Beer? Age 13. The first beer was with Dad. We were working on the fence, it was hot out, and he brought out two Henry Weinhards.
Cigarette? With my childhood buddy around the side of my house at about 11. Paranoid for about a week that my mom would smell it.
Boob? How could I forget! 13. First girlfriend! I thought it was cool!
Penis? Had this one all my life.
Kiss? 13. First girlfriend again. She slips me the tounge and I tell her I love her. I was such a dork.
Snikers bar? No but I remember my last one. It was bite sized and it was yesterday.
Crush? I Loved a girl named Sonia when I from preschool up until 2nd grade.
Girlfriend/Boyfriend? First girlfriend... Age 13. I sure learned a lot that summer.
Drunk? Dont remember the first time I got drunk but I do remember buying my first beer at age 18.
Joint/Bong Hit? I was so stoned that i felt like my arms were floating. Had a huge case of the munchies and then Pops came home.... That was a downer!
Masturbation session? I remember masturbating back in preschool.
Fight? I remember the first time I punched somebody. I was kinda disappointed that He didnt fly like 15 feet like in the movies... I was bummed even more when he started punching back.
Broken Bone? None. But I have torn off a couple of finger nails.
CD/Tape/Vinyl? First CD was Pearl Jam "Ten" First tape was Sir Mix-a-lot "Swass" First vinyl was the Star Wars soundtrack.
Movie/DVD? I dont remember my first movie because I was like 6 days old. But the first movie my parents ever let me see alone was the Never Ending Story.