I have to post again because I am thinking about this new girl that I met. Ok, here is the deal...she is a 9 on my scale and that is HUGE, but the thing is that so far she is making herself too easy and showing me too much interest and in a weird way this is making her value decrease. I cannot help this, I have always liked the ones that don't liek me and pushed away the ones who do. Humans inherantly want what they cannot have, therefore you will get 2 lessons tonight. I want to describe this phenomenon.
Lesson -You Want Her, You Don't
Ok since a lot of you are still transforming from AFC's to super Alpha males, I'd like to introduce you to a come situation that you'll run into time and time again once you become a established PUA. Just run this scenario through your head with me.
You meet a HB and you have a high interest level. You get the opportunity to work your C/F and she's taking the bait like a big fish. So now you've reeled her in and have complete control over her. She's definitely a good looking broad and her interest level keeps rising for you. However you on the other hand for one reason or another are losing interest. But why?? I'll tell you....
90% of women like to give off the impression that they play "the game" better than anyone else they know. Once you've get to dissect their brains on a few get together's they'll tell you things like "I have to have a challenge otherwise I lose interest." Or some other variation of this line. The real reason women say all these things is because they been around some many AFC's for their entire dating lives. When an Alpha Male walks into the picture they crumble and don't know what to do or say. Within a few weeks they (girls) turn into AFC's themselves!!! LOL They call you ALL the time, they tell you how much they like you etc. From a guy's standpoint this just get's old!!
As human beings we have been conditioned to like "the chase." Once this part dies off, its inevitable that you'll lose interest and move on to someoene else. Now I know super HB's probably won't get NEXT'D as quickly but eventually they get boring too.
That's the whole purpose of this thread. To teach you how to be selective and weed out the pretenders, from the real players. So don't be afraid to NEXT a HB even if she hasn't done anything wrong. Actually when you really think about it, that just might be the problem, they never do anything wrong.
life is odd eh?