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Old 12-11-2003, 12:08 AM   #184 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Lesson #16 Alpha Male at a Party

So school's in session for a lot us and that means 2 things: Super Hot Biatches and plenty of Keg filled parties Over the past few months you've been learning how to become more confident with yourself and portraying that confidence to all the girls you meet. However, while all the techniques I have taught work to perfection if you do them correctly, being an Alpha Male at a Party is a little different. Let's look at why that's the case:

TONE OF VOICE!!!: I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS preech about having a deep, seductive tone of voice when you talk to girls. Its true, this works and makes girls more attracted to you. However, at a party, where there's loud music, you would sound like an absolute jack-ass if you approach a girl and try to sound like some Rico Suave pimp. Now if you get her alone in a room or a quiet place then you should use the tone of voice, but chances are that you'll meet up with a bunch of girls on the dance floor, or a crowded hall way with blaring music.

ATTITUDE!!!: Now you never want to go away from appearing confident and Alpha, but you should add a new element to your "bag of tricks" at a party. THE FUN GUY!!! Think about it, everytime you go to a party there is ALWAYS one guy who talks to EVERYONE, is loud smiling and really enjoying the party. This guy can get laid just because of his attitude. Trust me, girls notice this shit. The girls came to a party to have fun, and if he's the center of all that fun they'll be VERY OPEN to his advances.

MINGLE!!! Unless your building tremendous rapport with one of the hottest girl's at the party, WALK AROUND!!! Don't be that tool who hold's his plastic cup of cheap $2 beer and drools at all the girl's with his friend. Go walk around, you'll be shitting your pants at how many incredibly fine ass girls are at the party. When I go to a party where I don't know anyone except for a friend or 2, I usually "feel out the situation" for about 10 minutes and then spot out my "victim" and immediately approach. But logicallly think to yourself. All these girls are there to hook up, have fun and meet new people. You can give them all of that by being confident, talking to tons of people(girl's and guys) and becoming the center of attention.

Work Jealously to the Max: This should be embedded in the front of all your minds if it isn't already. Ok, we will never completely understand chicks, right? Ok, but what we do know is they are EXTREMELY JEALOUS beings. How many times have you told a girl you can't hang out on this night because you already have plans etc. And what's the next thing the chick says?? "Who are you hanging out with?? Or "do you have a date tonight??" LOL If she's asking you these questions, you should ummm....."strecth the truth.." Well Jealousy is a lot more evident at parties. The next time your at a party, spot out a HB that you want. Lay all the ground work and go talk to her for a while. Then suddenly excuse yourself and go talk to other HB's right in front of her. See if you catch her staring out of the corner of your eye. Or better yet, came back after you excuse yourself and ask her friend to dance with you. The orginial HB will most likely have a look like "WTF" when you leave her hanging. Don't worry, this is doing nothing except increasing her attraction for you. As the alcohol kicks in some girl's get quite aggressive, so don't be surprised if she comes and butts in and is pleading for your attention.

FOCUS: Ever remember back in your major AFC days when you felt like you weren't trying at all and you found out that a chick liked you?? And then when you wanted a girl soooooooooo bad she'd never be interested? Eventually your bros and yourself came up with a theory that the "less you try" the more you get!! LOL What bullshit!!! Can you look back at these days and realize what was going on?? You were being an Alpha male filled with confidence without even knowing it with all the girls that liked you who you didn't care for. And you were being a supplicating AFC bitch with the SHB's you wanted. When ever you go to a party you should play a #'s game in your head. Its not, will I hook up tonight, its how many girls will I hook up with tonight?? Obiviously it depends on if there are hot chicks there, but most likely there are always a handful. Look at the top athletes in professional sports. Did Jordan ever doubt that he'd make the buzzer beating game winning shot?? NOPE!! And although he missed his share, he made A LOT!! His confidence was so high he never doubted he'd come through. This is the same mentality that an Alpha Male should have at a party. Your always going to hit road blocks, but you should barrel through them and keep on truckin'!!

Rejection: Well unless your incredibly drunk, you should never really get rejected when you move in for a kiss because of the "kiss test" but if you do, who gives a shit??? Ditch her and find a new whore to get with. Do it right infront of the girl that rejected you 5 minutes earlier and suddenly you'll be "a lot more attractive" to the first girl. Remember we've said it before, rejection should never be taken personally, it happens for a # of different reasons. Lots of girls deny guys they REALLY REALLY LIKE the first few times to make them more interested in them. However if a girl does this to you at a party (assuming you've never met her before the party) ditch her and find someone else. You don't have time for bullshit "games"

Finally I'd like to say, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be able to approach 10 girls at a party. All the odds are in your favor. Alcohol, horny people, and good music. Go live it up bros, be the guy I described and your penis will thank you....

Last edited by Plan9Senior; 12-12-2003 at 01:51 AM..
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