Beer? On a church youth group retreat. Probably 15.
Cigarette? I was 16, on a ski lift.
Boob? I was 16. she was 14. We snuck in to the basement of the school.
Penis? Since the dawn of time.
Kiss? Church youth group retreat. 16ish
Snikers bar? Nope
Crush? Sure. Rebecca. Seventh through twelfth grade. Dated her briefly in twelfth grade and she turned out to be a psycho.
Girlfriend/Boyfriend? See "kiss".
Drunk? See "beer".
Joint/Bong Hit? High school party. I'll bet I was 15.
Masturbation session? I was probably 2 or 3...
Fight? Like, physical fight? Never been in one. Where's my Tyler Durden when I need him?
Broken Bone? Fell off the kitchen counter, broke my left wing. I was 5.
CD/Tape/Vinyl? I was into Sargeant Pepper's when I was about 8.
Movie/DVD? I remember taping Superman off the TV and watching it literally hundreds of times.