![]() |
bheh....too slow.
Optimus Prime is a the Perfict Prime Number
flugtag is were dumb people try to fly in cardboard cut outs of weird things and get voted by judges in europe. |
Wrong. That's what you think flugtag is, because you are not in the Illuminati, and don't realize it's a distraction from UFO-landings.
Penguins can't fly. |
penguins can too fly how else would they get to their away games?
i have traveled half way around the world on a boat |
(/me makes stupid buzzer sound)...not at the equator; you would have run into land...
the mighty ducks got blown away last night... |
well, there was obviously nothing mighty about them then, was there.
Australias Govenor General controversially resigned today (with a healthy salary, pay-off, travel allowance and chaffeur driven car). |
WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!! he didnt get healthy salary......... he took rotten carrots.....!!!!! ( ok I know that was a strech)
Titties and Beer are staples in my diet! |
titties and beer are not staples man.... you have been looking at centerfolds to much.
a good diet consists of bear, sex, pizza, and the super bowl. |
wrong! a you shouldn't eat the super bowl, or sex (unless you're real kinky)
The next person to post will prove me wrong. |
Wrong !!
A good diet consists of the 4 food groups, a fun diet consists of beer, sex, pizza and the super bowl. I have 5 dollars in my wallet |
no, you're wrong bender, because the money in your wallet is based on a lie, that being that the paper representation of five dollars is equal to the amount of labor caused to produce it.
God created the universe by slowing energy down, thus causing matter to exist. (the reverse of E=mc squared) |
E=Mc^2 bears no relationship with "slowing energy down".
That equation indicates that the equivalent energy that could be extracted in a perfect transformation is equal to the mass of the matter time the speed of light squared. Einstein's Theory of General Relativity is complicated. |
Nope its really simple. Watch, E=Mc^2, how simple is that.
you can too eat sex. my ex-girlfreind loved it. |
(there goes that buzzer sound again)...einstein's theory of specific relativity is complicated...
there are WAY too many fish in the sea... |
No...there are WAY too many fish in the sea AND the oceans, lakes, etc.
I got my internet hooked up at home today! :D |
Bing...ummm buzzz
you got you account opened today. I forgot what I was going to say |
nope, just a mind-fart...
speaking of which...speech bubbles in cartoons contain words... |
Yeah, sure uncle phil. They're mostly sentences.
Dogs are man's best friend. |
Wrong. Blow jobs are a man's best friend.
Peaches are fuzzy. |
peaches are hairy not fuzzy
the last staement makes no sense |
Sure it does, because who knows what a staement is?
When the sky is clear it is possible to see the stars. |
Get a day job!
Bush is Cheney's bitch. |
As far as I know a Bitch is also a female dog. And if you ask me, Bush is not a dog, even though it would be cool if he was. And even if he was, does Cheney have a dog?
It took 7 minutes to think of that reply. |
You know it took you an hour to come up with that! I just won a coca-cola hat !!!!!! |
Wrong as the only took a second to come up with, as you were changing your mind about what to post.
grass is green. |
Grass is actually yellow. But the garden gnomes come out every morning and paint it green. Go figure!
Everquest is fun. |
Wrong, Everquest is an obsession, a cult and a tool for fanatic gamers to lose hours upon hours and days upon day in front of their monitor.
Porn is Wayyyyyyyyy better than Everquest |
not if you can combin the two, you know change the skins with a mod, so everquest is sometimes equal to pron.
nipples are the best part of a breast!!!!!! |
au contraire, my little amphibian friend...nipples are only a part of the best breast...
tige lived in buster brown's shoe... |
no he didn't, because buster browns shoe got sold at one of those buster brown shoe store.
the best breast is the one I have in my mouth at the time. |
What if you have a man's breast in your mouth? I'd say that would definately not be the best breast, regardless of it's geography at the time...
More than a handfull's a waste... |
Wrong man...you ever tit fuck a double "D"?
big boobs are the cat's meow. |
I think not... it's big TEETS are the kittens meow.
Breast size does not relate to intellect. |
does to...why do you think anna nicole is so smart?
cape cod is a peninsula... |
uncle phil, why do I always have to correct you? Cape Cod is a major vacation spot.
The moon is the earths largest satellite. |
Wrong, Anna Nichole Smith is the earths largest satellite.
Squirels and gravy is the breakfast of champions. |
Wrong , Wrong , Wrong
Its possum and gravy........... It takes two hands to handle a whopper! |
Midlandmadman your wrong, it takes a mouth to handle a whopper.
Minx is a great looking girl. |
Minx is an awesome looking girl!
You are wrong...you didn't post an irrefutable fact.
It's not my job to keep thses fuken threads korrekt. |
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