10-01-2004, 04:17 PM | #1 (permalink) |
To pay for a prostitute or a fake vagina?
I'm extremely horny these days. I turned 18 a few months ago and am still a virgin, but I really want to have sex or something close to it. Masturbation just doesn't cut it anymore. And I have low self esteem and think I am extremely ugly and have no chance with any girls so the real thing won't be happening.
I have two options: get a prostitute, or get some sort of fake vagina. Prostitutes... are they any good? Decent? The price isn't a huge deal to me, but I just want to get laid, as stupid and sad and desperate as that sounds. Fake vaginas... are they any good? Any suggestions on certains one that are good? Thanks guys! |
10-01-2004, 04:27 PM | #2 (permalink) |
Location: San Marvelous
You need to find yourself a girl. Not a whore.
Are you sure you are ugly? Maybe you've just got a poor self-image and that has led to a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy. Try cleaning yourself up. Wash your hair. Shower daily. Take care of those zits. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Go buy some cool clothes. That should scare up a girl or two.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam. |
10-01-2004, 05:52 PM | #3 (permalink) |
Location: My own little world (also Canada)
Haha take care of those zits. That's a lot harder than it sounds. Through highschool I spent 2 years switching between medications until I finally found one that worked (after I graduated ).
Anyways, maybe some of the smoother guys here (which are not me. I get by purely on my looks and horrible puns ) could give him some tips on "chatting up the ladies". Or improve his game if you wanna call it that. As far as a hooker goes, just don't do it. I know a lot of people don't really put much stock in their "first time" and all that shit, but do you REALLY want it to be with someone you had to pay? If anything, I'd imagine it would be even worse for your self-esteem, and plus there's a very good chance of getting VD, even with a condom on (herpes, for one, can be transferred relatively easily even with a condom on). The fake vagina thing is up to you. I've never tried one, and I don't know that I will because I'm a sheep and there's a social stigma around guys who use toys to masturbate. But definitely, as far as actual sex, don't go with the prostitute. |
10-01-2004, 06:07 PM | #4 (permalink) |
Location: dfw - texas
don't give up hope yet. are you going to college? if so, it's a world of difference from high school. give it some more time.
Depression is just anger without enthusiasm. It’s having an empty beer bottle but no one to throw it at. |
10-01-2004, 06:29 PM | #5 (permalink) |
Custom User Title
Location: Lurking. Under the desk.
Get outside. Meet some people. You're bound to run into one that is compatible.
That said, don't blow $300 on a date, either. If you plan on doing that, just look up a local "escort" in one of your city's more liberal papers.
Blistex, in regards to crappy games - They made pong look like a story driven RPG with a dynamic campaign. |
10-01-2004, 06:40 PM | #6 (permalink) |
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
You are only 18... Time is on your side. Don't be in such a rush to lose your virginity.
Why do you think you are ugly? Because I'll tell you, no one is ugly, everyone has beauty in them, you just have to show that to people.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
10-01-2004, 07:01 PM | #7 (permalink) |
Just like Mal said, age is NOT an issue. I didn't lose my virginity until I was older than you, but it was with someone I love, so it was worth it. Honestly, you might not think you'll regret it, but when you meet that special person, you will
Also, confidence is a big deal. You say you ahve no self-esteem and are ugly. I am willing to be on the self-esteem problem and let the ugly go hang. If you believe you are worth people's time (which I can guarantee you right now that you are) then you will be. Good luck |
10-01-2004, 09:44 PM | #8 (permalink) |
alot of it is really how you see yourself rather than your actual physical characteristics. ive seen alot of ugly guys hook up with girls because they were smooth talkers. dont get a prostitute...
I didnt get a girlfriend until I was 17 and im still basically a virgin (im your age). I had a friend who was real depressed and had a low self image, and he finally found a girl. throw yourself on the market and you're bound to get something |
10-01-2004, 10:07 PM | #9 (permalink) |
Do you have a digi-cam? Post a picture of yourself and well help you out, but honestly looks only counts for like %10 with girls. Most girls I know would rather have an ugly guy that they had fun with than a hunk who is a jerk/uninteresting. Look at me, I didn't have a real girlfriend until I was 19, I thought I was ugly too. One day I just woke up and said "the hell with what anyone thinks of me" and really stuck to it. I started to talking to any girl I thought I would like, even the hottest girls at work or school. I won't lie I got turned down A LOT, but who cares. It didn't take long before I found the love of my life, she is beautifull (way out of my league but she slaps me when I say that) she loves playing video games and going to movies and stuff with me and my friends, and I've been with her for about 2 years now. We are best friends as well as lovers, and I haven't been happier in my life. My advice to you is to take care of yourself, get some self confidence, and suck it up and ask some girls out. Don't be nervouse cus if it doesn't go well its not a big deal. In fact, if you sense it is not going well, just say you've had a great time and that you would like to be her "friend" and hang out "sometime", save some face. DO NOT, and I cannot stress this enough, DO NOT hire a prostitue, you will regret it the rest of your life. I was a virgin till I was 20 and Ill tell that to anyone. Try to realize that what people think of you doesn't matter. I know its hard in highschool, but after you get out you will see that "popularity" doesn't even exist anymore, and you will wonder why you stayed up so many nights worrying about it. Be yourself and the hell with anyone that doesn't like you.
10-02-2004, 12:46 PM | #10 (permalink) |
you guys are too nice...
anyways one of my problems may be that i chose a school that doesnt fit with me. I'm a freshman at college, and this school is EXACTLY like high school, if not worse. 90% of the people here are the stupid shallow dumbfucks that i thought i could get away from after high school. |
10-02-2004, 12:56 PM | #11 (permalink) |
Submit to me, you know you want to
Location: Lilburn, Ga
trust me....I am never dumb enuff to believe, myself, that Im gods gift to men...but I act like it hehehe...not to the annoying extent...and it works....the person you want is the person that finds YOU on the inside NOT on the outside
oh and a LOT of people dont ever get out of the highschool stage...learn that right now!!
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!! |
10-02-2004, 12:58 PM | #12 (permalink) |
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
We're not overly nice -- really -- we're honest...
Some colleges aren't that different from high school - -but the difference you have, is that you've got a fresh start -- you can be whomever you want to be... you don't have to be the same person you were in high school -- no one knows you... There are shallow people whereever you go -- there are also genuine people whereever you go - the trick is finding them... There's no rule that says you have to stay at your current college, transferring is possible, but you might find the same thing, unless you are willing to work on yourself, from the inside... You are good enough, and people will like you, if you give them the chance.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
10-02-2004, 01:01 PM | #13 (permalink) | |
follower of the child's crusade?
As for a fake vagina... I dont know anything about them, but it sounds terribly unsexy in principle.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate, for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain without being uncovered." The Gospel of Thomas |
10-02-2004, 01:09 PM | #14 (permalink) |
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Ouch I went there too for the first two years. Then I went to Stanford. Every guy your age feels that way; virgin or not. I remember *fades away to several years ago* when I was a freshman. The girls were just as confused as they were in higschool, and I had little patience for it. I bought Proactiv solution for my acne (this has worked wfor everyone I know of). I started exercising. I changed my diet. Through high school, I was overweight. I decided that with a degree and career, neede to come other changes. I bought one of those $150 home benches with some weights. I devoted at least an hour a day to exercise and stopped buying potato chips and soda. After about 3 or 4 months I felt and looked better. By my sophmore year, I was in excelent shape. I was starting to notice other changes. I became a lot more comfortable in my won skin. It was amazing that I was actually able to talk to any woman I wanted, and they didn't run or pull out the pepper spray!
I don't know what kind of shape you are in. I don't know any particulars. I do know that being in shape mentally and physically made me a better catch in womens eyes. Make yourself into who you want to become for the rest of your life. It is up to you to shape your personality, and body. Don't do it for the girls though. Do it for you. Women are just an amazing plus that comes with it. |
10-02-2004, 02:13 PM | #15 (permalink) |
Filling the Void.
Location: California
Dude, as an eighteen year old girl, I must say: WAIT TO LOSE YOUR VIRGINITY TO SOMEONE YOU KNOW WILL APPRECIATE YOU FOR MORE THAN YOUR FREAKING MONEY! Do not go out and get yourself a prostitute, even if you DO have such a low self-esteem (trust me, I had a horrible self-esteem until I got into the wonderful relationship I'm in now)- a whore may have diseases, will probably fake orgasms (which isn't fun), and will probably not be too hot.
Now, for the fake vagina- it's not going to give you any diseases, but it's going to feed your depressed state. Get out and start making relationships, and stop feeling sorry for yourself. I've been in your position and although my esteem isn't super high, it's way better now that I have someone that I know cares about me. |
10-02-2004, 02:39 PM | #16 (permalink) |
Location: Canada
I was in the same position as you were a while ago. 18, Virgin, Lonely, Hornier than anything should be... You're in college now, and while there are still superficial and shallow fuckheads, there will be more mature and friendly people willing to get to know you. I used to think I was ugly too, but most of it was just a lack of self-confidence (The total absence thereof actually). I couldnt talk to women, look at women or even see myself getting to know any simply because I didnt think it would happen. Then I met my Girlfriend and things changed. You need to figure out why you think you're ugly and do what you can to change it if you dont like it. Like many people have said, in college you have a fresh start. Im a totally different person from who I was in highschool and happier for it. Screw social norms, screw shallow assholes and screw anyone who says differently. Dont waste money on a fake vagina or a hooker. Once you start respecting yourself more, other people will. Women notice a man who's comfortable with himself. It may seem bleak from your end, but thats part of the problem too. If you dont think women will like you, they wont.
In summary, hooker bad, fake vagina bad, Germanguy good.
You did what with a duck? |
10-02-2004, 02:57 PM | #18 (permalink) |
I have to comment on your confidence - you think you are ugly. WTF is up w/that?! You are who you are. Big boy? Hit the gym. Scrawny boy? Hit the gym. Covered w/pimples on your body? Use the meds. Other than that, what makes you ugly? Clothes? Change them. Hair? Change it. Glasses? Try contacts, or a new pair.
Bottom line - only YOU can make you think you are ugly. (And be honest - you've never seen what you thought was a little/ugly guy w/a beautiful girl?) Before you will find someone that loves you, you have to love yourself (I know, it's an old saying, but it's true). Find out what you can do to stand out. If nothing else, hit the gym to improve yourself. As one area of yourself improves, others will follow. If you can't afford to go to the gym, there are plenty of exercises you you can do at home. Machines are not necessary. Treadmill? Go for a run (or walk). Weights? (Use your body as resistance for push-ups, pull-ups, et al.) Prostitute or fake vagina? I've never used either, and I don't reccommend you do so. Both will leave you wanting more than they can/will provide. You're still a young pup. Learn to love yourself. Once you do that, the rest will follow. I guarantee it. |
10-02-2004, 04:04 PM | #19 (permalink) |
The Pusher
Location: Edinburgh
I don't even think I have to say it, but don't go with a prostitute. No good, potential girlfriend is going to be weird about 'deflowering' you. Definitely do it with someone you love, or at least someone you are interested in on more than just a sexual level. I lost my virginity at age 18 and my girlfriend was surprised that it was my first time, not because I was 18, but because I tried my best to remain confident. It worked, and that's not because I got some in the end, but because I had a great relationship for a while after that.
Obviously it's popular among young people to lose your virginity early, and all that crap. Don't fall for it, really, whatever you do, whoever you lose it with, and whenever you lost it, that's up to you, and is nobody else's business. In high school you're asked if you're a virgin almost every day. Once you get to college (hopefully your college!) nobody gives a damn. People care whether you're in a relationship, but nobody asks if you're a virgin. You only hear about people losing their virginity early because they're the ones that advertise it (either to brag or to regret it). Older virgins don't advertise the fact, so you automatically think that older virgins are 'abnormal'. The fact is it isn't true, and you don't have to fall for any of the crap about feeling left out. Everybody loses it in the end, so it'll happen, but you want to find someone to share it with. (Isn't it interesting that people don't recommend a fake vagina, but if a women were lonely, and in the same position as germanguy, and asked here about buying a vibrator, there would be lots of support? I guess it has something to do with the stigma attached to men and sex toys.) |
10-02-2004, 06:07 PM | #20 (permalink) | |
Location: My own little world (also Canada)
Anyways, to add to the "older virgins" thing, statistics (87% of which are made up ) show that the majority of "young folk" now are losing their virginity after either 16 or 18 (I don't remember which), so don't feel like you're being left behind. I pose a question to those who say he can wow girls with his personality: what if, hypothetically, a guy were fugly, AND "uninteresting"? |
10-02-2004, 09:59 PM | #21 (permalink) |
Location: Sydney Australia
I've never been with a prostitute but I can imagine it being a fairly average experience. Half of the pleasure comes from knowing that your partner is really into you and is getting off at the same time.
I don't mean to ruin anyone's dreams here, but I can pretty much guarantee that most prostitutes wouldn't be in bed with you if it wasn't for the money. They wont have the same pleasure, the same connection, as a woman you meet elsewhere. Be patient. It may take you a while to find someone, but you'll enjoy the experience all the more if you don't have to pay for it |
10-02-2004, 10:26 PM | #22 (permalink) |
Ugliness isn't realy the issue, most people think they are unatractive. The only time ugliness will hurt you is when you ask a girl out for the first time. If you are attractive, you will have the opportunity to get to know more people through dating, but it is not impossible to do the same if you are not. You will just have to work harder at convincing the girl to go out the first time. If you just start asking out anyone you think you would like to spend time with you will be amazed at how many dates you get. You will get rejected a lot but get used to it, its not the end of the world, and most girls will be nice about. As far as uninteresting goes, I don't believe in it. No matter how boring you are to somebody, there are other people that will enjoy your company. "uninteresting" is a relative term, dependant on a third party, what I mean is somebody, even most people, may find you "uninteresting", but that doesn't mean that everyone will. You have to find the person that is right for you, it just takes time.
While I was writing all this my girlfriend gave me some advice to give to you. She said that the secret of all the "attractive" guys is that they are open and honest and will say whatever they think of. They are confident in themselves and show it in conversation and social situations. She says that this is what makes them attractive, and they can do this because they understand that if the girl doesn't like them there is another one waiting in line. So, she says to just realize that there is another girl just around the next corner, it will help take the preassure off, be yourself, don't worry about being cool, or even making her like you. You shouldn't have to make the girl like you, or trick her into liking you, by putting on a show. The most import thing I can tell you will seem like the most trivial, because you can say it over and over but actually doing it is very difficult; just be yourself. The whole point of dating is to find that perfect person for you, who you want to spend the rest of your life with. If you give someone a false impression of you, it will just end up hurting things down the line, you won't be able to keep it up forever, and eventually she will find out you are not the person she thought you were, and probably eventually leave you. |
10-03-2004, 01:30 PM | #23 (permalink) |
Lennonite Priest
Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
I was 21 when I lost mine had had chances before then but had tried to wait till marriage.
What I did was I went and rented 2 suites and got some booze and had a party (with some of my birthday money). I had a couple friends who helped me with the finances so I didn't go totally broke. I then invited some close friends and this girl I really liked and we flirted a lot but I was scared to ask her out on a date (very low self esteem and felt asking a girl out and getting turned down was a bad thing IT ISN'T). The party was spectacular, the girl I liked asked if she could crash in one of the rooms, I said sure. Everyone left except her by 3AM. I took the bed next to her and laid down to sleep in just my undies. Next thing I knew she was in bed with me and things happened. We ended up dating for a few months and the sex was great. Moral of the story is, just because you are scared and unsure doesn't mean there isn't a lady (or guy) paying attention to you. Just set up an environment where the 2 of you can do something with friends and see what happens. As for the hooker or rubber vagina..... never get a hooker she's too expensive and you never know what she may give you. The sex toy? It works for awhile. I forget what I had it had a vibrator in it and was ribbed and tight, but it was hard to clean and wore out fast. You'll be fine, just don't worry about age and let nature and attraction take it's time. Trust me sex is far far far better when it is with someone you care about and someone who cares about you.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?" |
10-03-2004, 01:43 PM | #24 (permalink) |
Location: Regina, sk, Canada
Dude, Some girls like the fat boys...and others like Scrawny guys. Confidence though is what makes the man.
Also, WAIT!!!! Having sex is definetley a lot better when it's with someone you care about. It's the most meaningful and definetley the best that way. Just trust me on that one. anonymous sex, might be exciting...but really, it leaves you feeling empty and hollow afterwards. ps. If you need the toys cause you want a closer feeling...go with it. |
10-03-2004, 01:45 PM | #25 (permalink) |
Oh shit it's Wayne Brady!
Location: Passenger seat of Wayne Brady's car.
I must admit: When I first read this thread, I was like, "What the HECK!?" But I refrained from posting anything in fear of hurting the starter of this thread.
After time and time seeing this thread over and over again, I realize the guts it took him to straight out ask this question. He didn't even beat around the bush like I would have. So, instead of posting what I would have posted when I first saw this thread, with my new understanding, I'll post this: School is the perfect place to meet girls. You're not ugly unless you think you are. In other words, no one will be confident in you unless you are confident in yourself. You're a human being just like everyone else, which means you are not on any higher or lower pedestal than everyone else. When you see a guy with a girlfriend, don't wonder why you can't do that too, but rather look at them and tell yourself, "Shoot; I can do better than that!" Why? Because you CAN. Despite all the shallow people out there, believe it or not, there are people out there who will look at you for who you are, not what you are. Prostitutes and fake vaginas might help you get off, but if you want to make your virginity mean something, find someone you can love, and who can love you back. Prostitutes often carry diseases, and I assume a fake vagina would leave you feeling empty when you were done using it. P.S. Don't be in such a hurry to have sex. There's plenty of time and plenty of women out there. |
10-06-2004, 12:06 AM | #27 (permalink) |
Try not to think of it as losing your virginity. That makes it sound worthless. Think of it as an act of giving, or sharing. See if you're still so desparate to give it away. Sex is something that is best when shared with a person you love. Because it means that the person won't leave (or kick you out) when the hour is up, and it means that there's a whole person there to spend time with you afterward. Its an emotional deal, believe it or not. I couldn't imagine not having my SO there to hold me afterward.
So you're horney. You're 18, deal with it. Spend some time on yourself for now, that's more important. If something is bugging you, work on it. If you don't like who you are, you have the power to reinvent yourself, head to toe, inside and out. This is an amazing time in your life. Look around every now and then. Could be that some girl is just waiting for you to look her in the eye. Be someone you like. That's what will be attractive.
17 seconds is all you really need - Smashing Pumpkins |
10-06-2004, 07:24 AM | #30 (permalink) | |
TFP Mad Scientist
Location: Philadelphia, PA
If your choices were left to just prostitutes and a fake vagina I'd recommend you go for the hookers instead because you want to know what it feels like to have sex with someone else. To be safe, wear a condom and make sure it's properly lubricated so it doesn't break.
Doncalypso... the one and only Haitian Sensation |
10-06-2004, 07:34 AM | #32 (permalink) | |
Location: California
I would have to agree with La Petite on this one....I lost mine when I was 20 and it was alright. The first time wasnt the greatest for me because even though the chick was a friend it was a spur of the moment thing. Wait till you get a g/f or someone that cares about you and that will make a lot more of a difference in your first time. Stay away from the skanks and toys because they are just temp things that will just piss you off later. Go to the gym or something, get out more and don't be scared to approach a chick. I can't relate to the low self esteem issue because I personally think I am hot but I wont go there LOL....just get a group of friends together, go out and have fun and if you see a chick you think is hot go talk to her....I mean, what is the worst thing she can say, no??? Move on to the next chick if you get a no but dont take it to heart. Most chicks I meet just want to have fun and don't want a relationship so when I start to get close they freak out. Basically they are just immature or not ready to handle my madness. GO TEST THE WATERS BRO!!!!!
Stuff is Good |
10-06-2004, 09:09 AM | #33 (permalink) |
Future Bureaucrat
Confidence bro
Since you're at college, i'm guessing that there's a free weight room/ rec center there. If you want, go there for 30 minutes a day, or 45 minutes every other day and work out. You'll begin to feel better about yourself and notice changes after a while. When that happens, you'll slowly but surely become more confident about yourself. Also, if you want, look for clubs that interest you, don't be afraid to show up alone, and go to events. Most clubs are looking for new freshmen to become involved so that they may become future club leaders. From what i've seen, almost everybody in college is nice. I went to almost all the events in my college's Chinese American Student Association, and now i'm pretty popular w/ them, and i feel like i have a group of friends that i can hang out with (aside from my high school friends ). This definitely bolsters my confidence. Also, what i've noticed about a lot of girls in college, is that it's not so much about looks as it is about your personality. So, try to remain upbeat and confident . A couple of weeks ago, when i first came to college, i was in the same boat as you. After failing miserably with my prom date, i became utterly desperate, and lost, since in college you no longer have that safety net that you constructed in high school. But, i got out there, joined a bunch of clubs, am uber busy now, and i no longer have those gnawing feelings of loneliness anymore. If you really want to, buy a fake vagina, at least you'll technically still be a virgin. Having not lost mine yet either, i think that it's best to wait for someone you love. From what i've felt and percieved, sex with someone you love and casual sex are completely different. Don't be afraid to get your rocks off with your hand to quell those primal urges |
10-06-2004, 09:19 AM | #34 (permalink) | |
Is In Love
Location: I'm workin' on it
Anyway... Just take your time. Being a virgin at 18 is nothing. I was 22 before I had sex for the first time and I didn't care. Nobody will care if you are or are not a virgin either.
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great. |
10-06-2004, 09:21 AM | #35 (permalink) | |
"Untill all that is different around you, you will be different" read about my situation Here! and always check back because i update it all the time |
10-06-2004, 11:15 AM | #36 (permalink) | |
Location: Massachusetts, USA
I agree with the others, don't waste money on a whore. At least a plastic pussy won't give you any diseases. |
Tags |
fake, pay, prostitute, vagina |