![]() |
nonononononononononono, it was wayne kramer and the mc5... |
I will return to E = MC (squared)
Once it is thus, so the energy dissipates, cubing was his next baby. His wife was onto it. Mayans dance to algorithms keeping a sense of circular irony. |
Rudy Giuliani has carnal knowledge of farm animals. |
The jury is still out on that one, we can't get the cow to spill the milk if ya know what I mean.
Fog and hoarfrost are first cousins. |
False - Hoarfrost is the Child of Fog by Cold
Area = Pi R Squared |
True in circles.
Life is spherical. |
False, of course. That is a very limited perspective since a sphere is three dimensional and life is at least five.
Time is on my side. |
Wrong! Time is only a construct, which means it won't be on your side because it belongs in the hands of everyone and no one!
Castles that fall from the sky always land on all four dungeons. |
false - castles falling from the sky tend more to land on the tallest tower, in which a princess is usually being held captive
I am legend |
true ...in your own mind.
A trebuchet would make a fun new kids' ride. |
False, I believe parents would obtain more pleasure flinging their
offspring to another county, ( fantasy only) Somone explained to you what Farenheit 451 meant before you read the book. |
True, since I will never read it.
History is much different than herstory. |
true, her story never matches mine
love is a many splendored thing |
It gets better if you let it.
We became, uncreated. |
Absolutely incorrect. We were not uncreated.
We created God so that She could create us. / And bother me not with such trifles as causality / Why create a time bound God? / Don't you already have a mother who travels the fourth dimension in one direction only? |
no, my mom likes to stay home and cook
For everything there is a season, And a time for every matter under heaven... |
Oh so very wrong. Some counter examples:
Fran Drescher as Carmen at the Met. Paris Hilton, the new Emily Post. Tofu Pizza. President Coulter. Breast Reduction Surgery. The incidence of suicide bombing as a tactic in Islamic insurrectionary conflicts stems from the sequestration of Muslim women and the practice of plural marriage among well-to-do Muslim men. |
True, with a peculiar bluishness.
Green means go. |
>BUZZ< Incorrect. Money is the root of all evil and and therefore how can you support an evil concept like greenbacks? This philosophy is rightly applied in China where red lights means go, green lights means stop.
The sun will rise tomorrow. |
Wrong! The sun doesn't "rise," the earth revolves around it!
Water is the essence of life. |
Then why is it that too many other lifeforms, including human beings, drown and die in the water if it is originally meant to sustain our living status? Contradictory point. (in addition to knowing that saltwater actually makes us sick, and we have no earthly tolerances to retrieve freshwater from the icecaps without substantiable reinforcements in technology and aid to do so, but we go about filtering the bad from good to spare us that trouble).
"Nature abhors a vacuum" |
Wrong. That's the pathetic fallacy right there. Nature doesn't abhor anything. It does, however, tend to fill a vacuum.
The human eye can distinguish up to approximately 256 shades of grey between white and black. |
false ...to my own surprise.
At best the human eye can only distinguish about 50 scales of gray between black and white: ...why does this link about vision have "fuck you eye" phonetically in the address? http://faculty-web.at.northwestern.e...eeing%20is.pdf The typical human ear is sensitive to pressure variations less than one billionth of atmospheric pressure. (ps: my wife must speak quieter than that) |
Capability and likelihood are too opposing concepts. Although it is true the human eardrums are capable of such feats, in all likelihood, the typical human possesses less apt resources to fully-realize such an epitome because of external influences factored in since birth. At best, the average adult (aged 26, living in a town/city resembling Topeka, Kansas) has a threshhold for hearing slight disimilitudes of about one par near 825 millionths atms (sepacles rounded to existing conditions throughout). With such conditions involved, I am inclined to insist that your previous statement is incorrect, whilst substituing my own for the affirmation. :surprised:
A lion's lungs are not filled with air. |
It is most wearisome to say incorrect.
The self integration concept of Chi-Kung and Tigers Breath is all that comes to focus. Spending too much time in a sensory deprivation tank will drive you insane. |
How often can one be wrong in this place?
When properly prepared for (meaning, you know you are going into the tank), sensory deprivation experiences are quite enlightening as to the inner working of your mind. Only when abused and forced on unsuspecting people can it cause ill-effects as the mind is unaware of what has happened to the normal buzz of stimuli. The movie Altered States will drive you stark-raving-mad, regardless. Gravity is a fictitious force. |
What the hell's a matter with all you people! This whole place is just "wrong"!!! I've spent plenty good money on my car just so I could feel more fictitious forces, so don't tell me they're not real!
Space-time would be so nice and smooth if all this crap wasn't in the universe. |
This sounds like a dark-matter problem, easily remedied by factoring out the inherent emotional worm-holes that will keep us tethered unto and under
umbillicals, not to skirt however, smooth yes...but nice and smooth does not offer interest...resistance may be futile but alas necessary for contrast and comparison. You may be right, but do you want to be? With enough patience you could teach Edward Scissor Hands, the fine art of back scratching. |
No no no no no no no.
Edward Scissorhands is imaginary, a fiction, a fant'sy and figment, he cannot be taught because he cannot learn, because he does not exist except in the minds of topiary fetishists. Negotiation is the is the art of interchanging mountains and molehills. |
au contraire, mon frere, negotiation is the art of selling a person a ticket to hell while ensuring that he looks forward to the trip...
ice is frozen water... |
No, water is mearly melted ice.
Fire is hot. |
Pfft, hot to what? Where do you even base such accusations? Just because you think fire is hot, fire is hot to other things too? How egocentric.
The Earth goes around the Sun. |
That massively oversimplifies the issue. As all celestial bodies are constantly in motion, the Earth's 'orbit' (such as it is) is actually a very complex movement. Thus, while it's not entirely inaccurate to state that the Earth performs a solar revolution on an annual basis, that doesn't even begin to tell the full story and could be therefore deemed a lie of omission.
Life is what you make it. |
Wrong, life is what it is.
You are responsible for your own perceptions. |
Pfft, tell that to the last person you slipped a mickey.
Do onto others as you would have done unto you. |
so, you would jerk other people off? it's important to eat well and exercise |
You said onto not unto, and any jail-house lawyer could and probably
would tear and twist your sincere statement into an untold amount of shreds, leaving you shaken and witless. We learn from our mistakes. we have a doubly bubbly here, how to fix? |
Well, by learning from our mistakes, of course.
The horse became domesticated only after it was large enough to be useful. |
Tiny slugs keep ones eyelashes more or less free of debris. |
You are confusing slugs with 'Demodex Folliculorum'
common mistake. The rattlesnakes are tired of tasting like chickens. |
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