Beer? - at a very young age....probably around 7 or 8, people in vietnam don't really care about underage drinking much. I was young and stupid, they told me to drink so I did....
Cigarette? never
Boob? -----------------
Penis? -----------------
Kiss? 12, t'was a raining day.
Snikers bar? at 9, one of the first chocolate bar I ate when I arrived in the U.S
Crush? At age 7...forgot the girl's face though.
Girlfriend/Boyfriend? 12
Drunk? 6 months ago, I drink too much, too quick, in too little time.
Joint/Bong Hit? been offered a few times, but I never accept it...didn't like the smell.
Masturbation session? uhh...with other people? no...
Fight? never, wrestled alot with friends though...does that count?
Broken Bone? never
CD/Tape/Vinyl? didn't care to remember...
Movie/DVD? X-men
Him: Ok, I have to ask, what do you believe?
Me: Shit happens.