Originally posted by Averett
*raises hand*
I guess I'm the token female to say this is lame bullshit.
Maybe this stuff works on the kind of girls you're trying to pull. I don't know. But if I'm the one to always call the guy, and he never initates then I'm going to think that he isn't interested in me and I will stop calling. But then maybe that's your grand plan, I don't know.
Some girls like games. Some like the chase. I don't.
That being said, I find this thread hilarious
(with all due respect)
...says the girl that made a post about a guy who she was obsessed with that never seemed to return her calls. Sorry to call you out like that Averett, but you are a very very very good example of how true this thread is and how it works. The only problem is, in his case, he should have called you back. He had you in the best position you can have a girl... and that is having them wonder about you and have to work a lil bit

Chances are, if he would have given you a few calls he probably would be still banging you and keeping you interested today. He created that mysterious vibe that I talked about in lesson #4 and it kept you wanting him more.