Beer? I don't remember the very first, but I used to beg sips off my dad. Then, I begged them to put some in my sippy cup. I was an alcoholic from the start, but man, did I EVER love the taste.
Cigarette? Uh, I found a chippy my dad left and I smoked it in my room. Ooh, badass.
Boob? Uh, always had them I guess.
Penis? Probably some random person when I was younger. I'm still scared of them.
Kiss? It was terrible. I like, loved this guy in 7th grade. I got dared into doing it, and I did. I was triumphant. (First REAL kiss). We broke up 4 days later ;D
Snikers bar? I don't think I've EVER eaten one. I hate peanuts.
Crush? Probably this guy in grade 5. Everyone wanted him, but I was way too shy to talk to him. I'd adjust my place in line so we'd be partners and stuff in gym class. Looking back, it seemed pretty stalkerish.
Girlfriend/Boyfriend? Hah, yes. Wasn't a very rousing experience. Ah, first 'loves'.
Drunk? I drank these stupid blueberry coolers. To this day, they make me sick. I can't drink blueberry or grape pop because of it either. I puked up tootsie rolls all over my friend's bed .. and hugged the toilet all night. Its also the first time I realized how comfy and loving the bathroom floor can be. Worst hangover ever.
Joint/Bong Hit? The first time I ever got STONED was the 3rd time I tried it.. during grade 7 at lunch time at school. In an alley. I got so stoned off my ass, I could hardly even walk. I went to a friend's house because her parents weren't home and chilled out for the rest of the afternoon. Came home, and slept for the rest of the day. I think my mom knew. ;D
Masturbation session? Can't say I do.
Fight? I whapped my cousin in the face with a rolled up poster and sliced it open. It was awesome. I didn't even get in trouble because he's older and bigger.
Broken Bone? I broke a few fingers, my nose .. just minor things. Then one night, I decided to drunkenly skateboard and show off .. and I broke my foot. I couldn't walk for like 3 months but I refused to go to the hospital.
CD/Tape/Vinyl? Ahem. Mickey Unrapped. From some music club.
Movie/DVD? I think it was the Beauty and the Beast or something. I never really watched movies when I was younger.