Age 14. I was with my Dad (a college professor) and his class and we were in the El Paso mountains looking for something - I don't remember, rocks, fossils, something. It was a hot summer day and during a break he let me have a beer. It was a Tecate and it was luke-warm. To this day I can't stand Tecate.
Age 14. A friend looked much older then he was and scored a pack of cigs from a grocery store. Three of us holed up in an alley-way and smoked the pack. We thought we were cool. We didn't understand you were supposed to inhale so there we were just pulling smoke into our mouths for a half-hour. Then we chewed coffee ground so we wouldn't have smoke on our breath.
Age 15. She was 17 and lived across the street. I remember we were holed up in my room and I had her top pulled up while she was laying on my bed. I was enjoying them very much, fondling, kissing and licking. I kept trying to open her jeans and she kept gently slapping my hands away. I remember spending an hour on her chest, only stopping when Mom called out that it was dinner time.
Age 10? I have a vague recollection of playing spin the bottle at a dinner party my parents took me to. The hosts' daughter had a couple of friends over and I was the only boy. I remember that at one point, it was a contest of who could kiss me the longest. We'd spend time in the closet pressing lips (no idea what french meant).
Snikers bar?
Age 9. Nope but I can tell you about "Big Cherry". This isn't a bar but an overgrown chocolate-covered cherry covered with peanuts. I'd "buy" them (liberate them, actually) from the local convenience store and sit in the back yard and spoon out the cherry goodness, leaving the peanut-infused shell for last.
Age 12. Ah Lanette. Lanette was well developed for her age (my grade). I remember following her home from school fairly regularly (at a distance, of course), too shy to approach her. She was even finer in high school.
Age 16. Becky was the classic girl-next-door who, unfortunately, didn't live next door. I don't remember how we hooked up. She was mature. She had a car (beat-up yellow truck actually) and a job (Wendy's where she'd sneak take/place my orders at the cashier all the while pressing "water" on the cash register). I guess we broke up when we went to the carnival with a girl friend of hers and another guy that was apparently though he was her boyfriend, too. I remember being crushed emotionally at the realization that she wanted to be with him more than with me.
Age 16. We were playing quarters at a friend's house. Four of us total. We had poured a tumbler of rum and were mixing rum & cokes, playing quarters for those drinks. Her mom came home and she went out to stall her while the three remainder of us passed the tumbler around trying to get drink it. It came to me and I said to heck with it and downed the rest. I didn't realize the consequences. I got home later and my parents caught on pretty quick. I was grounded for a month.
Joint/Bong Hit?
Age 18. First year of college and it was at a party. I didn't like the results: I couldn't feel my hands. I remember standing in a bedroom with a friend (also high) and his girlfriend (not) watching him try to convince her to have sex with him right there. I was all for it...
Masturbation session?
Age 18. I lost my virginity two weeks earlier to the next door neighbor's daughter. It was like being hit by a ton of bricks, the realization that this thing could bring me such pleasure. I had played with myself before but never to orgasm. I usually got too chaffed, bored, whatever. I decided to shave my genitals and locked myself in the bathroom I used liquid soap to lather up and discovered what I was missing all those years: lubrication. It was a revelation! I finally realized what I had been missing for so long. This joyful conclusion was marred, though, by the liquid soap - extremely painful in the urethra.
Age 8. A bully in the playground. I got pushed down and it was over. I haven't been in a real fist fight.
Broken Bone?
Age 14. I was on my bike gently coasting down our steep driveway when I caught the low wall at the end. My bike tossed me and I landed with my left arm hyper-extended. Instead of bending at the elbow like normal, my arm bent the other way. I ended up with a hair-line fracture at the elbow. They couldn't cast me for a day due to the swelling. They wrapped me up and sent me home.
Age 10? X-mas gift was a single speaker am/fm/tape player. I took my x-mas money and bought my first tape: a compilation Beatles tape with Hey Jude.
The Postman.