16 and my friend Ron has a party, I drank 4 beers and vomited for hours while my best friend Jeff told me "thats what you get for living the rock and roll lifestyle" He was eating pasta at this time which made it all that much more disgusting to me. That was the first time I swore to never, ever drink again...
16,Merit. My friend Rob took them from his mothers desk.
17, was listening to ride the lighting...the bell tolled for me that day I tell you!
16 walked her home after a school dance, kissed her in front of a garbage can.
Snikers bar?
no, I was a whatchamacallit fan
1st through 3rd grade, her parents owned the pizzeria in town. They also had tempest there, maybe I liked tempest better though..I dont know. Either way, they served a mean slice.
16 and she was from the next town over, liked punk,metal but most importantly was of "loose morals"
Joint/Bong Hit?
The guy who lived behind me got me high one night. I played Kid Icuraus the rest of the night.
3rd grade. I got in three punches before the teacher broke it up. I think I got hit once or twice...I dont really remember the fight, just how weird I felt afterwards.
Broken Bone?
17, broke my ankle at godots mini ramp.
Billy Joel, Glass houses on vinyl. I bought it at bradlees
- And so he says, 'I don't like the cut of your jib.' And I go I says, IT'S THE ONLY JIB I GOT, BABY! -
Last edited by 00111000; 05-16-2004 at 09:09 AM..