Beer? Um, first taste? No. (I was 3 or so)...first full beer was with my last band on the guitarist's porch.
Cigarette? Yeah...probably with either my cousin and/or my neighbor (the details are fuzzy). Didn't inhale. A few weeks later, I learned to inhale with a Phillie Blunt (straight tobacco, not "filled")....WOW.
Boob? 15 years old, in the back of my mom's mini-van. I think I probably jerked off for HOURS after that.
Penis? Well, unless you count my own, I don't have too much experience with penises.
Kiss? 15 years old, same girl as the back of the van...but it was on a Friday after school in front of her locker. One of the football coaches caught us in the middle of some intense tonsil hockey.
Snikers bar? No...but I think I can remember my latest one.
Crush? was a girl I was in pre-school with...I finally got the nerve to ask her 8th grade.
Girlfriend/Boyfriend? Yep...pre-school. We "dated" for almost a year, I think. Never kissed or held hands..although I think I pissed myself in her mom's van one time.
Drunk? New Year's Eve...I passed for 21 at the bar, so it was a constant flow of Corona and Jager...perhaps a little TOO constant. I spent the actual passing of the new year in my bestfriend's girlfriend's (now wife) car. Alone. Holding a Wal*Mart bag between my legs..."just in case".
Joint/Bong Hit? N/A
Masturbation session? In detail. I also remember the first time I thought shampoo would make as good a lube as conditioner did. (BAD IDEA)
Fight? I've never been in a fight, per se. But I do remember the first time I punched a kid in the face. At the time, he was a horrible bully. Now he's in seminary.
Broken Bone? I've been lucky so far.
CD/Tape/Vinyl? I think so. Coolio and Greenday (Dookie) 'em both for Easter one year, back when CD's were still a novel idea.
Movie/DVD? I think my first DVD was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (anniversary edition)