that's wrong.
I am short. |
You are a wumpus and wumpi are giants compared to humans! Thus you = tall
Apple pie is good with vanilla ice cream! |
Your perception of what is good is most likely different from the perception of other people, therefore it is only your opinion that applie pie is good with vanilla ice cream.
Terresque is a moron and has no friends. |
Hah your wrong! I have ALOT of imaginary freinds and they count!
Diablos real name is Ram |
T3h wrong! I presume you might mean that my real name is Ram, but since there is no apostrophe between Diablo and "s" it does not show possession, so that sentence is just wrong.
Terresque is gay. |
Damn you and your excellent punctuation!
But I must prove you wrong! I am not gay, I am far from it, I'm just not romanitcally entangled right now. (Just got past a hard breakup) Diablo cannot have children with any of the TFP members because Wumpi and humans cannot cross-breed. |
You are wrong, because I am not really a wumpus. By definition, a wumpus is:
I am not the central monster of any video game, and therefore not a wumpus. A being once went to the domain name http://www.tfproject.org/ and registered a username TerresqueÜ. This occured in the month of April, in the year 2003 AD. |
Hah YOU ARE WRONG!!! I didn't go to http://www.tfproject.org!
I just went to www.tfproject.org!!!! So all technicallities applied you are wrong! A person named Diablo has only 13 or 14 posts |
Just to tell you, www.tfproject.org is a redirection to http://www.tfproject.org and if you type in www.tfproject.org the browser adds http:// to the start of it. Stupid Aki.
Anyway...you are wrong. At 2 different boards I have over 6000 posts each, plus I'm in the hundreds in multiple different boards. That's a lot more than just 13 or 14 posts. The first name of the person who is posting as TerresqueÜ at the Tilted Forum Project is Akira. |
I said all technicallities applied!
My first name is Akira but I more generally answer to "Spanish" which most of the people I talk to on a day to day basis call me. We haven't talked in person for a while Ram. Anyways I have adopted Spanish as my true name as opposed to Akira. |
Uhhh...you said nothing for me to prove wrong, so I'll just prove your explanation wrong.
Look at your birth certificate. It says Akira, not Spanish. Pure water is clear. |
And now I'll prove your explanation wrong, my birth certificate says Akira Roy Sakoda.
Diablo has an older brother named Jay. |
wrong...my buddy josh has an older brother named jay...
air is clear here... |
Not in LA. And nothing is clear, you just can't see the color.
Time is a measure of duration. |
Time isn't tangible, so how can it possibly be calculated as a tangible measure?
The District of Columbia has a greater population than that of Wyoming. |
nope.....more pot smokers in the DC.....therefore more people(hehe)
the zevonist monestary is where KWSN hangs out. |
no, he hangs out on bones balls
music is the key to a happy life |
Music doesn't fit in a keyhole.
Assuming a normal distribution, the standard deviation of the following set is 5. 20 20 20 30 30 30 |
Assuming normal distribution here is a null program. There are far more than five deviants, and they're all non-standard.
I'm a potato. |
Just because you sit on the couch a lot, doesn't ACTUALLY make you a potato.
Mr. Potatohead made a lot of money for somebody. |
Nope. The people that made him did.
CD's can contain audio. |
nothin' but sounds my friend,nothin' but sounds.
brittany spears sucks..... |
Fuck that, she blows.
My blood is red. |
Sorry man its blue, as no oxygen seems to ever get to your brain. :D
I have been awake for 36 hours. :D |
Wrong! You have been sleepwalking for 36 hours.
I'm an optimist in denial. |
No, you're a dyslexic optometrist.
The new 7-UP is the same as Surge. |
It's subtley different!
Robots can make the following sounds-bleep, blop, and bloop. |
Bloop is not a sound, it's an actual sentence.
Greek people are hairy. |
Naw mesican people are hairy!
Bookkeeper is the only word written in the english dictionary that contains 3 double letters in a row |
Words are not written in dictionaries - they are printed
Time is only a perception |
Nope. Passing now....now...now....now.
Red is red. |
Not really my friend Red is kind of Blue since his wife left him.
Soda cans are made of Aluminum |
Nope, nothing is pure aluminum.
I think therefore I am. |
Wrong. Think you're a frong. You're not a frog.
Patch Adams was a really shitty movie. |
Wrong! Patch Adams gave me an erection! So how could it be shitty?
Courting a badger is difficult unless you wear boots. |
All times are GMT -8. The time now is 10:57 PM. |
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