![]() |
Wrong! once a new day begins, tomorrow is another day away.
The Farenheit scale is based on a year's temperature range in Poland. |
Wrong, the polish can't count and farenheit never made a scale
I am Wingnut |
wrong, you are sexylady in disguise...
trees are made of wood and leaves... |
wrong, atoms are the basic make-up of everything, including trees
baseball is americas' pastime |
Wrong, sleeping is America's pastime.
Guitars play a part in making sound. |
Guitars dont play. Guitars get played.
My DJ name is: The Bandwidth Hog |
But that would make no sense, as you are clearly not a pig.
Ford builds high quality cars... |
FUCK NO, the bow tie is a symbol of greatness
shooting is fun |
...not for the people being shot.
Cars can have gasoline put in them. |
Wrong. Cars never have gas put in them, only in the gas tanks, which are, in turn, installed underneath the car.
Intel makes the best processors. |
Actually, Embryonic stem cells in the protocranium eventually make the best processers.
My cat's breath smells like cat food. |
Not really. More of a bile mixed with saliva mixed with cat food.
This thread has many factual errors in it. |
Wrong! Every statement made in this thread is pure truth.
There's no such thing as pure truth. |
Pure truth-I exist. Solipism at it's finest.
There is a contradiction in the post above mine. |
wrong, there is a CONTRACTION in the post above yours...
it snows in indianapolis... |
You're wrong.
It snows in the sky, the snow merely falls ON Indianapolis. I am wearing a latex kimono with Hello Kitty printed on the back. |
Wrong, you are wearing a latex Hello Kitty, its just on the wrong way round!
The pacific ocean is deep in the middle. |
wrong, the pacific ocean is deep all the way to the bottom...
you can't drink kerosene... |
You can drink it - it just doesn't taste very good and won't make you feel so shit hot either.
I am a work right now. |
Wrong! The ability to physically drink kerosene has nothing to do w/its after effects!
The Matrix: Reloaded will be a box office smash! |
No, The Matrix is going to be dissapointing.
I think I am coming down with a Sinus Infection. |
No its SARS.
I'm uncomfortable. |
I find you quite pleasant.
I can read. |
Wrong...You're eyes are moving across the words on the printed page, alas, you haven't a clue as to their meaning.
It is hard to tell the difference between sugar and aspartame. |
No. Sugar is good, aspartame tastes like shit.
There is no human that is 500 years old and still breathing. |
Dick Clark is still breathing...
Mocha is a combination of Choclate and Coffee |
no, Mocha is a combination of Chocolate and Coffee, not Choclate.
My mobile phone (cell phone) is a Nokia. |
Wrong, your paranoid delusions manifest themselves as cell phone calls. There's no such thing as a 'nokia'.
The poodle on the Clifford cartoon is a bitch. |
wrong! she just has issues.
space is the final frontier |
Wrong. Reading is, apparently, my final frontier.
Paper can be written on. |
Wrong. Paper is a legitimate business expense and can be written off.
Chocolate causes acne. |
No, that's just an old wives tale.
You can't have just one. |
You can if it's a elephant dick being rammed into your ass.
Kobe Bryant plays basketball for the Los Angeles Lakers. |
You can't call that playing
The ISS takes 90 minutes to orbit earth |
Wrong, Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
I am. |
Nope. Prove it.
A woman's breasts are fun to look at. Let's see you prove that wrong! |
Wrong, they are a tease if you look at them - They are fun to play with
The sun is 1.5 million kilometers in diameter |
Wrong. No one uses the metric system.
This website is viewable on the internet. |
wrong, this website is liveable on the internet...
alaska is the largest state in the united states... |
sorry phil......canada owns it...we're just letting you guys borrow it for a while.
the perfect soft boiled egg is done in 5 minutes |
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