Originally posted by Plan9
4-Keep phone calls at a 3:1 ratio-I never ever call girls until they have called me 2 or 3 times. I'm not talking about calling a girl back. If a girl calls you, you should call her back. I'm talking about initiating the phone coversation. If she bitches and says, I always call you etc. then your doing good!!! I know some female will post and say that this is lame or BS, but don't listen... deep down they know that I am telling you all what works 
*raises hand*
I guess I'm the token female to say this is lame bullshit.
Maybe this stuff works on the kind of girls you're trying to pull. I don't know. But if I'm the one to always call the guy, and he never initates then I'm going to think that he isn't interested in me and I will stop calling. But then maybe that's your grand plan, I don't know.
Some girls like games. Some like the chase. I don't.
That being said, I find this thread hilarious