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#1 (permalink) |
Location: Orange County, California
Getting Girls 101
I have seen too many posts in this section from other men that make me want to grab them.. shake them.. and teach them a few lessons about how to get women. I am sure that this thread might get some negative press from our female TFP members, but if anything, maybe they can learn from it and realize why we are how we are and how it works for us to be that way. For the rest of you guys, I hope that you learn a few things that might increase your pimpin skillz. Halx has known me for a while (from before these forums existed) and he can back me up in saying that I have never had a problem when it comes to women and the dating scene, so rest assured that this stuff WILL work if you really follow it correctly. A friend of mine named Sauce-head and I on a different forum created a post about this topic and gave me the idea to post this here. I will share with you some of this information and hopefully you can get something out of it.
Lesson #1-Being Prepared To get girls, you have to have a lot of factors working together for you. But the single area that you have the most control over is your appearance. Its a known fact that to create chemistry with a girl you have to know how to connect with her emotions. Well taking excellent care of yourself will automatically trigger part of her emotions right off the bat. Think about that for a second. You don't even have to say a word to the girl and she'll already be more willing to talk to you because you've triggered her emotions with your appearance. With that being said, here are the guidelines to follow for your appearance. 1-Workout Consistently-Ok I'm not saying that you have to look like Arnold or some Calvin Klein underwear model, but you should definitely go to the gym 3-5x a week and get yourself in decent shape. 2-Wear nice clothes-By "nice" I don't mean Gucci or Armani, just wear clean clothes that fit your body type and style. I think the most important thing here is to find a look that fits you. If your a skinny piece of shit, don't go wearing XXL football jerseys and huge baggy pants. That will just magnify that fact, that your incredibly underweight. Get a pair of white shoes and black shoes. You can wear those colors with anything and it will show a girl you have a sense of style. 3-Keep all areas clean-Girls are very perceptive. They notice the smallest details about you. Get your haircut regularly. Keep all your nails clipped and clean. Make sure if you have facial hair its always looking good. If you have a fat goatee, then keep it combed, its hair isn't it. Get a beard trimmer if you have that stubble look and keep it trim. Don't have a uni-brow, go to your mom's bathroom and bust out the tweezer's. Same deal goes for nose hairs. As far as other body hair goes, I trim everywhere else. Most girls, well the hot ones, usually only like hair on your head and little bit above your unit. 4-Skin care-Take good care of your skin. Most guys wash their face with soap and water and that's it. I like to go in the steam room after I work out, use good face products. You will be surprised, its makes a huge difference in the way your skin looks. Besides you don't want to break out the night before you hang out with a good looking girl. If you put these four factors together, you should have a higher self-esteem. This will make you more confident which is half the battle with the girls. ...lesson #2 will be posted later tonight Last edited by Plan9Senior; 02-02-2006 at 02:43 AM.. |
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#3 (permalink) |
Turn off your TV.
Location: ... .- -. ..-. .-. .- -. -.-. .. ... -.-. --- --..-- -.-. .-
First impressions are important, and you've definitely got some good points there. Lesson #1 is right on target, but I would imagine that a guy would be looking for these same qualities in a girl as well.
![]() Looking forward to reading what you have to say in lesson #2!
"inhuman fiery goat worship" is an anagram for "information superhighway" -kingvolc |
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#6 (permalink) |
Please touch this.
Location: Manhattan
I will start out by saying that getting a girl legitimately will ultimately cost you more than a hooker.
Gym memberships, hygiene products, car detail, dinner... the list goes on
You have found this post informative. -The Administrator [Don't Feed The Animals] |
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#7 (permalink) |
Shiiiiiiiit. You want women? I reccomend the wing commander method.
How to be a Wing Commander In the playaz game, the mission must have three important units on the playing fielf... the KAMIKAZE, the WING GOMMANDER and the WINGMEN. The night is initiated (And rotated if necessary) by the role of Wing Commander. Scoping out the scene, be it a club, a bar, or a party, the Wing Commander chooses the target. Ussually a group of women who all look single that are out for a night on the town. THe wing commander sends in the kamikaze; a good lookign guy who often enough doesn't even know he's a good lookign guy or is already taken, and doesn't care about what happens in the night. he doesn't have to score, so being in a relationship doesn't eliminate his roll. Upon sight of the group of girls, its important to find "the ugly one" or "the bitch." This target is the kamikaze's main objective. The wing commander has decided who he wants to hook up with in the group, and it is the kamikaze's job to introduce himself to the least likely canidate of getting laid in the night. this insures that no matter what happens, the one that always ruins the night for the girls will be busy, preooccupied, and won't care that the fox of the group is the one of interest. THe kamikaze initiates everythign, and goes to the least desirable woman, and swooons her as best her can. A simple, "hey how's it goin'" works fine. Chatterboxes are excellent at this role, and upon contact and about 3 to 5 minutes into contact, the wing commander can strike. After initation of the campaign, the wing commander brings himself in, and says hello to his friend and is welcomed by him, and introduced to the wing commander's primary target. Not soon after, the primary target (aka, the hot bitch) will have her friends begin to grow tired of non-stimulation. This is where the wingmen strike, and deter interruption of the wing commander. It is strategic play fo rhtem to keep their eyes open, and to walk in by "chance" and be introduced to any other available lady that looks like she might need a kamikaze to intercept. These three roles are important. Upon keeping everyone stimulated, everyone goes home happy, and hte main target that is determined by the wing commander will make sure everyone does go home happy. some of it takes improvization, but this is the general key to being a playa. Its a game. its a mission, and its all in good fun like a video game. with practice, you will be the ultipimp. |
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#8 (permalink) |
Location: Orange County, California
Lesson #2
Lesson #2-Creating Attraction When most guys hear a girl say "I'm so attracted to him," they automatically think the girl is refering to the guy's looks. WRONG!!!!! When a girl says she's attracted to a guy its much more than looks, if at all. All these years, we've be bred to think that the way to a girl's heart is to buy her gifts, call her a lot to show how much you care and put her above anything else. Well in the real world that's the furthest thing from the truth. Now most guys who realize this are quick to say, "To get chicks you have to be @ss-hole." That's not true either. Why would a girl want to be with an @ss-hole?? To create attraction you need to understand these 3 principles: 1-Knowing what to say 2-Knowing how to say it 3-Knowing when to say it Let me explain each of these in more detail: 1-Knowing what to say-If you know what to say to a girl, then you'll get every girl you've every wanted. So how do you know what to say?? Its actually pretty easy. Say the unexpected. The unexpected is what she subconciously wants to hear, but when you say it, she'll say your mean and hit you. I am naturally pretty funny, according to all my friends and family. So I use this to my advantage to bust on the girl and give her a hard time in a non-threating type of way. 2-Knowing how to say it-Your voice tone is SOOOOO IMPORTANT!! Watch a Brad Pitt movie. Analyze his voice in some of the lines he says. Fight Club is actually a really good example of this because Edward Norton's tone of voice is like a mouse who got kicked in the nutz. So you have a perfect example of how to sound and how you shouldn't sound. Pitt's voice is deep and manly. If you think he just naturally talks that way, then your fooling yourself. He practices at it, I can assure you of this. Girls find this very seductive. The best place to practice your tone of voice is on your cell phone voice mail. Think about this advantages of this. Whenever girls call you and you don't pick up, they can hear your voice which will trigger some of their emotions again. 3-Knowing when to say it- The "when to say it" part is not exactly what it seems like. It basically means to say what your going to say within the context of the subject. Meaning, if you guys are having a conversation about the beach, don't change the subject and talk about school. The basis of creating attraction is making sure you act like a man. Girls are not attracted to wussies. A wussy is someone who is her "best friend" dying in agony, hoping one day he might suddenly get to fuk her. He became a wussy by calling her a lot, agreeing with everything she says and putting her above himself. Don't be that guy. Always remember, that YOU are the most important person in your world. Take care of yourself FIRST then focus on others. Being a man means having an opinion on things. If a girl says something and asks yo how you feel, don't just agree with it because you think that's what she wants to hear. Tell her your side without starting an arguement. Agreeing with her all the time will also put you in the wussy catergory. Often girls have tests. The will say some outrageous bullshiat to you, just to see if you agree or finally have an opnion and disagree. |
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#9 (permalink) | |
Turn off your TV.
Location: ... .- -. ..-. .-. .- -. -.-. .. ... -.-. --- --..-- -.-. .-
"inhuman fiery goat worship" is an anagram for "information superhighway" -kingvolc |
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#10 (permalink) | |
Hiya Puddin'! Miss me?
Location: Silicon Valley, CA
Things that merit a hit: Making fun of me Making fun of my friends, even if they're not around Making fun of strangers Racist jokes or comments There are others ways of being funny that don't involve being an asshole to other people.
=^-^= motdakasha =^-^= Just Google It. BA Psychology & Photography (I'm not going psychoanalyze you nor will I let you cry on my shoulder. Have a nice day.) Last edited by motdakasha; 10-11-2003 at 10:50 AM.. |
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#11 (permalink) | |
Location: Orange County, California
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#12 (permalink) |
Location: Orange County, California
Before I go out tonight, I decided to post lesson #3 which is very very very important to know, and I am sure will also get some of the females mad at me for saying this. Unfortunatly I don't make up the rules, I just go with what works
![]() Lesson #3 The True Pick up Artist Bill of Rights 1-Thou shall always be talking to a minimum of 3-5 girls. Talking to only 1 shall result in the terminal disease called ONE-ITIS! This disease is always fatal and because it is so severe, it has 2 stages. Common symptom of stage 1 ONE-ITIS are the following: -thinking she's so much different from any girl you've met. -thinking she is the most beautiful girl in the world. -thinking she is very innocent and moral. Common symptoms of stage 2 ONE-ITIS are the following: -calling her 2-3x a day, just to talk. -staying on the phone for 1-2 hours when she calls you. -analyzing everything she says and does. Example: "I saw motdakasha in the hall today, she looked my way, what did she mean by that???" -completely ignoring every other girl who shows interest in you. -asking anyone and everyone for advice and to analyze her actions. -when asking for advice, you explain EVERY LITTLE FUKIN' DETAIL about what she was wearing and how she smiled at you at 1:00pm so the listener can "understand completely." -thinking your different from the 1,0000000000000 other "good guy friends" she has. 2-Thou shall not throw away any opportunity to practice your pimping skills. I don't care if you have to practice flirting on 18 year olds, grandma's, hookers etc. As long as they are female, sharpen your skills to perfection. 3-Thou shall use girls to get other girls. Always take girls with you when you go out, because once other girls see you they'll become intrigued and want to find out what all the fuss is about. 4-Thou shall not choose one girl over another. *Note* this applies only to single non-committed guys. If more than one girl wants you, don't choose. Bang both of them until one leaves. That way you get the best of both world's. Remember, you aren't married so don't act like it. Women have an inherant nature to compete with other women. When other females want you, it makes the one you are with want you more. 5-Finally, Thou shall read all posts on this thread, so I don't have to fukin' repeat myself over and over and over. This is self explantory. If I don't have to repeat the same $hit over and over, we have more time and space to discuss advanced pimpin' techinques. Last edited by Plan9Senior; 10-11-2003 at 02:21 PM.. |
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#14 (permalink) |
Please touch this.
Location: Manhattan
Most of this stuff makes sense... it's very animalistic in reasoning.. I can see we're getting into the controversial part.
You have found this post informative. -The Administrator [Don't Feed The Animals] |
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#15 (permalink) |
Turn off your TV.
Location: ... .- -. ..-. .-. .- -. -.-. .. ... -.-. --- --..-- -.-. .-
Lesson #1 and #2 were good for the commited, but #3 seems to be trailing off from that theme. The third one from Lesson 3 is probably the only thing that'll be sure to get you attention. Flirting with every lady you meet also works well. The rest don't really follow the ultimate goal of meeting someone and staying commited to each other (assuming that's a life goal for you).
"inhuman fiery goat worship" is an anagram for "information superhighway" -kingvolc |
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#17 (permalink) |
Am I the only one who feels depressed that it doesnt matter who you are. It only matters what image you present. If your good looking it doesnt matter what you say and do your in. If your rick it doesnt matte rwhat you say or do. If you come across as the alpha male (usually by being an absolute dick to those around you) it doesnt matter what you say and do. If you have a good heart, with intelligence your fucked. It upsets me that so many peopl started crapping on that relationships are about emotions a the 'person' their partner is. The same person that beats/cheats/treats them like shit is the person they 'love'. Who a person is doesnt matter in todays society. It might of been like that throughout history but I dont know. It still really upsets me that whats in a person heart (who that person really is) is the least critiqued quality when choosing a person for a relationship. Human beings are not more evolved from animals.
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#18 (permalink) | |
Location: Orange County, California
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#19 (permalink) | |
Location: Orange County, California
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#21 (permalink) | |
Location: Orange County, California
Re: Re: Getting Girls 101
keep face clean eyes clear eyebrows trimmed ears cleaned nose hair trimmed good soap good deodorant good cologne well fitting and matching clothes and shoes match your socks to outfit *another important thing keep your house/room whatever clean DEFINITELY maintain your eyebrows!!!! Those things get bushy and messy just like the hair on your head! Now don't confuse what I'm saying, I'm not telling you to wax or shape your eyebrows like some feminine sissy boy or true homosexual... I'm simply saying taking care of your entire body including areas which you might not think are a big deal will make a world of a difference to a girl! Girls are very observant, they know which guy spends time taking care of himself and which guy just picked up the clothes off the ground and put them on. |
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#22 (permalink) |
Follower of Ner'Zhul
Location: Netherlands
Somehow I always get ONE-ITIS. Maybe because I'm just not a people person so I tend to love just being with 1 person.
What you said, it's so true though, most guys I know aren't assholes, but they can't interest a girl if their life depended on them. Maybe it's true what Tyler says in Fight Club: "We are a generation raised by women".
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause accidents. - Nathaniel Borenstein Last edited by RelaX; 10-15-2003 at 12:46 AM.. |
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#23 (permalink) |
Location: Orange County, California
Lesson # 4-Perception
Everyone judges someone when the initially meet them. Whether they try to or not they judge them. Well perception is key with girls. Let's say Halx is a virgin who has never even kissed a girl. He studies up and learns the skills of becoming a pick-up artist. He then applies these skills to the next girl he meets. The girl will walk away thinking he's a great catch. She'll think he gets tons of hot girls, he's slept with a lot of hot girls and he can get more hot girls whenever he wants. This is what you want to do. You want to create a impressive image in the girl's mind and make her wonder about you. This is commonly what's referred to as being mysterious. So with that being said, here's the rules of perception. 1-Being busy-Let's say a good looking girl you've been trying to bang calls you up today. So when your small talking she'll eventually say, "what did you do today?" Here's how a true pick up artist would respond. "Well I actually just walked in the door as the phone was ringing, I've been busy running all types of errands and stuff." Now in reality the true pick up artist could have sat home all day jacking off 33x to the TFP sexuality forum. But he's painting a picture in this girl's mind that he's very busy and always has something to do. He also is very vague about what exactly he did. Notice how the true pick up artist doesn't explain where he ran his errands. That creates mystery. Girls are very jealous people. They will think that somewhere along your errand trail you might have been with another girl. What does this do? It makes them work harder for your attention and makes it that much easier for you to score. Think about that? You can sit at home and beat the meat all day and actually have a better chance of getting pu$$y.. 2-Phone Skills-A true pick up artist also stays on the phone for a very brief amount of time for 2 reasons. a) The less time on the phone means the more mystery there is about you. b) It prevents you from fuking up and saying something stupid if you only talk for 3 or 4 minutes. c) It makes her think your busy. Along with keep the phone conversation short, you should always end the conversation first. This shows her your not needy and have other things to do. She'll think your talking to other girls. 3-Dates are for AFC's-NO FUKIN' DATES!!! You don't pick up a girl, buy her flowers and pay for her dinner on a first date. You meet her at the beach and walk around or you meet her at a coffee house and talk. She pays for her $hit, you pay for yours. Think of this smokin' hot girl just like your best friend. The only difference is she has a really nice pair of titties and nice ass.. Just like phone conversations, you keep the dates short. Coffee should last about 40-45 minutes. If you ever wonder how long you a get together with a girl should be, use common sense. If you went out with your buddy to get coffee, you probably wouldn't be there for more than 30-40 minutes. Unless your one of those gothic people who bring their guitar and hang out at the coffee shop for 3 hours. Now once you guys have starting fukin' like chimps on Xstacy then you can get a little bit more flashy with your get togethers. 4-Keep phone calls at a 3:1 ratio-I never ever call girls until they have called me 2 or 3 times. I'm not talking about calling a girl back. If a girl calls you, you should call her back. I'm talking about initiating the phone coversation. If she bitches and says, I always call you etc. then your doing good!!! I know some female will post and say that this is lame or BS, but don't listen... deep down they know that I am telling you all what works ![]() I'll get more into specfics about how you should be on phone conversations and get togethers in a future "lesson." |
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#24 (permalink) | |
Location: Orange County, California
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#28 (permalink) | |
Please touch this.
Location: Manhattan
You have found this post informative. -The Administrator [Don't Feed The Animals] Last edited by Halx; 02-22-2007 at 11:30 AM.. |
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#29 (permalink) | |
There is a different to being an asshole and being a well kept, confident and masculine man who is not afraid to be sensitive when the time is right, who is not afraid to be angry when he is angered, who does not supplicate to women to attract them (think about it, it's absurd). |
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#30 (permalink) |
Is mad at you.
Location: Bored in Sacramento
I'm getting over a pretty bad case of one-ittis. It wasn't until recently that I talked to some radom stranger for 4 hours that I realized if I found 2 girl I could talk to for hours, I could probably find 100.
What I am wondering is this, where do you meet people? I am not a bar person, there must be a better way to meet people. But since leaving college, my supply of new people has all but dried up. Where I work we have mostly married people. Is there even a point to go to online dating things (match.com, yahoo) do people meet other people that way? Where do you all meet people?
This too shall pass. |
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#32 (permalink) | |
Is In Love
Location: I'm workin' on it
I guess I'm the token female to say this is lame bullshit. Maybe this stuff works on the kind of girls you're trying to pull. I don't know. But if I'm the one to always call the guy, and he never initates then I'm going to think that he isn't interested in me and I will stop calling. But then maybe that's your grand plan, I don't know. Some girls like games. Some like the chase. I don't. That being said, I find this thread hilarious ![]()
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great. |
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#33 (permalink) | |
Archangel of Change
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#35 (permalink) | |
Is mad at you.
Location: Bored in Sacramento
This too shall pass. |
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#38 (permalink) | |
Location: Orange County, California
...says the girl that made a post about a guy who she was obsessed with that never seemed to return her calls. Sorry to call you out like that Averett, but you are a very very very good example of how true this thread is and how it works. The only problem is, in his case, he should have called you back. He had you in the best position you can have a girl... and that is having them wonder about you and have to work a lil bit ![]() Last edited by Plan9Senior; 10-13-2003 at 11:33 PM.. |
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#39 (permalink) | |
Location: Orange County, California
Get pimpin Hershaw ![]() |
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#40 (permalink) |
Location: Orange County, California
Bonus lesson! More rules of the game...
Once you've mastered the art of walking up to a girl and getting her number, there's a whole different chapter on the rules from there on out. Such as when to call, what to say etc. So let me discuss these rules a tad bit. When to Call-Only call girls Sunday-Wednesday. Why?? Because they are more likely to be available during these times of the week. By Thrusday, girls usually have plans for that night and the rest of the weekend. Now during the summer I realize these rules are a little different because schools out, etc. But during the summer most people work, so stick to only calling Sunday-Wednesday. What to say-When you call a girl, small talk for a minute or two and then lead into a get together. Don't sit there like her bitch and listen to her problems and then ask her to hang out. Remember your a man, not a wuss, you have better things to do. So after you small talk immediately ask for a get together. You do this my first asking her what her schedule is like for the week. She'll say I work this day until XXXX time and this day I have school. So just pick a time after that, simple, she can't say no or lie to you. If she says she can't then you find out she was not interested right away instead of wasting months and months "hanging out" as friends ![]() What if she doesn't answer?-Well this is where technology comes to your aid. The first thing you should do before you call a girl is put your caller id block on (dial *67 i believe). This gives you a free phone call!!!! Its a win win situation. If she answers then you can talk, if she doesn't then she'll never know who called her. Which leads me to my next point. DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE!! Until you've made the first contact with a girl on the phone don't leave a message. Because your still a stranger to her and even if she's interested, she won't call you back(dumb chick logic). 3's the Charm-3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3!!! Why in the fuk am I typing 3 over and over again?? Because if you only learn one thing from this thread about phone calls it should be this number. That's the MAXIMUM number of times you should call a girl when your trying to make the initial contact with her. Here are the rules for this: 1st phone call-caller id block on, if she doesn't answer DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE. Why? Because its a free-phone call, she'll never know who called...-dirty little trick 2nd phone call-caller id block on again, if she doesn't answer DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE. Now the timing on the second phone call can be anywhere from a hour or two from the first one or a day later. Because remember she doesn't know who called the first time. 3rd phone call-You put unlock the caller id. If she doesn't answer, leave a message. Your message should say something cocky/funny (not too cocky, they hate that). Now I know some of you are saying, "how cheesy" or "that won't make her call you back." Well if you don't sell it right then it won't. That's why I mentioned your voice tone earlier. Trust me, you say this right and sell it to her, she'll call you back within a hour or two. However, it should NEVER get to the point where you have to call her 2 or 3 times, because if you used your skills and laid down the cocky/funny, she will answer her phone all day because she's been waiting for your call. Which leads me to my next point. Jumping off the Mountain when your on Top!!-WTF does that mean? Remember when I said to always end EVERYTHING first? Well make sure you end it when its at its peak!!! If your on the phone with a girl and your making her laugh and giggle, she's obviously enjoying the conversation. Well end it there!!!! Because when you guys get off the phone, she'll be thinking about you the rest of the day. Dont be the pussy that stays on the phone untill the conversation lulls and you end up hanging up wondering if she thought you were lame. Same goes for get togethers, make them want more. This is actually the rule I use when I'm hooking up too. Just think of it this way. Take 2 steps back and she'll pull you 1,000 steps forward |
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