Beer? I was young, really young. Like 6. I was on my grandpa's boat and asked him what beer was. He gave me a sip and I quickly spat it out
Cigarette?I've never smoked a cigarette. My first cigar, on the other hand, was in grade 11. It was a Cuban I bought off a guy that just came back from Cuba.
Boob? On my girlfriend's bed after school in grade 9. I was so scared and every time my hand went up I'd panic and slide it back down.
Penis? n/a
Kiss? If you want to get technical, it was in grade 2. The one that was actually special happened in grade 9.
Snikers bar?No, sorry
Crush? Jasmine, in elementary school. Wow, I haven't thought about her for years. Longest crush I ever had, it spanned years.
Girlfriend/Boyfriend? Besides my elementary school "girlfriends", my first girlfriend was the one I shared my first realkiss with.
Drunk? I think it was at my great grandma's 80th birthday. I was about 14 and spent all night saying to people "I'm not drunk. Really, I'm not drunk."
Joint/Bong Hit? Yep. Summer after 10th grade, with a friend and his friend.
Masturbation session? Yeah, it was a complete accident. I thought I had invented it.
Fight? I don't really remember my first fight.
Broken Bone? Funny enough, I've never had one
CD/Tape/Vinyl? My first CD I got in my stocking one Christmas. We had just got a CD player. It was one of those bad British boy bands that had one hit and disappeared. The first tape that I remember was Raffi, when I was four.
Movie/DVD? Land Before Time maybe? My first DVD was Bullitt, with Steve McQueen.
This has been a really cool thread. I'm remembering things I haven't thought about for years.