Thread: Your First
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Old 05-15-2004, 06:02 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Location: the phoenix metro
Re: Your First

Beer? My dad always had a silver bullet in his hand when i was a kid. one day, he offered me a sip, so i took it, and absolutely hated it. I still haven't developed a taste for the stuff, which is fine by me.

Cigarette? None, it's as much a health concern as an aestetic issue.

Boob? My mom put me in daycare after school. When I was around 9 or 10, i convinced Stacy to lean over just enough for me to look down her shirt and see her nipple. Considering she was my age as well, it wasn't much to look at, but it was still a victory.

Penis? Junior high in the locker room. Honestly, I didn't pay much attention to them.

Kiss? My first real kiss was with my first girlfriend. It was right at the end of lunch hour, I walked her back to class and she gave me a full-on tounge kiss in front of everyone in the hall. Hoots and woops came from everywhere, but I was on cloud nine.

Snikers bar? I'm sure it was halloween, i never cared much for them.

Crush? My first crush was in kindergarten, her name was Heidi. She moved halfway through the school year and broke my heart.

Girlfriend/Boyfriend? My first girlfriend, strangely enough, shared the same first name as myself (shortened, of course from the feminine version of the full name). We got together my Junior year in high school, and it made for amusing moments around school as we came across mutual friends, another of whom shared the same name.

Drunk? I'm pretty proud to say that I still haven't hit this mark in my life. It's not something i'm really trying to acheive.

Joint/Bong Hit? I've never directly smoked weed, but my first direct experience with it was when I flew out to Boise to meet up with some friends. It turns out that there's nothing to do in Boise but smoke weed and drop acid, so I politely sat around while they passed the pipe and got adequately fucked up via second-hand smoke.

Masturbation session? I discovered that when I rubbed myself with my pillow, it felt good. Really good. I was about 14 at the time, and I wasn't quite sure what the deal was until I learned more about sexuality and masturbation that I was, in fact, getting myself off. I grew up pretty sheltered, I suppose.

Fight? I wasn't much of a fighter when I was young, and as a result, alot of kids took advantage of that and picked on me. My first real fight wasn't much of one, but it got me suspended nonetheless. I pissed off this asshole by talking back to him when he was belittling me, and he came up to me and suckerpunched me after class. I threw back a couple of punches before he took off, and I ran off to the principle's office to let them know what happened. Policy dictated that I got in-school-suspension, which i served, then went on with my life.

Broken Bone? A pretty sad story, really. I slipped and fell (i'm pretty sure that a couple of real assholes helped me along in the process, but that's neither here nor there) in the showers after Gym class and put my arms down to catch myself. I landed on my left arm hard and ended up breaking it between the wrist and elbow. The worst part of the whole experience was the doctor resetting the bone... pure and unadulterated pain, in the highest degrees.

CD/Tape/Vinyl? My first tape was Stone Temple Pilot's first major release, I don't even remember the name of the album now. My first CD was a Weird Al record, and my first vinyl dates back to the old disney read-along books that came with 45's. I had all of them, and I'd sit there for hours with my little portable record player reading along.

Movie/DVD? I'm pretty sure my first VHS was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. My first DVD was the Matrix.
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
- Thomas Paine
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