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reconmike 04-24-2003 08:08 PM

Wrong, christ was born sometime in january but the real day is not known.

It is better to be blown than juiced

Fly 04-24-2003 08:59 PM

i dont' know....blow is just a figure of speach isn't it?juice me

the glass is always half full.

splck 04-24-2003 09:08 PM

fuck that. when i finish my drink the glass is empty.

rocks crush sissors

greyeyes 04-24-2003 10:10 PM

rocks dont crush my jedi saber sissors

canned corn doesent always digest

myMHz 04-24-2003 10:17 PM

Wrong! Mine died just yesterday.

Music is good for the soul.

uncle phil 04-25-2003 03:28 AM

wrong, prayer is good for the soul...

a squared plus b squared equals c squared...

KWSN 04-25-2003 04:56 AM

That's only if it's a correct pythagorean triple. not even close to all the time. You lose.

I have a large welt on my side from falling on a cinderblock.

mrsandman 04-25-2003 05:44 AM

Truth be known, the welt came from bad-mouthing a cop who
had a rough day.

Somewhere it is raining.

Peetster 04-25-2003 05:47 AM

That depends on your defenition. In Somewhere, Pennstlvania the forcast is for clear weather.

SpoilSport 04-25-2003 05:59 AM


Pennstlvania is actually a place in Xanth that is notorious for the constant oppressive sleet and stinging rain of hockey pucks, coal matter, and small bits of amish made butter.

There's no such thing as monsters.

(references to my ex are not only unaaceptable, but considered a blatant cheat)

Binder 04-25-2003 08:30 AM

small children definitely qualify as little monsters.

dvd is better than vhs

william_wallace 04-25-2003 08:40 AM

Wrong, that only applies if you're watching them. If you're beating someone with them, VHS is far superior.

The door is ajar.

KWSN 04-25-2003 01:08 PM

No, the door is a door.

There are 11 US dollars and a small rubber ninja in my pocket.

Spinach_Indeed 04-25-2003 01:12 PM

I'm afraid you have nothing in your pocket, that bastard of a Ninja ransacked your whole pants.

Jack White has Black hair

KWSN 04-25-2003 01:16 PM

Jack White, professor at MSU:



I received 20 dollars the other day in return for soda-can-recycling-machine vouchers.

Damijin 04-25-2003 01:21 PM

Wrong, you recieved a piece of green paper in return for soda-can-recycling-machine vouchers.

A US nickel is larger than a US dime in size.

qpid 04-25-2003 06:01 PM

Wrong the size to me of a us dime held one inch in front of my eye is larger than a nickel held 10000 lightyears from my eye

receiving oral sex from a talented person is a good thing

WhoaitsZ 04-25-2003 06:07 PM

no, recieving oral sex -period- is a good thing. gettting it from an 'expert' is a miracle.

i ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich.

SpoilSport 04-25-2003 06:37 PM


You ate what you THOUGHT was a PB&J. It was really a soybean paste and beet spread your mom switched out to get you to eat healthier by stealth.

If I poke you in the eye with my pencil, I can make you wince.

WhoaitsZ 04-25-2003 06:42 PM

wrong! i'd not take it like a man! then blow your brains out :)

i'm violent

krwlz 04-25-2003 06:46 PM

nah, just over reactive,

TFP is addicting

darksparkles 04-25-2003 11:23 PM

no, no, tfp is addict<b>ive</b>.

soap helps people get clean.

myMHz 04-25-2003 11:35 PM

Wrong! No one is ever "clean"

I like Pink Floyd

Theresa 04-26-2003 02:04 AM

No you don't, you're just trying to sound cool so you'll fit in and it's not working.

George Washington was the first President of the US.

uncle phil 04-26-2003 04:03 AM

wrong...george w made the first dollar bill in the us...

abe lincoln was a tall dude...

Fly 04-26-2003 05:48 AM

wrong......you're just too short

$oo.25 is equal to a quarter

myMHz 04-26-2003 06:52 AM

Wrong! 00.25 won't even get you an ounce.

No one likes me.

KWSN 04-26-2003 07:09 AM

Wrong!!! *KWSN gives myMHz a BIG hug*

Milli Vanilli are not the most talented musicians ever.

Memalvada 04-26-2003 10:59 AM

Of course they are!!! They just don't get that cuz they're not white.

My ass is hairy

Fly 04-26-2003 11:02 AM

nope.....smooth as a babys bottom

my eyes are green

Memalvada 04-26-2003 11:05 AM

hehehe.... WRONG!!!!
You're wearing contacts!!!

Einstein didn't smoke weed...

qpid 04-26-2003 11:06 AM

wrong einstein doesn't remember

Im bored

Binder 04-26-2003 11:10 AM

the emperor supreme is too busy to be bored

qpid's army will conquer the world

phredgreen 04-26-2003 11:13 AM

WRONG! microsoft has already implanted you into the matrix and is slowly whittling down your puny forces from within!

my penis is tiny

qpid 04-26-2003 11:14 AM

wrong! your penis is miniscule

There are no good movies out that I haven't seen yet

splck 04-26-2003 11:56 AM

wrong! Bollywood has lots of good movies you havn't seen yet.

The wind is blowing today.

qpid 04-26-2003 11:58 AM

wrong there is no wind today, its quite calm

Orange juice is made from oranges

Memalvada 04-26-2003 12:04 PM

Wrong! Orange juice is made from artificial ingredients.

I am a retard

qpid 04-26-2003 12:05 PM

Wrong, you are a moron! ;)

A smile is a frown turned upside down

Memalvada 04-26-2003 12:18 PM

thats cute.... BUT ITS WRONG!!!! A frown is a smile upside down

I like to spank my monkey!!!

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