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Old 12-03-2003, 10:07 AM   #161 (permalink)
Location: Where You Live.
I only managed to read till end of page 2 before i had to go answer the phone. Damn, i have to tell at least 5 of these obsessed women that i don't have the time for 'em. I hope someone hasn't already mentioned this, but having a sister (or having a friend with a sister) is invaluable.
No Win No Fee
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Old 12-04-2003, 01:24 AM   #162 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Originally posted by SAM821
well... i must say that this thread is pretty informative, it gives people ideas of what the can improve on.....

Averett.... you seem like a very genuine girl, being that you are a girl you will always have men hitting on you, some will want to get into your pants, others may perhaps be the real deal. Its up to you to decipher who is who. Dont be discouraged though, just wait and things will happen for you.

I wanted to post my situation to see what you guys think... here is some background of me:

I have always been one of the "nice guys", and honest person, caring, romantic and true hearted. Well, then again, Ive always had a girlfriend, (ive been through quite a few of them....)

well i guess i am at a crossroad... do i continue to be that nice guy or do try to work on my communication skills and confidence level to meet new people. I am unsure cause it is difficult with the heart that i have... I am just a unique person, so even though I have a few people i am talking to, it seems like its gonna get me into a heap of trouble (with all of them finding out)

well here is the deal:

My girlfriend and i just broke up a month or so ago, (i am very in love with her, but it wasnt working out) well, we still have the lingering effects that usually happen in these type of breakups (we are trying to remain friends to see if things can improve, and having "beneficial" time as well) well at the same time, i am talking to one girl that i see as only having the potential to have intimate relations with. I am talking to a second girl that really likes me (but i gave her the too busy to have a relationship excuse) but i am starting to make plans with her. and finally i am talking to a 3rd girl who is a bit older than me (i am 21 she is 23) and we are having LONG talks and we are starting to like each other... well I see this ending up one of two ways... I know if i take my time ( i am single by the way so no wrongdoing is occuring) and go very slow, i can work through this and perhaps the solution will present itself as to who i will end up with (if anyone)....OR #2 I will somehow fuck up, they will get suspicious and all leave... i dont consider myself a player, nor do i want to be one, but i am interested in the experience of meeting new women, several new women...

so what do you guys think?
Sam821, I can tell just by reading your post that you are a nice guy. After breaking up, nobody feels comfortable meeting people and hangin out with them. Fortunately it seems that you have a couple girls lined up that will keep your mind occupied while you get over your ex. This is good. Sometimes us guys will have gotten rid of our girl "friends" after dating some girl for a while and when the relationship is over we are left with nothing. You definately have a leg up in recovering . Keep reading this thread and take any tips that I give and apply them to your life to help you achieve the success that you want with women....whatever that may be.
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Old 12-04-2003, 01:42 AM   #163 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Anyhow, to update everybody, I have been talking to the last girl I got her number (the last one of the 3 friends that I posted about previously) and each time I have talked to her, the conversation was going very well and she was into it.. this is when I told her I had to go. She keeps calling . This girl is a keeper... an artist who graduated from Michigain State and moved down to Orange County a few months ago. She has a nice job, owns her own house, and is un-fucking believably great looking. She could pretty much get whoever she wants, but she is interested in me... why? Well, because I have made it seem that I "might" not be intersted in her, and that is the key.

Anyhow that reminds me of when I broke up with my last girlfriend and had to remind myself of how to talk conversate with women to keep them seeing me as the dominant one and not some weak guy who just got dumped on. Anyhow it made me want to give another lesson on conversation:


This is a technique I read about that will help those of you who have trouble with conversation. You’ll be able to hold a conversation without a problem. It could start with the simplest of questions like, “What did you do today?” You’ll learn to do this with practice without even thinking about it, but for now, here’s how you do it. (this is taken from another post)

quote:You: So what do you do with yourself?

Her: Oh, Im in Trinity College in Dublin studying Law.

Take the nouns out of this reply... (Noun: a person place or thing!)

3 Nouns in her reply:

1- Trinity College
2- Dublin
3- Law

Pick any of these and ask her a question about it! Let's say you pick 'Dublin':

You: Dublin eh? So what do ya think of the place?


You: So what's the nightlife like up there?

Or if you chose 'Law':

You: So what made you choose to do Law? Is it tough?

Then she'll answer with something like:

Her: (In regard to 'Dublin' nightlife) Yeah the nightlife's excellent, especially Club Spirit. Although it can be pretty rough after the clubs close, especially in Grafton Street!

Now repeat the process, taking out the nouns and asking her questions about them.

Nouns in the previous answer: Club Spirit, Grafton Street.

Make sense? This is an easy way to keep the conversation flowing from what she just told you. I’d suggest you go out to coffee with a friend that you don’t know very well and see if you can keep the conversation going using this technique.

6. Use Open-Ended Questions
Open-ended questions are questions that require more than a yes or no answer, and they easily lead to more conversation. Examples:

What are you studying?
What did you do today?

How was…?
What are your thoughts on…?
What’s your stance on…? (to get her opinion on something)
What do you like about…?
What do you think about…?

7. Men want facts; women want feelings
This of course is a generalization that I read somewhere: Men like to cut to the facts. They don’t like all the small talk and stuff in between. Men organize thoughts in their head and then say what needs to be said. Women use talking as a means to organize their thoughts.

Women also like to talk about feelings and how something makes them feel. The feelings associated with things. Have you ever talked to a girl for months, but the conversations were just based on facts, so you never really got to know the girl? What you want to do is take any facts she gives you, and dig deeper to get to feelings.

Girl: I really like Brad Pitt.
Guy: What is it about him that you like?
Girl: Well he’s got a great sense of style. He pulls off different looks and they all work for him. He seems really confident and…

You want to get her to expand on her original thought. Let her talk but make sure you’re controlling where the conversation is going. Never let the conversation go out of your control!

8. Listen to Her!
I’m sure you’ve all heard girls complain about guys that don’t listen. If you ask the girl the proper questions and just sit back and listen, she’ll tell you exactly how to seduce her. She’ll tell you what she looks for, what she likes, and what she doesn’t like. You guide the conversation then use this so you know what she wants to hear and how she wants to hear it. If any of you have ever done sales, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Always let the customer talk first and they’ll tell you what they want to hear.

Girls like guys who can keep them interested. Try to keep the conversation different. Take risks. Talk to her about stuff other guys usually wouldn’t; you’ll stick in her mind. Watch the news so you know what’s going on in the world. You can use that to get opinions out of her if you need something to talk about.

One more technique, which is a little more advanced, is using statements instead of questions. This isn’t to carry a conversation, it’s just a technique you can use to change things up a bit and display a lot of confidence.

Are you tired of meeting weird guys?
=> You must be tired of meeting weird guys.

What school do you go to?
=> So tell me what school you’re from

How was your day?
=> Tell me about your day

They usually start with

"So...", "Then..."
"You must..."
"You could..."
"It must be..."

Statements they take a position and a risk. If you say, “I prefer dogs”, you’re taking a risk. She might prefer cats. Saying, “I’m not interested in a long term relationship right now” is taking a risk.

Making these statements shows her your courage and confidence instead of being a guy who sits back and asks safe questions. It also gives you more control because you’re telling her to tell you something, not asking her nicely (but stating it isn’t rude either).

You don’t need Q-Cards to keep a conversation going. Just go with what she says. It’s as easy as that.
Plan9Senior is offline  
Old 12-04-2003, 01:52 AM   #164 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
I have to post again because I am thinking about this new girl that I met. Ok, here is the deal...she is a 9 on my scale and that is HUGE, but the thing is that so far she is making herself too easy and showing me too much interest and in a weird way this is making her value decrease. I cannot help this, I have always liked the ones that don't liek me and pushed away the ones who do. Humans inherantly want what they cannot have, therefore you will get 2 lessons tonight. I want to describe this phenomenon.

Lesson -You Want Her, You Don't

Ok since a lot of you are still transforming from AFC's to super Alpha males, I'd like to introduce you to a come situation that you'll run into time and time again once you become a established PUA. Just run this scenario through your head with me.

You meet a HB and you have a high interest level. You get the opportunity to work your C/F and she's taking the bait like a big fish. So now you've reeled her in and have complete control over her. She's definitely a good looking broad and her interest level keeps rising for you. However you on the other hand for one reason or another are losing interest. But why?? I'll tell you....

90% of women like to give off the impression that they play "the game" better than anyone else they know. Once you've get to dissect their brains on a few get together's they'll tell you things like "I have to have a challenge otherwise I lose interest." Or some other variation of this line. The real reason women say all these things is because they been around some many AFC's for their entire dating lives. When an Alpha Male walks into the picture they crumble and don't know what to do or say. Within a few weeks they (girls) turn into AFC's themselves!!! LOL They call you ALL the time, they tell you how much they like you etc. From a guy's standpoint this just get's old!!

As human beings we have been conditioned to like "the chase." Once this part dies off, its inevitable that you'll lose interest and move on to someoene else. Now I know super HB's probably won't get NEXT'D as quickly but eventually they get boring too.

That's the whole purpose of this thread. To teach you how to be selective and weed out the pretenders, from the real players. So don't be afraid to NEXT a HB even if she hasn't done anything wrong. Actually when you really think about it, that just might be the problem, they never do anything wrong.

life is odd eh?
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Old 12-04-2003, 03:21 AM   #165 (permalink)
Location: Sydney, Australia
Even though I cant be stuffed reading everything, the only thing I can say is.. treat your girl with respect (or future girl) treat every moment asif it is your last, don't be afraid to speak your heart or your mind, tell her how you feel, care for her, treat her well and be true to yourself too.

And control yourself
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Old 12-04-2003, 03:43 AM   #166 (permalink)
Location: Sydney, Australia
ahaha I just read everything..

hahaha good job fellas
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Old 12-04-2003, 05:15 AM   #167 (permalink)
Location: Portland, OR
Damn, finally finished reading all this. I've been a NiceGuy for a while, and I have attracted some girls.. Just not ones I'm that interested in (doesn't mean they're unattractive, there are just others I'm more interested in). So, I've been thinking about these things quite a bit lately, hoping I can somehow combine NG and PUA, and many of the conclusions I have arrived at are covered in what you have said. Good for my confidence.
Thanks for these posts, they have covered some good stuff that I hadn't thought about. I'll post again in the near future to add my recent experiences for everyone.
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Old 12-04-2003, 02:20 PM   #168 (permalink)
Location: Kentucky
Good afternoon all. I'm suprised I haven't read this thread before, but theres so many threads and so little time. I have a really good contribution planned... as I have made the transition from "Nice Guy" to "Guy who actually gets some" and I too have many pointers.

I was a "Nice Guy" all through high school. I never had any success with girls at all, and had one or two serious dates. The only time in which I even made out with girls was when I was drunk or playing truth or dare. I had plenty of respect for and genuine like of women, even with my little success. I had tons of female friends and always enjoyed the differences between their mindsets and mine ( I'm a macho guy, even for a "nice guy")

When I went to college, I decided to be more proactive with my approach to women. I started asking them out, and in return, was rejected probably 15 times in a row. That is no exaggeration whatsoever. I have been rejected right-out more than even PUAs do in a year. This is where my transition from "Nice guy" started.

As plan9 illustrated, you first go through a period of low self-esteem, thinking that something was wrong with me. However, I have a supportive group of freinds ( male and female ) who assure me there is nothing wrong with me.

Then... I started blaming women.

Yes , this is a convienant solution, especially when all the women you know and talk to regularly blow smoke up your ass and say "Oh, I want a man who <fits your description as you would imagine and what has been told to you> just not you"

Not until you get to this point can you start actually gaining sucess ( Unless it is sheer luck)

A little bit of misogyny goes a long way. I started being more direct with girls and instead of asking them out, I started telling them I had no interest in their bullshit ( I have the best group of friends anyone could ask for, why would I need one who I shared little in common with?)
Sure, you'll get rejected alot but you stand a greater chance at success. Any girl who is interested will go for this, and she doesn't have to know how much you secretly loathe women.

So far, this has worked for me once, but I've only tried it 3 times. That average is much better than my average when I first started college and was a nice guy....

But... there is a price to pay. Some people change, some people never will. If you are a "Nice Guy" ( which in all reality means you have no sexually attractive traits to females ).. you are unlikely to ever actually change. You can fill your heart with hatred towards females and view them as cumdumpsters, but that won't make you any more attractive to females.

You stand alot to gain ( ass ) but alot to lose. If you are direct with women, the more likely they are to reveal any feelings towards you. And if the feelings are slight bit negative or don't coincide with yours... boom. You can throw any sort of friendship/relationship into the trash quickly.

I have lost several meaningful friendships with my female friends ( no, I was not an IW as I had no attraction to these female friends ) because of my newfound misogyny, and have felt nothing. My former "Nice Guy" side who respected females is twisted inside about it, but my new found "Outlaw Biker" side has no concern whatsover. This leads me to more unhappiness than not getting laid as I've discovered a newfound hatred for people in general.

My point is this : Plan9s guide will work. All these guides you see are the truth... women want something different. Being yourself is great, but if you aren't happy with getting none then you will have to change. With these changes, you might be happy with your newfound success in women but find out that the new you makes you sick to your stomach.

Think of where you plan on going. If you can't stand the thought of you being a misogynistic, superficial bonehead like all the sucessful dudes you've watched get all the chicks before, don't do it.

I myself plan on continuing my current usage of my newfound OBness. After my success, I decided that I could revert to my old self and get girls that way... and failed miserably. I have to change to get girls, and that is the choice I have to make. And with choices, come consequences as the old cliche goes.

With my current attitude towards women, I will never be able to have an emotionally rewarding relationship of any kind with any female, as my physical desires are much more than my emotional desires after 19 years(I'm 20 now) of no sex and no girlfriends, and I can only look at women as sex objects now, even if they do share common interests as me. And I fully well realize that if I go back to my old self I'll scare away the women I'm currently "using" ( this happened with my FWB )....
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Old 12-04-2003, 03:52 PM   #169 (permalink)
Plan9 most of what you have to say is solid advice.
Originally posted by Plan9
[B]3-Dates are for AFC's-NO FUKIN' DATES!!!
I have to disagree here, I've met some fine young women who have never been taken on a real date. That's a shame, so a way to win quick brownie points into their panties is to take them on a date. Am I advicating taking a girl on an expensive date the first time out with her, no, that would be a waste of money. But if the context is right, hell yes, it can be a quick in. You need to know when to woo a girl and when not, that's all.

Originally posted by Plan9
The scale is 1-10, here are the catergories.

Face 0-2 pts
Tits 0-2 pts
Ass 0-2 pts
Legs 0-2 pts
Personality 0-2 pts
I like your rating system, I've never broken it up into categories before, but it makes a lot of sense.
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Old 12-04-2003, 04:21 PM   #170 (permalink)
Location: Kentucky
Everyone has different scales; mine is 1-10 also but...
0-4 personality (should read - lack of bitchiness)
0-3 face
0-1 misc body
0-2 tits
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Old 12-04-2003, 05:06 PM   #171 (permalink)
Location: Meeshagain
Dating is bad if all you want is ass(which is a very respectable thing, don't get me wrong) however, if you are the type who prefers girlfriends, then going on dates is a good idea.

The keys are to have them on nontraditional days only (sunday through thursday), and to keep them reasonable. First few dates should be coffee or something similar. No presents, no 15 compliments, etc..
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Old 12-04-2003, 05:07 PM   #172 (permalink)
Location: VA
Since no one else has said it yet:


I've been working on the 'inner game' for a while now. Weight training is a great confidence builder in my opinion. When I know I'm looking good, I find it much easier to talk to girls....
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Old 12-06-2003, 02:26 AM   #173 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Originally posted by Sparhawk
Since no one else has said it yet:


I've been working on the 'inner game' for a while now. Weight training is a great confidence builder in my opinion. When I know I'm looking good, I find it much easier to talk to girls....
Workout out will do yourself SOOOOOO much good it isn't even funny. Not only does it make you look good, but you start producing more testosterone, which girls are inherently attracted to. Without even trying, you will begin to exude more confidence, which leads to turning girls heads wherever you go. Any of you guys who are working out automatically have a "leg up" on the competition.
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Old 12-06-2003, 02:39 AM   #174 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Went out with one of the 3 girl (the ones who were all friends) that I met last week. We went to get coffee, I stayed talking to her for about an hour (a tad more then necessary) then told her I had to run. Needless to say, when I walked her to her car (notice I didn't pick her up.. made her meet me there) she immediately asked when she could see me again. I told to give me a call. After that I went out to a local bar... talked to a few more potential girls... got a call from the one I went to coffee with (didn't answer), and came home. Take note from this. Althout this girl is a 9 on my scale, I have her ALREADY chasing after me like I am the prize . I did nothing more then follow the advice that I have given all of you. Hopefully, some of you can share some success story about some girl that you have used my techniques on and have given you success. I would love to hear them

Last edited by Plan9Senior; 12-06-2003 at 02:46 AM..
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Old 12-06-2003, 11:59 AM   #175 (permalink)
Surviving Hurricanes
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Location: Miami, Florida
well, so far im keeping control of my situation i stated earlier... Tonight I am going to "chill" with my ex and then I am supposed to meet up with one of the girls tomorrow to get coffee (not quite sure yet).... and then Next Friday I made plans to join the OTHER girl for her birthday.... i dont know where this will take me... but after talking a lot with my ex and where we stand, i am realizing that i am indeed single, and i need to start acting like it (lord knows she is probably talking to guys behind my back as well)

On another note, I went to the mall the other day with my friend, and out of NO WHERE, not one but TWO girls approached me at different times during my walk around the mall. The first one worked at the food court, while i was ordering, i kept eye contact with her the entire time, gazing into her eyes, this worked very well, i was absorbing the vibes of interest she was giving the whole time... after i ordered i sat down with my friend to eat, then "ironically" she happens to go on break that moment, so i figured it was sort of planned out and i turned around and talked with her for like 20 minutes, I ended by saying i had go shopping, and she told me "well now you know where i work" and i used a nice little line "now i have a reason to return"... and i left
the second girl worked at Spencers, (not sure if you guys have them at your malls, but its a novelty store and they sell blacklights, lava lamps, crazy but cool shit) well im look at the blacklights with my friend (so i can buy one for my sisters b-day) and low and behold, this girl (a supervisor at this store) walks up to me and says "oh thats and 18" black light, they are on sale"... it was funny because we obviously knew what we were shopping for (me and my friend knew she said that just to make conversation)... so i decided to go talk to her since she made the initial contact.. i went back up to her and asked her what she was studying (she had this huge binder in her hand) and from there we hit it off, i asked her about her school and life, she asked me about mine... it went on for another 20 minutes, and i said well i gotta get going... she said well nice getting to know you, come back sometime, and i used my line again.. "well now i have a reason to come back".... and i left...

It was GREAT... i didnt get there phone numbers cause i didnt want to act hastily (plus i already have more than enough to worry about with the other 3-4 girls im talking to)... but i decided that i would go back in a week and check back up on them.... to see whats up, perhaps i will get there numbers there.....

It was definitly a fun time.....
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Old 12-06-2003, 12:09 PM   #176 (permalink)
Surviving Hurricanes
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Location: Miami, Florida

here is a question for you about a situation and how you would handle it....

I went out last night with my best friend and his girl... we went to a restaurant... well from out of no where this BEAUTIFUL (9 on my scale) waitress comes to take our order... i mean she was unbelievable (love at first sight)

well, i started off by saying she had nice earrings on (they were unique feather earrings, pretty cool looking actually).... so she comes back with our drinks, and takes our order, as she leaves to go to another table i say to my friend "WOW she is beautiful!!!" when all of a sudden she turns right back around and says "did you say something", well instead of panicking, i said "yes i did say something, i said you were beautiful", she gave me a BIG smile and said "thank you that was nice".... well afterwards she brought our food, stopped to talk to us a few times...blah blah blah.... towards the end of our meal, my bud's girlfriend asked the waitress if she had a boyfriend, and YES SHE DID!!!! DAMN@$#!

well, after i feel like shit for a second, I decided not to let it bother me, so when she came back again with our check, i asked her hold old she was. to my surprise she was 24, and sexy as hell... and a very sweet girl i may add... well after that we all were talking about what she does and what she wants to do (she wants to become an actress) so that talking went on for a while.....

well as we were getting ready to leave, she turned to us (me more specifically) and said "thank you, it was nice talking to you guys, and i come back again"....then i told her "well next time i come back hopefully you'll be single", so she laughed and said "well we'll see"...

anyways, man, she was mind boggling hot.... i want that soooo bad!!!... so WHAT DO I DO?????

what do you think?

how would you approach that?
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Old 12-06-2003, 01:18 PM   #177 (permalink)
Location: Arizona
Well Number 1 she was a Waitress. She is supposed to make you feel good when you go out. Its her job to make you feel comfrotable. But anyways.

Few Job professions to stay away from..
Anything that deals with food or drink enviroment..

But dont get me wrong folks. These professions are good. I think she was just doign her job. Cause i was once a Waiter.

But anyways. Keep up the pimpin :>
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Old 12-06-2003, 01:22 PM   #178 (permalink)
Surviving Hurricanes
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Location: Miami, Florida
I took that into consideration (that she is a waitress) even before i said ANYTHING to her.... and i know how many people must hit on her....

but on a different note, it could be a good thing cause maybe people are intimidated cause of how good she looks and that she is a waitress and maybe i had the balls to say something to her.... i dont know....
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Old 12-06-2003, 07:39 PM   #179 (permalink)
Location: Meeshagain
Hey, if you are gonna hit on her, might as well go all the way.

Ask for her number next time, maybe you'll get it. Just be confident.
emphant is offline  
Old 12-06-2003, 07:59 PM   #180 (permalink)
Originally posted by SAM821
here is a question for you about a situation and how you would handle it....
You're friend's girlfriend is a bitch, she cockblocked you. Why do you want to know if she has a boyfriend? The thing is, you don't. What does he have to do with you and the waitress? Nothing. That is one of those questions I have a don't ask don't tell policy on. If all I want is sex, then why does it matter to me if the girl is in a relationship? It doesn't, so don't ask. Besides asking gives her an easy excuse to reject you.
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Old 12-07-2003, 12:13 AM   #181 (permalink)
Surviving Hurricanes
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Location: Miami, Florida
Originally posted by phaedrus
You're friend's girlfriend is a bitch, she cockblocked you. Why do you want to know if she has a boyfriend? The thing is, you don't. What does he have to do with you and the waitress? Nothing. That is one of those questions I have a don't ask don't tell policy on. If all I want is sex, then why does it matter to me if the girl is in a relationship? It doesn't, so don't ask. Besides asking gives her an easy excuse to reject you.

yea... thats exactly how i felt.... i told her after she did that "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR!!!" but, its all good... if nothing happens, oh well..... for some odd reason i must be giving off vibes or something because i am getting the attention of A LOT more girls lately.... (this is a GOOD thing)... so if things dont work out with this waitress, then there will be others...
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Old 12-07-2003, 01:59 AM   #182 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Originally posted by Cardinal Syn
Well Number 1 she was a Waitress. She is supposed to make you feel good when you go out. Its her job to make you feel comfrotable. But anyways.

Few Job professions to stay away from..
Anything that deals with food or drink enviroment..

But dont get me wrong folks. These professions are good. I think she was just doign her job. Cause i was once a Waiter.

But anyways. Keep up the pimpin :>
Cardinal is a real life friend of mine, and he basically took the words out of my mouth. I don't bother with Bartenders, Waitresses, or Strippers... all the same type of woman, and nothing you want to be involved with. If for some reason, you are drawn to her and cannot help it, then just be forward and aggressive. Tell her you would like to get to know her or hang out with her outside of this place... tell her to give you her number so you can give her a call sometime. Cut to the chase with these types, otherwise you will be wasting a lot of time chasing a girl who is just leading you on to make a little extra cash

Last edited by Plan9Senior; 12-07-2003 at 02:02 AM..
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Old 12-10-2003, 11:59 PM   #183 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Bump.. what does it take to make this a sticky .
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Old 12-11-2003, 12:08 AM   #184 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Lesson #16 Alpha Male at a Party

So school's in session for a lot us and that means 2 things: Super Hot Biatches and plenty of Keg filled parties Over the past few months you've been learning how to become more confident with yourself and portraying that confidence to all the girls you meet. However, while all the techniques I have taught work to perfection if you do them correctly, being an Alpha Male at a Party is a little different. Let's look at why that's the case:

TONE OF VOICE!!!: I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS preech about having a deep, seductive tone of voice when you talk to girls. Its true, this works and makes girls more attracted to you. However, at a party, where there's loud music, you would sound like an absolute jack-ass if you approach a girl and try to sound like some Rico Suave pimp. Now if you get her alone in a room or a quiet place then you should use the tone of voice, but chances are that you'll meet up with a bunch of girls on the dance floor, or a crowded hall way with blaring music.

ATTITUDE!!!: Now you never want to go away from appearing confident and Alpha, but you should add a new element to your "bag of tricks" at a party. THE FUN GUY!!! Think about it, everytime you go to a party there is ALWAYS one guy who talks to EVERYONE, is loud smiling and really enjoying the party. This guy can get laid just because of his attitude. Trust me, girls notice this shit. The girls came to a party to have fun, and if he's the center of all that fun they'll be VERY OPEN to his advances.

MINGLE!!! Unless your building tremendous rapport with one of the hottest girl's at the party, WALK AROUND!!! Don't be that tool who hold's his plastic cup of cheap $2 beer and drools at all the girl's with his friend. Go walk around, you'll be shitting your pants at how many incredibly fine ass girls are at the party. When I go to a party where I don't know anyone except for a friend or 2, I usually "feel out the situation" for about 10 minutes and then spot out my "victim" and immediately approach. But logicallly think to yourself. All these girls are there to hook up, have fun and meet new people. You can give them all of that by being confident, talking to tons of people(girl's and guys) and becoming the center of attention.

Work Jealously to the Max: This should be embedded in the front of all your minds if it isn't already. Ok, we will never completely understand chicks, right? Ok, but what we do know is they are EXTREMELY JEALOUS beings. How many times have you told a girl you can't hang out on this night because you already have plans etc. And what's the next thing the chick says?? "Who are you hanging out with?? Or "do you have a date tonight??" LOL If she's asking you these questions, you should ummm....."strecth the truth.." Well Jealousy is a lot more evident at parties. The next time your at a party, spot out a HB that you want. Lay all the ground work and go talk to her for a while. Then suddenly excuse yourself and go talk to other HB's right in front of her. See if you catch her staring out of the corner of your eye. Or better yet, came back after you excuse yourself and ask her friend to dance with you. The orginial HB will most likely have a look like "WTF" when you leave her hanging. Don't worry, this is doing nothing except increasing her attraction for you. As the alcohol kicks in some girl's get quite aggressive, so don't be surprised if she comes and butts in and is pleading for your attention.

FOCUS: Ever remember back in your major AFC days when you felt like you weren't trying at all and you found out that a chick liked you?? And then when you wanted a girl soooooooooo bad she'd never be interested? Eventually your bros and yourself came up with a theory that the "less you try" the more you get!! LOL What bullshit!!! Can you look back at these days and realize what was going on?? You were being an Alpha male filled with confidence without even knowing it with all the girls that liked you who you didn't care for. And you were being a supplicating AFC bitch with the SHB's you wanted. When ever you go to a party you should play a #'s game in your head. Its not, will I hook up tonight, its how many girls will I hook up with tonight?? Obiviously it depends on if there are hot chicks there, but most likely there are always a handful. Look at the top athletes in professional sports. Did Jordan ever doubt that he'd make the buzzer beating game winning shot?? NOPE!! And although he missed his share, he made A LOT!! His confidence was so high he never doubted he'd come through. This is the same mentality that an Alpha Male should have at a party. Your always going to hit road blocks, but you should barrel through them and keep on truckin'!!

Rejection: Well unless your incredibly drunk, you should never really get rejected when you move in for a kiss because of the "kiss test" but if you do, who gives a shit??? Ditch her and find a new whore to get with. Do it right infront of the girl that rejected you 5 minutes earlier and suddenly you'll be "a lot more attractive" to the first girl. Remember we've said it before, rejection should never be taken personally, it happens for a # of different reasons. Lots of girls deny guys they REALLY REALLY LIKE the first few times to make them more interested in them. However if a girl does this to you at a party (assuming you've never met her before the party) ditch her and find someone else. You don't have time for bullshit "games"

Finally I'd like to say, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be able to approach 10 girls at a party. All the odds are in your favor. Alcohol, horny people, and good music. Go live it up bros, be the guy I described and your penis will thank you....

Last edited by Plan9Senior; 12-12-2003 at 01:51 AM..
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Old 12-13-2003, 03:34 PM   #185 (permalink)
Location: Dallas
I just wanted to say thanks for the tips.

I will be putting them to good use and hopefully take them farther then expected.

You have given a lonely man much needed hope, and guidence.

agian, thanks
Warthaog?! ...looks more like a Puma.
WooKieRay is offline  
Old 12-15-2003, 01:00 AM   #186 (permalink)
Location: Portland, OR
Here are a couple of my recent experiences.
Last week I was at a Starbucks, more for confidence building than anything else. I had never done anything like this before, so it was kinda a big step. Also, it was 1:45 in the morning, so there wasn't much of a selection.. I just sat alone and tried to look confident. Probably not the best approach =) but anyway: a girl got up to go to the bathroom, but instead of going straight towards it she took a longer route around some tables, and faced me. We made eye contact, but I sat there and let her continue to the bathroom. When she came out, we made eye contact again as she went back to her seat. I couldn't get up any courage to go and say hi, but I heard her and her friends saying that I should be coming over to talk to them.
Lessons: 1) don't be afraid of her friends, they'll be cool if you come over to talk to her. She's going to be the one you're talking to the most, so their presence shouldn't affect you much at all. 2) Eye contact rules. It seems like one of the biggest factors to starting a convo. I made eye contact for a total of maybe 3 seconds, and they started wishing I would come over. 3) I don't think you necissarily have to go around talking to lots of girls&guys to give the impression that you're an alpha male. This is definately a better approach at a party than chillin' by yourself, but remember that you can give off a sense of confidence just by the way you drink your coffee as you look around the room. Feel confident and it will show.
Today, I was at the mall shoe shopping. I saw a very good looking girl, 8.5-9, also looking at shoes. This would be my 2nd attempt (well, first real one) so it took me a while to go talk to her. I don't think she saw me before I went up to her though, so I got lucky in regard to the 3 second rule. I smiled and said "Hi, how are you doing?" and immediately got a big smile back. I didn't have a good second question even though I'd been walking around a couple minutes trying to decide on one, and asked if she thought shopping alone was boring. I had decided before coming up to her that that was a crappy question (and it was), but it worked fine anyway and we started talking. She was having the same problem as I was, couldn't find shoes she liked. She was trying on a pair and asked how I thought they looked, and I thought they looked okay, so said they looked "good". She said "You're just saying that.." Woops, that's where that rule about not complimenting a girl that high on your scale comes from. I laughed and didn't say anything for a few seconds. Bad bad bad. I then tried to agree with her a bit, saying something about them not having sides. Also not a great idea. We talked a bit more and there was another silence. I asked if she wanted to get something to drink, and she said she had to go have dinner with her family soon.. Pretty soon after that, she said she had to get going, nice meeting you, etc. As I walked off, I realized I never asked her name! I came back but of course she was gone.
So that started out real well, despite my stupid question. I think it all started going south when I said I liked the shoes. So there are a few examples what Plan9's been saying. I complimented her, then tried to change my opinion to coincide with hers. I should have looked more carefully at the shoes, and come up with something I didn't like. From there, I could have asked a few more questions like where she went to school (or her name, I got too into our conversation I guess.. but what a stupid mistake) then broken off our conversation, since it was going well and she was interested in talking with me. I definately shouldn't have asked if she wanted to get a drink.
Please comment on my conclusions =)

End result: I started a pretty good conversation with a hot girl just by smiling, looking at her eyes, and saying hi. It was easy once I had said hi, and the experience sure has helped my confidence.
P.S. If you are having issues approaching a girl, remember this: you aren't trying to get laid, you're trying to talk to her. That is what will build confidence so that is what you want to be doing right now. All you have to do to talk to her is say hello!
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Old 12-15-2003, 09:27 PM   #187 (permalink)
herostar's Avatar
Location: South Dakota
I've read through number 6 so far... this thing's long! So far what you say seems about on par. This should help quite a few people.
Got time to chill?
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Old 12-15-2003, 09:36 PM   #188 (permalink)
Location: Texas
There is no 1-way to "get women". That's a crock of shit, and even women know it. Every single individual women wants exactly the same thing, even if they don't admit to it. They all want a huge big cock to stretch their vagina. And even lesbians want a huge dildo. So no matter the case, women always want something that originates from within a man's pants. I don't know WHY women have to lie about being horny 24/7. Us guys do it all the time, and we're not ashamed of it because there's nothing to be ashamed OF!
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Old 12-16-2003, 04:09 AM   #189 (permalink)
Is In Love
Averett's Avatar
Location: I'm workin' on it
Wow Balano, you must be a big hit with the ladies...

So you must have a pretty small cock, right? You're seeming a bit bitter there... I mean, first you say there is no one way to get women, then you say that we all just want a big cock to stretch our vagina. I think you're a little misguided my friend.
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.
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Old 12-16-2003, 04:22 AM   #190 (permalink)
SiN's Avatar
Location: ...more here than there...
@ Averett

and i gotta also give a 'nice work + ' to Plan9...regardless of my agreement on the tactics/strategies, i think overall you've given sound advise to those choosing to do things this way. and your hard work and dedication to this thread is admirable.

- + - ° GiRLie GeeK ° - + - °
Therell be days/When Ill stray/I may appear to be/Constantly out of reach/I give in to sin/Because I like to practise what I preach
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Old 12-16-2003, 12:14 PM   #191 (permalink)
beauty in the breakdown
Location: Chapel Hill, NC
Originally posted by Averett
Wow Balano, you must be a big hit with the ladies...

So you must have a pretty small cock, right? You're seeming a bit bitter there... I mean, first you say there is no one way to get women, then you say that we all just want a big cock to stretch our vagina. I think you're a little misguided my friend.
Agreed. Very strongly

Originally posted by SiN
@ Averett

and i gotta also give a 'nice work + ' to Plan9...regardless of my agreement on the tactics/strategies, i think overall you've given sound advise to those choosing to do things this way. and your hard work and dedication to this thread is admirable.

Also agreed. An excellent thread, regardless of whether or not you agree with it.
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws."
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Old 12-16-2003, 12:22 PM   #192 (permalink)
Is In Love
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Location: I'm workin' on it
Originally posted by sailor420
Also agreed. An excellent thread, regardless of whether or not you agree with it.
Yup, took me awhile to get with the program though
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.
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Old 12-16-2003, 05:21 PM   #193 (permalink)
Location: Melbourne, Australia
A very informative thread, now i've just gotta put some of these tips into practice. Props goes to Plan9
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Old 12-18-2003, 01:11 AM   #194 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Originally posted by Zorvox
Even though I cant be stuffed reading everything, the only thing I can say is.. treat your girl with respect (or future girl) treat every moment asif it is your last, don't be afraid to speak your heart or your mind, tell her how you feel, care for her, treat her well and be true to yourself too.

And control yourself
get out of my thread lolz
Plan9Senior is offline  
Old 12-18-2003, 01:16 AM   #195 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Originally posted by Balano
There is no 1-way to "get women". That's a crock of shit, and even women know it. Every single individual women wants exactly the same thing, even if they don't admit to it. They all want a huge big cock to stretch their vagina. And even lesbians want a huge dildo. So no matter the case, women always want something that originates from within a man's pants. I don't know WHY women have to lie about being horny 24/7. Us guys do it all the time, and we're not ashamed of it because there's nothing to be ashamed OF!
This forum has an 18 year old limit. Possibly you did not read the stipulations when you signed up... dunno.. but either way, grow up kiddo .
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Old 12-18-2003, 01:27 AM   #196 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
I have unfortunatly been hanging out with that girl lately and she is eating up my time. I havent been able to muster enough energy to post another lesson, but I am definately dissapointed that I come to check here and there are no stories of success or any questions on what to do. Either nobody is using this advice or you are too lazy to tell us about your successes and failures. Anyhow, winter vacation is here for all of you students and I expect you to be going out a lot and practicing these methods! Please share some of your stories, even if they went bad. We can all learn from the mistakes and also be motivated from the successes.

- a tired P9

PS. Happy Holidays all
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Old 12-18-2003, 03:27 AM   #197 (permalink)
Location: Australia, Perth
I have been talking with a secretary at work, although she's about 8 years older than me. Sometimes i wonder though, if she's taking me seriously or just thinks i am little boy or something
Albeit she's probably too old anyway, or i have no chance. It's hard to know if she's flirting and seriously or just mucking around. I think the age difference scares me as well

Although, office relationships don't seem to work. ALthough it'd be cool to have sex on the photocopier ....i am getting ahead of myself...

hmm, sorry, that was generally pointless.

Although yesterday i was talking to a girl on the bus about mine and her books (she was reading 1984, me Brave new world, sorta similar concepts and themes) but she got off too quickly. I think it was going well though, although i found it hard to work the questions around much else than about books and other topics related to that, casue i was a little tired myself that day, like at the end of all days, nowadays...

So yeah, pretty much 2 rejections in the last few days. Can't wait for the christmas and hoilday parties though, cause in your thread about parties, i normally do similar things which normally work out ok. We'll see how it goes.

So far though, my shooting percentage isn't good....holidays can't come soon enough.....
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Old 12-18-2003, 08:33 PM   #198 (permalink)
Location: Portland Or
Thank you for all of the advice. It can't hurt to try some of it out.
Looking for that perfect loin ornament.
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Old 12-19-2003, 06:22 AM   #199 (permalink)
Location: good ol' germany
I worked a bit on the PDF, looks a lot nicer now!
But I won't continue the HTML-Version, that's too much work and looks crappy.

Getting Girls 101

And finally, I got myself to actually try that stuff. Went to a party last night with a few friends, and just by telling me I was confident, I surprisingly GOT confident. And that seemed to work so far... let's see what happens
Anyhow, I felt much better than at most parties before, had a lot more fun and I guess girls tend to notice that.
Die Welt ist dumm und ich erst recht
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Old 12-20-2003, 12:24 AM   #200 (permalink)
Sometimes tho, you'll go 18 years without even kissing a girl. Then at work, one of the top5 hottest chicks in your school will start talking to you, then calling you every night for weeks, then break up with her bf of 9 months, and... you just act all confused, because i am, damnit. There is hope for those of us who are lazy, depressed, timid, modest, anti-social computer geeks. but she'll probably die in a car crash tomorrow or something.

Last edited by dmanti; 12-20-2003 at 12:26 AM..
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101, girls

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