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Old 05-15-2004, 11:55 AM   #1 (permalink)
World's King's Avatar
Location: Denver City Denver
Your First

Do you remember your first... Tell us the story.

Snikers bar?
Joint/Bong Hit?
Masturbation session?
Broken Bone?

Feel free to add any. I'm all out.
heavy is the head that wears the crown
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Old 05-15-2004, 11:57 AM   #2 (permalink)
zxello's Avatar
Location: P-Town, WA

expensive toy?

thats all i got.....
Old signature just wasn't doing it for me anymore, so now I have this new one. It's equally as stupid but at least it looks really long. I'm probably just going to keep typing until I run out of things to babble about and see how many people actually read this. I once ran down a hill, fell down and hurt my elbow; my mom said I would be ok, she kissed it and made it all better. I've run out of things to say now, so if you have read this whole thing, congratulations you get a gold star!
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Old 05-15-2004, 12:00 PM   #3 (permalink)
Beer? No
Cigarette? Yes
Boob? No
Penis? Yes
Kiss? NO
Snikers bar? No
Crush? No
Girlfriend/Boyfriend? Yes
Drunk? Yes
Joint/Bong Hit? Yes
Masturbation session? No (Who really does?)
Fight? No
Broken Bone? No
CD/Tape/Vinyl? Yes (CD)
Movie/DVD? No
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Old 05-15-2004, 12:02 PM   #4 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
Lasereth's Avatar
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Aww, come on, King said to tell us the story. No one cares about yes or no answers!

"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 05-15-2004, 12:20 PM   #5 (permalink)
Filling the Void.
la petite moi's Avatar
Location: California
Beer? A sip from Dad's.
Cigarette? Never.
Boob? I like feeling my own still.
Penis? I was scared of it.
Kiss? It was long and sloppy.
Snickers bar? Nope.
Crush? Yes, it was before Kindergarten. I kissed him, and from then on I was known as the freak girl.
Girlfriend/Boyfriend? Yeah, he was weird and we never even kissed.
Drunk? Yep, in Belarus on accident.
Joint/Bong Hit? Yeah, everything was blue and flashy...
Masturbation session? I got forced into it...but yeah.
Fight? No.
Broken Bone? Never.
CD/Tape/Vinyl? Yep- it was some CD that my mother got for free.
Movie/DVD? Nope.
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Old 05-15-2004, 12:36 PM   #6 (permalink)
World's King's Avatar
Location: Denver City Denver
That's what I'm talking about...

I want gross details.
heavy is the head that wears the crown
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Old 05-15-2004, 12:45 PM   #7 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Beer? Nope
Cigarette? Yup - coughed a lot - That made me look really cool
Boob? We had communal showers after gym
Penis? I was on the boys swim team -- those speedos left nothing to the imagination, and there were those occassional dares
Kiss? nope
Snikers bar? Don't like chocolate
Crush? Michael Hart -- he wore winnie the pooh shirts (it was the sears collection) I was in kindergarten. His family moved away in 1st grade - -I ran into him again in college -- and we became pretty good friends
Girlfriend/Boyfriend? sadly, no
Drunk? not til college - and I vowed to never get drunk again -- and to this day, i will never ever drink rum again - -can't even stand the smell of it.
Joint/Bong Hit? Never have, never will
Masturbation session? nope
Fight? Fisticuffs? never have - Argumements - no way - I love to argue, so -- can't remember 'em all
Broken Bone? Was on restriction for something I did, I was about 15, dont remember why, and I had tickets to the grateful dead -- so I snuck out of the house and went. On the way back in, (there was a tree i could climb to get to my window, bypassing the burglar alarm, well I fell coming back in, broke my ankle and 4 bones in my foot. Some how I made it back into the house. the next morning it was really swollen and really painful, so to somehow explain this away (heaven forbid I tell the truth) I pretended to fall down the stairs, only I slammed by elbow to make a loud sound - -so I cracked my elbow, broke my ankle and 3 bones in my foot. But the concert was awesome. (I confessed to this one a few years ago, and I swear to heaven, my parents wanted to ground me...
CD/Tape/Vinyl? What have you got against 8-track? Had a ton of 45s as a kid - -and a snoopy record player.
Movie/DVD? Movie theater? Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - I was pretty young...
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Old 05-15-2004, 02:32 PM   #8 (permalink)
World's King's Avatar
Location: Denver City Denver
C'mon people.

Give me something.
heavy is the head that wears the crown
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Old 05-15-2004, 03:11 PM   #9 (permalink)
don't ignore this-->
bermuDa's Avatar
Location: CA
Beer? 13 or 14, it was malt liquor. First alcohol, first drunk-off-my-ass...

Cigarette? 12, absolutely disgusting, never again.

Boob? ahh, 15. cherished memories.

Penis? always had one

Kiss? peck: 7th grade, dated her for a week and that's as far as we got. real kiss: see "boob" answer.

Snickers bar? Like I'd remember.

Crush? 2nd grade, I think her name was elizabeth.

Girlfriend/Boyfriend? guess that depends on the definition... the current one is the only one that matters to me.

Drunk? St. Ives wreaked havoc on me (answer to first question)

Joint/Bong Hit? 14, didn't feel anything the first time.

Masturbation session? i dunno, sometime during pre-pubescence probably.

Fight? all the time when i was in grade school.

Broken Bone? slipped on wet tile and broke my arm when I was 5 (i think) I don't remember it at all.

CD/Tape/Vinyl? Never bought a tape or vinyl, I own about 5 cds total... I think my first was a Rage Against the Machine... no wait, it was Green Day.

Movie/DVD? The Hunt for Red October, 16th birthday.
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Old 05-15-2004, 03:15 PM   #10 (permalink)
Cosmically Curious
onodrim's Avatar
Location: Chicago, IL
Beer? I was probably in like fourth grade, and I thought it was apple juice. I quickly discovered otherwise and spit it all back out.

Cigarette? Never had one, don't plan on it.

Boob? I don't really recall noticing them for a 'first time', boobs have just kinda always existed for me.

Penis? Probably some special on the Discovery channel about African tribes But honestly, no I don't remember the 'first'.

Kiss? Yep, I was in first grade and I got married on the playground.

Snikers bar? No

Crush? Too many to remember the first...

Girlfriend/Boyfriend? Still with him.

Drunk? I've never gotten full out drunk before, just tipsy, so no.

Joint/Bong Hit? Never done it, don't plan too.

Masturbation session? No, but apparently my parents were always having to tell me to take my hands out of my pants when I was younger. Although I doubt thats what I was doing.

Fight? Yeah actually, my best friend from grade school - I was mad at her for some reason, don't rmember why, and I pushed her or something, and we ended up rolling around on the floor pulling at each others hair. She also poured orange juice on my head the next day.

Broken Bone? My pinky got slammed in a door and broken.

CD/Tape/Vinyl? Definently too many to remember a first.

Movie/DVD? See above, but probably something Disney.
"The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there’s little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides"
-Carl Sagan
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Old 05-15-2004, 03:21 PM   #11 (permalink)
is KING!
bparker805's Avatar
Location: On the path to Valhalla.
Beer? Age 13. The first beer was with Dad. We were working on the fence, it was hot out, and he brought out two Henry Weinhards.

Cigarette? With my childhood buddy around the side of my house at about 11. Paranoid for about a week that my mom would smell it.

Boob? How could I forget! 13. First girlfriend! I thought it was cool!

Penis? Had this one all my life.

Kiss? 13. First girlfriend again. She slips me the tounge and I tell her I love her. I was such a dork.

Snikers bar? No but I remember my last one. It was bite sized and it was yesterday.

Crush? I Loved a girl named Sonia when I from preschool up until 2nd grade.

Girlfriend/Boyfriend? First girlfriend... Age 13. I sure learned a lot that summer.

Drunk? Dont remember the first time I got drunk but I do remember buying my first beer at age 18.

Joint/Bong Hit? I was so stoned that i felt like my arms were floating. Had a huge case of the munchies and then Pops came home.... That was a downer!

Masturbation session? I remember masturbating back in preschool.

Fight? I remember the first time I punched somebody. I was kinda disappointed that He didnt fly like 15 feet like in the movies... I was bummed even more when he started punching back.

Broken Bone? None. But I have torn off a couple of finger nails.

CD/Tape/Vinyl? First CD was Pearl Jam "Ten" First tape was Sir Mix-a-lot "Swass" First vinyl was the Star Wars soundtrack.

Movie/DVD? I dont remember my first movie because I was like 6 days old. But the first movie my parents ever let me see alone was the Never Ending Story.
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Old 05-15-2004, 04:34 PM   #12 (permalink)
Location: RI
Beer? Surprisinly I've never had a beer or any alcohol. Well, I did have something that was spiked but not enough to get drunk. But I do remember that party. I had a huge tent at this overnight outside party and I was single, which was rare for me. But this kid is walkin around offering people a sip so I take one and regret it. But ya, was sorta a good night.

Cigarette? I think I tried when I was 10ish because i saw my dad doing it so I stole one of them I think and tried it behind the house. I don't think I got it lit before I got to paranoid

Boob? Yup, and it was great. I don't remember the first time I got to see a boob, but I remember the girl and we learned everything from eachother. I kinda feel sorry for her now...

Penis? Seeing one? No idea. Seeing one in person still gonna hafta say no idea, but like after i broke up with my last gf and started goin out with my fiancee, me and my best friend got screwed pretty much side by side while someone else watched us...ya, that was wierd and stuff.

Kiss? Yup, me and the boob girl were sitting in my moms car while my mom was shopping in a discount store. I still remember the exact spot in the parking lot and such. It was also a bright day outside and stuff. I remember though that neither of us knew what the hell we were doing, but we kissed softly and oh boy...

Snikers bar? I don't remember the last one I had, sadly...

Crush? Herm, I dunno. I don't remember any of them which sucks I suppose.

Girlfriend/Boyfriend? In 5th grade, we started dating and such. It was such a crappy relationship and stuff...ya, it was horrible....we didn't do a damn thing and stuff. It was mostly passing notes back and forth. My first serious girlfriend was boob/kiss girl

Drunk? As with the beer, I never have had a complete thing of alcohol.

Joint/Bong Hit? Nope, haven't dont it and don't plan on it anytime soon or in the future

Masturbation session? Yup, I was in my moms room looking at a book about better sex. Just was playing with myself for awhile and didn't know why it felt so good until I 'sploded. Now that I think about it, thats kinda creepy/sick/disgusting

Fight? Luckily i've never been in one. Although me being 250 lbs and 6'3" kinda helps. There was one time though that this redneck was making fun of my gf. I was sitting with her, and my best friend was sitting on the floor beside this big redneck and I looked at my bestfriend, nodded then said to the kid to shut the fuck up, and for the rest of the busride he was quiet which was pretty cool.

Broken Bone? Been lucky with this one too. Haven't had any yet.

CD/Tape/Vinyl? My first CD was I think the Lion King soundtrack and my first tape...I have no idea...I think it was a dance mix tape, like "TEH ULTIMAMTE DANCE MIX VOL 21321213244"(I spelt those wrong on purpose)

Movie/DVD? My actual first tape was "The Professional" a few years back. Damn do I love that movie... I think I might watch that tonight actually...My first DVD. I think it was The Transporter and Resident Evil combo at Worst Buy that I just got within the past year.

Edit: Added spacing so you could read it better.

Last edited by Fallon; 05-15-2004 at 04:36 PM..
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Old 05-15-2004, 04:52 PM   #13 (permalink)
SecretMethod70's Avatar
Location: Chicago
Beer? Tried it at some camping trip with work a few years ago. It was gross.
Cigarette? Never had one.
Boob? First "real" girlfriend the summer between 7th and 8th grade. 34/36 C
Penis? N/A
Kiss? Kindergarten probably with the same girl I "married" As for a "REAL" kiss, first girlfriend again behind the post office in my neighborhood.
Snickers bar? You're kidding right?
Crush? Probably the same girl I "married" in kindergarten. There are plenty of others since then though
Girlfriend/Boyfriend? Yes. See above.
Drunk? Never
Joint/Bong Hit? Never
Masturbation session? I think I was in 5th or 6th grade perhaps and I had noticed how good it felt to play with myself, but never "finished" it until one day I accidentally just overloaded. I was sort of scared I think, I quickly ran across the hall to the bathroom while holding it in and then came in the bathroom. It was weird.
Fight? One and only. I won't bother going into details, but I was jealous about losing my freshman year girlfriend.
Broken Bone? Never.
CD/Tape/Vinyl? WAY too many.
Movie/DVD? Gladiator and Matrix - I got them for Christmas along with a DVD-ROM
Le temps détruit tout

"Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling
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Old 05-15-2004, 05:20 PM   #14 (permalink)
beauty in the breakdown
Location: Chapel Hill, NC
Beer: I was in 9th grade, and swiped a few from my dad's refridgerator. It was also my first drunk.

Cigarette: Yep. Also in the same session as my same beer. Decided I didnt like them, havent had another since.

Boob: Yep. In a movie theater, also in 9th grade.

Penis: N/A

Kiss: 7th grade. I thought the girl had actually just been turning around or something and ran into me. Found out later that afternoon she hadnt.

Snickers: Nope.

Crush: Kindergarten. The same girl half the rest of the class liked. Still remeber her name too, havent seen her since though.

Girlfriend: Some nonsense deal in 6th grade. Talked to her about 5 times throughout the whole "relationship."

Drunk: See above.

Joint/Bong Hit: Yeah. Didnt do anything. Havent had another since--no desire to.

Masturbation: No, but I remember my first orgasm. I didnt know what the hell was going on, it freaked me out.

Fight: Used to get into them all the time with my brother.

Broken Bone: In 2nd grade, I fell off the monkey bars. Broke my elbow when I tried to catch myself on another monkey bar as I was falling.

CD: I think. As far as I can remember, it was an Offspring CD in about 94.

Movie: Nope.
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws."
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Old 05-15-2004, 05:56 PM   #15 (permalink)
crow_daw's Avatar
Location: Vol Country
Beer? Not the very first one I ever tasted, no.

Cigarette? Seventh grade, friend's treehouse. No inhalation though.

Boob?Eighth grade. In a pool, got flashed, had goggles on. Twas glorious.


Kiss?Ninth grade. Horse judging trip. Bus back home. Truth or dare.

Snikers bar? Nope

Crush? Nope

Girlfriend/Boyfriend? Eighth grade, she was a really shitty one too.

Drunk? At a friends house my sophomore year. Did it just to do it.

Joint/Bong Hit? Junior year, on a friend's houseboat. Got high as a kite.

Masturbation session? No

Fight? Never been in one, I get along well with everyone

Broken Bone?First grade, tripped over a rope everyone was jumping over. My left forearm, it sucked.

CD/Tape/Vinyl? R.E.M, Out of Time. My dad gave it to me.

Movie/DVD? My family always owned a video store, so this one's pretty much impossible for me to answer.

There ya go.
"We each have a star, all we have to do is find it. Once you do, everyone who sees it will be blinded." - Earl Simmons
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Old 05-15-2004, 06:02 PM   #16 (permalink)
phredgreen's Avatar
Location: the phoenix metro
Re: Your First

Beer? My dad always had a silver bullet in his hand when i was a kid. one day, he offered me a sip, so i took it, and absolutely hated it. I still haven't developed a taste for the stuff, which is fine by me.

Cigarette? None, it's as much a health concern as an aestetic issue.

Boob? My mom put me in daycare after school. When I was around 9 or 10, i convinced Stacy to lean over just enough for me to look down her shirt and see her nipple. Considering she was my age as well, it wasn't much to look at, but it was still a victory.

Penis? Junior high in the locker room. Honestly, I didn't pay much attention to them.

Kiss? My first real kiss was with my first girlfriend. It was right at the end of lunch hour, I walked her back to class and she gave me a full-on tounge kiss in front of everyone in the hall. Hoots and woops came from everywhere, but I was on cloud nine.

Snikers bar? I'm sure it was halloween, i never cared much for them.

Crush? My first crush was in kindergarten, her name was Heidi. She moved halfway through the school year and broke my heart.

Girlfriend/Boyfriend? My first girlfriend, strangely enough, shared the same first name as myself (shortened, of course from the feminine version of the full name). We got together my Junior year in high school, and it made for amusing moments around school as we came across mutual friends, another of whom shared the same name.

Drunk? I'm pretty proud to say that I still haven't hit this mark in my life. It's not something i'm really trying to acheive.

Joint/Bong Hit? I've never directly smoked weed, but my first direct experience with it was when I flew out to Boise to meet up with some friends. It turns out that there's nothing to do in Boise but smoke weed and drop acid, so I politely sat around while they passed the pipe and got adequately fucked up via second-hand smoke.

Masturbation session? I discovered that when I rubbed myself with my pillow, it felt good. Really good. I was about 14 at the time, and I wasn't quite sure what the deal was until I learned more about sexuality and masturbation that I was, in fact, getting myself off. I grew up pretty sheltered, I suppose.

Fight? I wasn't much of a fighter when I was young, and as a result, alot of kids took advantage of that and picked on me. My first real fight wasn't much of one, but it got me suspended nonetheless. I pissed off this asshole by talking back to him when he was belittling me, and he came up to me and suckerpunched me after class. I threw back a couple of punches before he took off, and I ran off to the principle's office to let them know what happened. Policy dictated that I got in-school-suspension, which i served, then went on with my life.

Broken Bone? A pretty sad story, really. I slipped and fell (i'm pretty sure that a couple of real assholes helped me along in the process, but that's neither here nor there) in the showers after Gym class and put my arms down to catch myself. I landed on my left arm hard and ended up breaking it between the wrist and elbow. The worst part of the whole experience was the doctor resetting the bone... pure and unadulterated pain, in the highest degrees.

CD/Tape/Vinyl? My first tape was Stone Temple Pilot's first major release, I don't even remember the name of the album now. My first CD was a Weird Al record, and my first vinyl dates back to the old disney read-along books that came with 45's. I had all of them, and I'd sit there for hours with my little portable record player reading along.

Movie/DVD? I'm pretty sure my first VHS was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. My first DVD was the Matrix.
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
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Old 05-15-2004, 06:08 PM   #17 (permalink)
Darth Papa
ratbastid's Avatar
Location: Yonder
Beer? On a church youth group retreat. Probably 15.

Cigarette? I was 16, on a ski lift.

Boob? I was 16. she was 14. We snuck in to the basement of the school.

Penis? Since the dawn of time.

Kiss? Church youth group retreat. 16ish

Snikers bar? Nope

Crush? Sure. Rebecca. Seventh through twelfth grade. Dated her briefly in twelfth grade and she turned out to be a psycho.

Girlfriend/Boyfriend? See "kiss".

Drunk? See "beer".

Joint/Bong Hit? High school party. I'll bet I was 15.

Masturbation session? I was probably 2 or 3...

Fight? Like, physical fight? Never been in one. Where's my Tyler Durden when I need him?

Broken Bone? Fell off the kitchen counter, broke my left wing. I was 5.

CD/Tape/Vinyl? I was into Sargeant Pepper's when I was about 8.

Movie/DVD? I remember taping Superman off the TV and watching it literally hundreds of times.
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Old 05-15-2004, 08:43 PM   #18 (permalink)
cchris's Avatar
Location: Sydney
Yeah I was about 7 and my Dad started to let me have a sip every now and then.(He used to drink the crappiest beer too but it tasted good at the time.

High school in the toilets.Smartarse teacher screamed that there was a fire and threw a bucket of water over the cubicle.Prick.

Don't have one of those but I started feelin up in early high school.

Not exactly,but it's the same one I got now and it still aint huge.

SHE STUCK HER FUCKING TONGUE IN.She was twelve and I was 10.

Snikers bar?

It was in primary school and it was with a female teacher.

My first girl didn't put out.It was a bit hard cause I couldn't get an erection at 8 yrs old.


Joint/Bong Hit?

Masturbation session?
Now there's a blast from the past.Nearly got busted too.

Not the first,no.Too many to remember.

Broken Bone?
Broken foot four years ago.

Not the first but most likely an AC/DC or something similar.

There's a fine line between participation and mockery
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Old 05-15-2004, 08:49 PM   #19 (permalink)
The Northern Ward
Location: Columbus, Ohio
In the 7th grade during english class I was in the back of the room talking with a girl with big boobies. She let me touch one.
"I went shopping last night at like 1am. The place was empty and this old woman just making polite conversation said to me, 'where is everyone??' I replied, 'In bed, same place you and I should be!' Took me ten minutes to figure out why she gave me a dirty look." --Some guy
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Old 05-15-2004, 08:53 PM   #20 (permalink)
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
Speed_Gibson's Avatar
Location: right here of course
entries for the none/'not yet' category:

Kiss? (at least not that I recall unless I was real young)
Joint/Bong Hit?
Broken Bone? -> Closest I came to this was falling from 7.5-8 ft up after I hung on the rim from standing flat-footed underneath. I landed directly on my right elbow and my dad (he is a chiropractor) took an xray and said I barely missed breaking my elbow.
It surprised me somewhat as I knew that my legs had that those kind of springs then but I had been on the road and awake for most of the past 20 hours driving back from California with my dad. That was the last time I ever grabbed the rim; went to bootcamp just months later (the injury did delay my departure and was the reason that I ended up in Nuke school) in the f*&%^ing cold Great Lakes winter which killed my vertical then. Now my knees are less than compliant overall and I avoid such foolish things like jumping for 10 ft rims.

edit attempt #2, hit the f*&(ing reset button last time - could add 'boobs' on there as well as working with developmentally disabled clients definitely does not count in the obviously intended sexual fashion.
Never have been in real 'fight' as well, at least nothing involving any kind of fisticuffs.
edit 3:that mini-novel by 'broken bone'
Started talking to yourself I see.
Yes, it's the only way I can be certain of an intelligent conversation.

Black Adder

Last edited by Speed_Gibson; 05-15-2004 at 10:36 PM..
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Old 05-15-2004, 08:55 PM   #21 (permalink)
The Pusher
Rlyss's Avatar
Location: Edinburgh
Beer? When I was a child, probably tasting my dad's and hating it.
Cigarette? Hiding around the side of my friend's house with a pack of Marlboro reds and trying to light it without inhaling at the same time. After half the cigarette I acted tough and said 'This thing sucks, I don't feel a thing' and then stumbled over to a chair, dizzy as hell.
Boob? When I was 18, a few minutes after my first kiss.
Penis? Mine's been with me since the day I was born.
Kiss? When I was 18, in a bar. She had a boyfriend and I'd just met her. She was all over me, laying in my lap. I was so scared!
Snikers bar? Can't remember.
Crush? Lorissa, when I was in the second grade.
Girlfriend/Boyfriend? Michelle, in the summer between 8th and 9th grade.
Drunk? The first time my friends and I got drunk was in the backyard (same time as my first cigarette). One of our friends went to hosptal that night!
Joint/Bong Hit? In my friend's bedroom. I never felt , but I pretended I was high because I didn't want to feel left out.
Masturbation session? In the bathroom when I was thirteen. I came and it hurt. I was so exicted though
Fight? Never been in one.
Broken Bone? I haven't had one, but I broke a kid's arm playing basketball once when I was seven. By accident.
CD/Tape/Vinyl? Jagged Little Pill by Alanis Morissette.
Movie/DVD? I was tossing up between Orca and Free Willy, and I chose Free Willy.
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Old 05-15-2004, 09:35 PM   #22 (permalink)
micah67's Avatar
Location: 33:08:12N 117:10:23W
Age 14. I was with my Dad (a college professor) and his class and we were in the El Paso mountains looking for something - I don't remember, rocks, fossils, something. It was a hot summer day and during a break he let me have a beer. It was a Tecate and it was luke-warm. To this day I can't stand Tecate.

Age 14. A friend looked much older then he was and scored a pack of cigs from a grocery store. Three of us holed up in an alley-way and smoked the pack. We thought we were cool. We didn't understand you were supposed to inhale so there we were just pulling smoke into our mouths for a half-hour. Then we chewed coffee ground so we wouldn't have smoke on our breath.

Age 15. She was 17 and lived across the street. I remember we were holed up in my room and I had her top pulled up while she was laying on my bed. I was enjoying them very much, fondling, kissing and licking. I kept trying to open her jeans and she kept gently slapping my hands away. I remember spending an hour on her chest, only stopping when Mom called out that it was dinner time.


Age 10? I have a vague recollection of playing spin the bottle at a dinner party my parents took me to. The hosts' daughter had a couple of friends over and I was the only boy. I remember that at one point, it was a contest of who could kiss me the longest. We'd spend time in the closet pressing lips (no idea what french meant).

Snikers bar?
Age 9. Nope but I can tell you about "Big Cherry". This isn't a bar but an overgrown chocolate-covered cherry covered with peanuts. I'd "buy" them (liberate them, actually) from the local convenience store and sit in the back yard and spoon out the cherry goodness, leaving the peanut-infused shell for last.

Age 12. Ah Lanette. Lanette was well developed for her age (my grade). I remember following her home from school fairly regularly (at a distance, of course), too shy to approach her. She was even finer in high school.

Age 16. Becky was the classic girl-next-door who, unfortunately, didn't live next door. I don't remember how we hooked up. She was mature. She had a car (beat-up yellow truck actually) and a job (Wendy's where she'd sneak take/place my orders at the cashier all the while pressing "water" on the cash register). I guess we broke up when we went to the carnival with a girl friend of hers and another guy that was apparently though he was her boyfriend, too. I remember being crushed emotionally at the realization that she wanted to be with him more than with me.

Age 16. We were playing quarters at a friend's house. Four of us total. We had poured a tumbler of rum and were mixing rum & cokes, playing quarters for those drinks. Her mom came home and she went out to stall her while the three remainder of us passed the tumbler around trying to get drink it. It came to me and I said to heck with it and downed the rest. I didn't realize the consequences. I got home later and my parents caught on pretty quick. I was grounded for a month.

Joint/Bong Hit?
Age 18. First year of college and it was at a party. I didn't like the results: I couldn't feel my hands. I remember standing in a bedroom with a friend (also high) and his girlfriend (not) watching him try to convince her to have sex with him right there. I was all for it...

Masturbation session?
Age 18. I lost my virginity two weeks earlier to the next door neighbor's daughter. It was like being hit by a ton of bricks, the realization that this thing could bring me such pleasure. I had played with myself before but never to orgasm. I usually got too chaffed, bored, whatever. I decided to shave my genitals and locked myself in the bathroom I used liquid soap to lather up and discovered what I was missing all those years: lubrication. It was a revelation! I finally realized what I had been missing for so long. This joyful conclusion was marred, though, by the liquid soap - extremely painful in the urethra.

Age 8. A bully in the playground. I got pushed down and it was over. I haven't been in a real fist fight.

Broken Bone?
Age 14. I was on my bike gently coasting down our steep driveway when I caught the low wall at the end. My bike tossed me and I landed with my left arm hyper-extended. Instead of bending at the elbow like normal, my arm bent the other way. I ended up with a hair-line fracture at the elbow. They couldn't cast me for a day due to the swelling. They wrapped me up and sent me home.

Age 10? X-mas gift was a single speaker am/fm/tape player. I took my x-mas money and bought my first tape: a compilation Beatles tape with Hey Jude.

The Postman.
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Old 05-15-2004, 10:04 PM   #23 (permalink)
00111000's Avatar
Location: Mostly standing in a blue semi-circle
16 and my friend Ron has a party, I drank 4 beers and vomited for hours while my best friend Jeff told me "thats what you get for living the rock and roll lifestyle" He was eating pasta at this time which made it all that much more disgusting to me. That was the first time I swore to never, ever drink again...

16,Merit. My friend Rob took them from his mothers desk.

17, was listening to ride the lighting...the bell tolled for me that day I tell you!

16 walked her home after a school dance, kissed her in front of a garbage can.

Snikers bar?
no, I was a whatchamacallit fan

1st through 3rd grade, her parents owned the pizzeria in town. They also had tempest there, maybe I liked tempest better though..I dont know. Either way, they served a mean slice.

16 and she was from the next town over, liked punk,metal but most importantly was of "loose morals"

Joint/Bong Hit?
The guy who lived behind me got me high one night. I played Kid Icuraus the rest of the night.

3rd grade. I got in three punches before the teacher broke it up. I think I got hit once or twice...I dont really remember the fight, just how weird I felt afterwards.

Broken Bone?
17, broke my ankle at godots mini ramp.

Billy Joel, Glass houses on vinyl. I bought it at bradlees
- And so he says, 'I don't like the cut of your jib.' And I go I says, IT'S THE ONLY JIB I GOT, BABY! -

Last edited by 00111000; 05-16-2004 at 09:09 AM..
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Old 05-15-2004, 10:28 PM   #24 (permalink)
Comment or else!!
KellyC's Avatar
Location: Home sweet home
Beer? - at a very young age....probably around 7 or 8, people in vietnam don't really care about underage drinking much. I was young and stupid, they told me to drink so I did....
Cigarette? never
Boob? -----------------
Penis? -----------------
Kiss? 12, t'was a raining day.
Snikers bar? at 9, one of the first chocolate bar I ate when I arrived in the U.S
Crush? At age 7...forgot the girl's face though.
Girlfriend/Boyfriend? 12
Drunk? 6 months ago, I drink too much, too quick, in too little time.
Joint/Bong Hit? been offered a few times, but I never accept it...didn't like the smell.
Masturbation session? uhh...with other people? no...
Fight? never, wrestled alot with friends though...does that count?
Broken Bone? never
CD/Tape/Vinyl? didn't care to remember...
Movie/DVD? X-men
Him: Ok, I have to ask, what do you believe?
Me: Shit happens.
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Old 05-15-2004, 11:29 PM   #25 (permalink)
big damn hero
guthmund's Avatar

My stepdad's buddies always had a beer not too far out of reach and when they'd get drunk they would offer me one. I was around 12 and it tasted like shit (they bought cheap shit )


I was getting off work when I almost became the only pedestrian fatality in a 3 car clusterfuck. Of course, all my co-workers came out and one of them offered me a Camel. I took it, what the hell?


I was 16. Had a little party, got a girl drunk on purpose, and fooled around with her until she completely passed out then I fooled around with her a little more....oops. Sadly, she didn't recall a damn thing the next day although a number of pictures would eventually surface.


Same girl....I was one desperate little 16 year old.


My stepfather's half-niece (it's complicated, what can I say? It's not like we're related. ) lived with us for a while. I was 13 and was completely infatuated with her. I used to watch her bathe late at night.


It's a pretty boring story.


A few weeks before my drunken rendezvous I got a little shit faced. My first completely drunk blacked out can't remember experience was at 21. I downed considerable quantities of Jack Daniel's finest at a friend's house and heard tell I tried to piss on his stereo.

Joint/Bong Hit?

Outside the restaurant of my first real job. I was killing time between a double shift at a co-worker/friend's house and he lit one up in front of me. I was 17 and went to work high for the first and last time.

Masturbation session?

12/13 I was lying on a waterbed thinking about a girl in my class who had recently acquired boobs. They were fantastic. One thing led to another and I managed to freak myself out quite badly.


13. I got thrown through a trophy case by an older kid. He was always picking at me (I was friend's with his little brother). I started mouthing off, he took a swing, I missed the all important kick to the balls and he sent me flying. Fortunately, I was fine, but the trophies and plaques had seen better days.

Broken Bone?

No broken bones that I'm aware of....

Feel free to add any. I'm all out. [/B][/QUOTE]
No signature. None. Seriously.
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Old 05-15-2004, 11:29 PM   #26 (permalink)
That's what she said
dirtyrascal7's Avatar
i don't remember my first one, but i remember the first one i actually enjoyed. i hated beer for a long, long time... then one day i went to a dmb concert and got drunk in the parking lot beforehand. i went to the concession stand to get some nachos, a pretzel, and a coke. i paid the $5.50, and was handed an MGD and a pretzel. this puzzled me because not only did i not order a beer, but i was underage and didn't have a wristband. and eventhough i was drunk, i was still smart enough to not question it, so i grabbed my pretzel and beer and ran back to my seat. to this day i haven't tasted a better beer than that one.

never had one. ever.

completely unoriginal story.... in high school, back seat of my car, making out, hand under the shirt, over the bra.

however, it was with that first pair that i mastered the art of bra removal. one clasp, two, backwards clasps, clasps in front, through 3+ layers of clothing... it doesn't matter, all i need is 10 seconds and one free hand.

i was a late bloomer in this category, as it wasn't until high school. same girl that owned the first boobies i encountered. we were at a dance... dancing (imagine that)... and she just kissed me all the sudden. it was a short kiss, but effective... and apparently i covered my inexperience well b/c she didn't believe it was my first kiss. i guess some people are just born with talent.

Snickers bar?
nope. i like milky ways.

yeah... no comment. i had bad taste as a youngin'

same girl as the boobs and the kiss... she asked me out and i said yes because i could. after a month i felt guilty for using her b/c i knew she liked me more than i liked her and so i did the right thing and broke up with her. it was hard to do b/c i knew she was about to teach me a whole lot more than just kissing and boobie groping, but i don't regret it one bit.

the first two times i got drunk, i bawled like a schoolgirl. i skipped the fun, out-of-control phase and went straight to the sappy, emotional stage. it's a wonder i ever drank again after that.

Joint/Bong Hit?
didn't get high, only dizzy... and i didn't pretend i was high unlike my moron friend jake. what a poser jake was.

Masturbation session?
if i'm not mistaken, i was thinking about christine taylor (now ben stiller's wife) from the nickelodeon show "hey dude". i spooged over my bed sheets... my mom washed them without any questions or funny looks. my mom is awesome.

i had a groundhog attack me once. luckily i was in my car at the time. he lost.

Broken Bone?
never had one. i drink lots of milk.

the first tape i remember owning was m.c. hammer.

the first tape i remember my mom and dad throwing away was m.c. hammer.

my parents are smart people.

james bond in dr. no ... hundreds of dollars later, i have the whole collection. go me.

it was red and chrome and i loved it. 'nuff said.

Expensive toy?
it was a kneeboard that cost $120 and i saved up for months to buy it and when i finally had enough money to get it, i cried and cried because i had worked so hard for all that money and it was going to go away so quickly. i still have it today but haven't used it in years. i don't remember what age i was when this happened... probably 18 or 19... j/k
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Old 05-16-2004, 01:46 PM   #27 (permalink)
World's King's Avatar
Location: Denver City Denver
My turn.

Beer? My dad is an alcoholic. It was only a matter of time before I had a sip… then a whole one or nine.
Cigarette? My friend stole a pack from his mom. Goddamn that hurt.
Boob? There has been so many. I don’t think I remember the first one. I think her name was Sunny.
Penis? I love my penis
Kiss? So many… so much spit
Snikers bar? Chocolate. It’s a weakness
Crush? Her name Brooke. She smelled good. For a 3rd grader.
Girlfriend/Boyfriend? Same girl.
Drunk? Beefeater Gin. I still can’t stand the smell of that shit.
Joint/Bong Hit? A few friends. Pink Floyd’s The Wall. One weird-ass night.
Masturbation session? Wow. That changed my life. It’s the only thing I’m good at.
Fight? Jocks Vs Freaks. As far as I can remember… we the freaks lost.
Broken Bone? Skateboarding mishap. Broke my arm. And then through the years I’ve broke lots of shit.
CD/Tape/Vinyl? The soundtrack to Cocktail. Don’t ask.
Movie/DVD? E.T. Even though I never did like that movie.
heavy is the head that wears the crown
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Old 05-16-2004, 03:45 PM   #28 (permalink)
isis's Avatar
Location: In the Woods.
Beer? I don't remember the very first, but I used to beg sips off my dad. Then, I begged them to put some in my sippy cup. I was an alcoholic from the start, but man, did I EVER love the taste.

Cigarette? Uh, I found a chippy my dad left and I smoked it in my room. Ooh, badass.

Boob? Uh, always had them I guess.

Penis? Probably some random person when I was younger. I'm still scared of them.

Kiss? It was terrible. I like, loved this guy in 7th grade. I got dared into doing it, and I did. I was triumphant. (First REAL kiss). We broke up 4 days later ;D

Snikers bar? I don't think I've EVER eaten one. I hate peanuts.

Crush? Probably this guy in grade 5. Everyone wanted him, but I was way too shy to talk to him. I'd adjust my place in line so we'd be partners and stuff in gym class. Looking back, it seemed pretty stalkerish.

Girlfriend/Boyfriend? Hah, yes. Wasn't a very rousing experience. Ah, first 'loves'.

Drunk? I drank these stupid blueberry coolers. To this day, they make me sick. I can't drink blueberry or grape pop because of it either. I puked up tootsie rolls all over my friend's bed .. and hugged the toilet all night. Its also the first time I realized how comfy and loving the bathroom floor can be. Worst hangover ever.

Joint/Bong Hit? The first time I ever got STONED was the 3rd time I tried it.. during grade 7 at lunch time at school. In an alley. I got so stoned off my ass, I could hardly even walk. I went to a friend's house because her parents weren't home and chilled out for the rest of the afternoon. Came home, and slept for the rest of the day. I think my mom knew. ;D

Masturbation session? Can't say I do.

Fight? I whapped my cousin in the face with a rolled up poster and sliced it open. It was awesome. I didn't even get in trouble because he's older and bigger.

Broken Bone? I broke a few fingers, my nose .. just minor things. Then one night, I decided to drunkenly skateboard and show off .. and I broke my foot. I couldn't walk for like 3 months but I refused to go to the hospital.

CD/Tape/Vinyl? Ahem. Mickey Unrapped. From some music club.

Movie/DVD? I think it was the Beauty and the Beast or something. I never really watched movies when I was younger.
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Old 05-16-2004, 03:49 PM   #29 (permalink)
bundy's Avatar
Location: Tokyo
Beer? no. prob from dads glass, but too long ago to remember.
Cigarette? yes... at band camp.
Boob? yes... with 1st girlfriend in the cinema watching Othello... must've been something about Iago... (j/k)
Kiss? yes.
Snikers bar? no... haven't had one.
Crush? no.
Girlfriend/Boyfriend? yes.
Drunk? yes. this is a good one, but not for here.
Fight? yes. some fucker (actually, a friend) wasn't respectful.
Broken Bone? yes. broken hand on said fuckers face.
CD/Tape/Vinyl? Madonna, the Immaculate collection. don't ask.
Movie/DVD? no.
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Old 05-16-2004, 03:56 PM   #30 (permalink)
forseti-6's Avatar
Location: New York City
Beer? Yes. It was freshman year in college in this fraternity house...
Cigarette? Yes. I tried it, and my friend Meghan smacked me, grabbed it out of my mouth and threw it on the ground. I thank her
Boob? Wish I could...
Penis? Always had one
Kiss? 3rd grade I think
Snikers bar? No
Crush? hmm no
Girlfriend/Boyfriend? No
Drunk? Sometime not long after my first beer freshman year
Joint/Bong Hit? No
Masturbation session? No
Fight? No
Broken Bone? Never had one
CD/Tape/Vinyl? No
Movie/DVD? No
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." - Dr. Seuss
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Old 05-16-2004, 04:11 PM   #31 (permalink)
too long for me.. ill write one thing. my first gushing wound...

back in elementary school when me and my friends biked around. we stopped at this gas station because my chain popped. well trying to fix the chain.. me or someone else, i dont remember spun the pedals. my finger fallows the chain into the sprocket and the sprocket crushed my finder nail in half and rip open the tip of my finer. it was the most disgusting thing i ever saw.. a chunk of my finger was hanging by a piece of skin. the blood was squirting out like a fountain. i wrapped a dirty oiled up rag around my finger and biked home. a couple stiches later i still have my finger.
Old 05-16-2004, 05:21 PM   #32 (permalink)
Beer? Grew up with parents who believed it was a universal beverage. I probably had it in my training cup at 3.

Cigarette? Nope, though I struggled with them for almost 15 years until I could quit.

Boob? mmhmm

Penis? yep

Kiss? real one? no

Snickers bar? nope

Crush? absolutely. 3rd grade. His name was Mark.

Girlfriend/Boyfriend? Yes, first of each.

Drunk? yep, see #1. Was drunk beyond belief for the first time at the age of 12. That was the night I learned my limit. I don't think I've allowed myself to get that drunk since.

Joint/Bong Hit? joint, yes. Bong hit, no.

Masturbation session? nope

Fight? yes, my now current best high school friend.

Broken Bone? not gonna jinx myself

CD/Tape/Vinyl? Vinyl, vaguely. Can't recall what it was.

Movie/DVD? Nope, but I remember growing up on Indiana Jones, Star Wars (A New Hope), and Conan the Barbarian. We saw them all in a theatre, first run. Must have been all those beers.
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Old 05-16-2004, 07:14 PM   #33 (permalink)
SabrinaFair's Avatar
Location: Louisville, KY
Beer? Technically the first beer to ever enter my mouth was when I was a baby. Never mix a new dad and a teething baby with beer...
Cigarette? 17, New York trip, almost sat a hotel room on fire.
Boob? I remember the first time a guy felt me up, if that's what you mean. It was at a party when I was 14...
Penis? First one I saw...messing around with the guy I hate through most of high school, I was 15.
Kiss? At a band contest when I was 14.
Snikers bar? No idea.
Crush? Of course...I liked him throughout elementary/middle school...and messed around with him in college.
Girlfriend/Boyfriend? Well, if you count middle school, Greg J. We "went out" for a year.
Drunk? New Years, senior year of high school. Cheap bourbon.
Joint/Bong Hit? Freshman year of college at a party...I was very drunk.
Masturbation session? I have no idea.
Fight? Never really fought with anyone except my brother.
Broken Bone? Never had one.
CD/Tape/Vinyl? Tape, New Kids on the Block.
Movie/DVD? First movie I ever saw in theatres was Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.
"With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy."
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Old 05-16-2004, 07:24 PM   #34 (permalink)
Post-modernism meets Individualism AKA the Clash
anti fishstick's Avatar
Location: oregon
Re: Your First

Beer? yes. i didn't like it. i made that "i don't like this" face.
Cigarette? yes. i lit the wrong side
Boob? yes. i wore a training bra
Penis? yes. it was hard up against me
Kiss? yes. it was sloppy
Snikers bar? eh?
Crush? yes. i was in 1st grade
Girlfriend/Boyfriend? yes. he was a poseur
Drunk? yes. i was telling everyone i fucked a jones soda bottle
Joint/Bong Hit? yes. i coughed a lot
Masturbation session? yes. i didn't know what it was. but it tingled and felt good
Fight? no
Broken Bone? no
CD/Tape/Vinyl? yes. shhhh
Movie/DVD? no. it was so long ago. i don't remember.
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
~Anais Nin
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Old 05-16-2004, 08:40 PM   #35 (permalink)
BFG Builder
Location: University of Maryland
Re: Your First

Yeah, a Guinness. It was a bit much for me, and I prefer Sam Adams nowadays.

Don't smoke. Not worth it.

Yup. That was about all she let me touch too.

Yeah. I was chilling out in the womb when I looked down and there it was. He's been my best friend ever since.

Same girl as the boob. Her place, right before I headed out. She was playing on the piano.

Snickers bar?

Her name was Nicole. We were in the first grade. Then she moved back to Russia, and I never saw her again.

Yeah, see Kiss/Boob. Although she didn't like the term girlfriend, and I wasn't smart enough to realise it wouldn't work out. Good times, good times.

Valentines Day, 2003. Get a bunch of bitter single gamers together, provide alcohol, and watch the fun! I remember everything, and loved every bit of it.

Joint/Bong Hit?
Nope. Might try it someday though.

Masturbation session?
I remember the earlier ones. Suffice to say it started me along a long, long road.

Yeah. First grade. I won.

Broken Bone?

Dookie by Green Day. Parents wouldn't let me keep it though. Stupid parents.

No clue. I remember Star Wars pretty early on though.

Blue Balls?
See first girlfriend.
If ignorance is bliss, you must be having an orgasm.
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Old 05-16-2004, 08:53 PM   #36 (permalink)
Munku's Avatar
Location: Florida
Beer? Drink of someone elses.

Cigarette? Never.

Boob? Cousin coerced his girlfriend to show me hers a years ago..

Penis? I have one...

Kiss? No.

Snikers bar? Snickers is gross.

Crush? Never really had one.

Girlfriend/Boyfriend? Never.

Drunk? Never.

Joint/Bong Hit? Never.

Masturbation session? No

Fight? Argued with a friend, punched him in the mouth and busted his lip.

Broken Bone? Age 3, Left leg. Ran over by those little peddle 3 wheeler things.

CD/Tape/Vinyl? Prodigy

Movie/DVD? No
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Old 05-16-2004, 09:00 PM   #37 (permalink)
Location: looking in a mirror
Beer? Um, first taste? No. (I was 3 or so)...first full beer was with my last band on the guitarist's porch.

Cigarette? Yeah...probably with either my cousin and/or my neighbor (the details are fuzzy). Didn't inhale. A few weeks later, I learned to inhale with a Phillie Blunt (straight tobacco, not "filled")....WOW.

Boob? 15 years old, in the back of my mom's mini-van. I think I probably jerked off for HOURS after that.

Penis? Well, unless you count my own, I don't have too much experience with penises.

Kiss? 15 years old, same girl as the back of the van...but it was on a Friday after school in front of her locker. One of the football coaches caught us in the middle of some intense tonsil hockey.

Snikers bar? No...but I think I can remember my latest one.

Crush? Yeah...it was a girl I was in pre-school with...I finally got the nerve to ask her out...in 8th grade.

Girlfriend/Boyfriend? Yep...pre-school. We "dated" for almost a year, I think. Never kissed or held hands..although I think I pissed myself in her mom's van one time.

Drunk? New Year's Eve...I passed for 21 at the bar, so it was a constant flow of Corona and Jager...perhaps a little TOO constant. I spent the actual passing of the new year in my bestfriend's girlfriend's (now wife) car. Alone. Holding a Wal*Mart bag between my legs..."just in case".

Joint/Bong Hit? N/A

Masturbation session? In detail. I also remember the first time I thought shampoo would make as good a lube as conditioner did. (BAD IDEA)

Fight? I've never been in a fight, per se. But I do remember the first time I punched a kid in the face. At the time, he was a horrible bully. Now he's in seminary.

Broken Bone? I've been lucky so far.

CD/Tape/Vinyl? I think so. Coolio and Greenday (Dookie)...got 'em both for Easter one year, back when CD's were still a novel idea.

Movie/DVD? I think my first DVD was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (anniversary edition)
it's all about self-indulgence
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Old 05-16-2004, 10:38 PM   #38 (permalink)
Esco's Avatar
Re: Your First

Beer? - Uncle gave me a drink of his beer when I was a young one. Hated it.

Cigarette? I picked up a cigarette thrown out a car by a lady. Puffed on it and flexed like a punk.

Boob? Geez, I was young and she was young. Kinda of discovering our bodies. She lifted her shirt and pulled down her bottoms behind some bed sheets that were drying in her back yard. I remember I called them "gorgeous". I never used that word before I think.

Penis? - n/a

Kiss? - Same girl as the boob girl. We sat in a closet with our mouths together for like 10 minutes. She told me she loved me.

Snikers bar? - Don't remember, but I remember my first Reeses Peanut Butter cup and I thought it was the perfect food.

Crush? - Sonia S. in kindergarten. Well, after the boob/kiss girl ... which was just a one day thing.

Girlfriend/Boyfriend? - Sonia S., I ran into her 10 years later and she was annoying as hell.

Drunk? - I lived in Europe and we were playing soccer, while drunk. Untill I ran into this big, green wall ... with flowers ... and a bush growing out of it. I was 12 I think.

Joint/Bong Hit? - Never tried it. Was alwasy concerned I'd get addicted.

Masturbation session? - Bathroom floor was I was was a pre-teen or just turned into a teen. I remember hearing something about vaseline so I tried using that.

Fight? - I was in 1st grade and his name was Edward. I remember he scratched me on my chest and I got in trouble during recess. I had to face the wall and I was crying.

Broken Bone? - During HS football and I kept playing. 3 fingers that I never bothered to fix ... and are now crooked.

CD/Tape/Vinyl? - I must have been 7 and my parents bought me the little vinyl record of a "Grease" song. I thought I was soooo cool.

Movie/DVD? - I lived in Europe(father was military) and we didn't have access to alot of American stuff ... but I remember in the community we lived in there were people who had their own "video" stores .. and rented out movies. I think I remember keeping one and telling my parents I broke it. My little brother broke the video the next day. I think the movie had a woman with a wet shirt ... and I was in love.
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Old 05-16-2004, 11:41 PM   #39 (permalink)
Location: Edmonton, AB
Beer? I was young, really young. Like 6. I was on my grandpa's boat and asked him what beer was. He gave me a sip and I quickly spat it out

Cigarette?I've never smoked a cigarette. My first cigar, on the other hand, was in grade 11. It was a Cuban I bought off a guy that just came back from Cuba.

Boob? On my girlfriend's bed after school in grade 9. I was so scared and every time my hand went up I'd panic and slide it back down.

Penis? n/a

Kiss? If you want to get technical, it was in grade 2. The one that was actually special happened in grade 9.

Snikers bar?No, sorry

Crush? Jasmine, in elementary school. Wow, I haven't thought about her for years. Longest crush I ever had, it spanned years.

Girlfriend/Boyfriend? Besides my elementary school "girlfriends", my first girlfriend was the one I shared my first realkiss with.

Drunk? I think it was at my great grandma's 80th birthday. I was about 14 and spent all night saying to people "I'm not drunk. Really, I'm not drunk."

Joint/Bong Hit? Yep. Summer after 10th grade, with a friend and his friend.
Masturbation session? Yeah, it was a complete accident. I thought I had invented it.

Fight? I don't really remember my first fight.

Broken Bone? Funny enough, I've never had one

CD/Tape/Vinyl? My first CD I got in my stocking one Christmas. We had just got a CD player. It was one of those bad British boy bands that had one hit and disappeared. The first tape that I remember was Raffi, when I was four.

Movie/DVD? Land Before Time maybe? My first DVD was Bullitt, with Steve McQueen.

This has been a really cool thread. I'm remembering things I haven't thought about for years.
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Old 05-17-2004, 12:20 AM   #40 (permalink)
Location: bay area, ca
uh, when i was born?
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