i don't remember my first one, but i remember the first one i actually enjoyed. i hated beer for a long, long time... then one day i went to a dmb concert and got drunk in the parking lot beforehand. i went to the concession stand to get some nachos, a pretzel, and a coke. i paid the $5.50, and was handed an MGD and a pretzel. this puzzled me because not only did i not order a beer, but i was underage and didn't have a wristband. and eventhough i was drunk, i was still smart enough to not question it, so i grabbed my pretzel and beer and ran back to my seat. to this day i haven't tasted a better beer than that one.
never had one. ever.
completely unoriginal story.... in high school, back seat of my car, making out, hand under the shirt, over the bra.
however, it was with that first pair that i mastered the art of bra removal. one clasp, two, backwards clasps, clasps in front, through 3+ layers of clothing... it doesn't matter, all i need is 10 seconds and one free hand.
i was a late bloomer in this category, as it wasn't until high school. same girl that owned the first boobies i encountered. we were at a dance... dancing (imagine that)... and she just kissed me all the sudden. it was a short kiss, but effective... and apparently i covered my inexperience well b/c she didn't believe it was my first kiss. i guess some people are just born with talent.
Snickers bar?
nope. i like milky ways.
yeah... no comment. i had bad taste as a youngin'
same girl as the boobs and the kiss... she asked me out and i said yes because i could. after a month i felt guilty for using her b/c i knew she liked me more than i liked her and so i did the right thing and broke up with her. it was hard to do b/c i knew she was about to teach me a whole lot more than just kissing and boobie groping, but i don't regret it one bit.
the first two times i got drunk, i bawled like a schoolgirl. i skipped the fun, out-of-control phase and went straight to the sappy, emotional stage. it's a wonder i ever drank again after that.
Joint/Bong Hit?
didn't get high, only dizzy... and i didn't pretend i was high unlike my moron friend jake. what a poser jake was.
Masturbation session?
if i'm not mistaken, i was thinking about christine taylor (now ben stiller's wife) from the nickelodeon show "hey dude". i spooged over my bed sheets... my mom washed them without any questions or funny looks. my mom is awesome.
i had a groundhog attack me once. luckily i was in my car at the time. he lost.
Broken Bone?
never had one. i drink lots of milk.
the first tape i remember owning was m.c. hammer.
the first tape i remember my mom and dad throwing away was m.c. hammer.
my parents are smart people.
james bond in dr. no ... hundreds of dollars later, i have the whole collection. go me.
it was red and chrome and i loved it. 'nuff said.
Expensive toy?
it was a kneeboard that cost $120 and i saved up for months to buy it and when i finally had enough money to get it, i cried and cried because i had worked so hard for all that money and it was going to go away so quickly. i still have it today but haven't used it in years. i don't remember what age i was when this happened... probably 18 or 19...