Beer: I was in 9th grade, and swiped a few from my dad's refridgerator. It was also my first drunk.
Cigarette: Yep. Also in the same session as my same beer. Decided I didnt like them, havent had another since.
Boob: Yep. In a movie theater, also in 9th grade.
Penis: N/A
Kiss: 7th grade. I thought the girl had actually just been turning around or something and ran into me. Found out later that afternoon she hadnt.
Snickers: Nope.
Crush: Kindergarten. The same girl half the rest of the class liked. Still remeber her name too, havent seen her since though.
Girlfriend: Some nonsense deal in 6th grade. Talked to her about 5 times throughout the whole "relationship."
Drunk: See above.
Joint/Bong Hit: Yeah. Didnt do anything. Havent had another since--no desire to.
Masturbation: No, but I remember my first orgasm. I didnt know what the hell was going on, it freaked me out.
Fight: Used to get into them all the time with my brother.
Broken Bone: In 2nd grade, I fell off the monkey bars. Broke my elbow when I tried to catch myself on another monkey bar as I was falling.
CD: I think. As far as I can remember, it was an Offspring CD in about 94.
Movie: Nope.
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws."