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herostar 07-06-2004 10:55 PM

How to shave without bumps...?
Ok, I like to shave my lower abdomen because I don't like my pubic hair showing when I wear a swimsuit or low-rise pants/shorts. The problem is that I can not seem to do it without getting lots of little red bumps... it looks terrible! How can I shave that and my chest and lower back without getting those damn irritating bumps?

herostar 07-06-2004 11:17 PM

holy hell, I just read 18 pages about shaving my balls.... this is great! Thanks for the advice folks.

Jam 07-07-2004 12:14 AM

hey this is going to get closed/merged, into the thread thats stickied at the top of sexuality, check there

herostar 07-07-2004 10:24 AM

I just saw that, my mistake. Sorry mods, you can delete this.

Sargeman 07-07-2004 01:56 PM

IMO, I don't necessarily think that the 9" or 10" dick is about satisfying the woman. I think it is more about strutting your shit, you know the cock of the walk so to speak. It's about a man stroking his ego (no pun intended) know that he has a big manhood between his legs and the next guy probably only has a 6" dick.

In his mind he thinks that the woman would choose his bigger manhood over the avg sized guy.

Of course this is coming from a guy that is..... well let's just say avg. ;)

former newt 07-07-2004 06:12 PM

well...anyone there wanna answer my question 2 posts up? :-)

zippy 07-09-2004 07:55 AM

trimming is the only way to go

Nunquam_Idem 07-09-2004 12:15 PM

First time shaving...
Rather than make one huge post on my shaving experiences, I'll break it up into a couple / few. This one is about the first time we shaved...

I had mentioned the subject of shaving to Milady some time after we were married, I had heard that it could be a stimulant for the sex life- like discovering sex all over again because of the new sensations.

Well, she wasn't game, but we did manage to compromise with the occasional trimming (made skillful use of tongue much easier :-P

Then when her sister was visiting somehow they were talking and sis mentioned she shaves it all. That seems to have got her thinking, because after sis left, she was willing to try. (For my birthday) I was excited, to say the least...

We went and got lady's shaving gel, and a Venus razor. She trimmed with scissors first and then went with the razor for the main bush. While she was doing that in the bathtub, I used my electric shaver / beard trimmer for removing most the long & curlys while on the toilet.

All in all, she really hated being shaved the first time. I got to do the 'underside' part she couldn't reach. While I enjoyed the time, she never seemed to. Constant fear of being cut in an area that would not enjoy being cut, I believe.

When she was finished, I shaved myself. It took quite a while to get all the hairs on the sack and shaft and the underside. Lots and lots of shaving cream. Being very, very careful.

Since I always used an electric shaver for my face, I didn't have much of a feel for blade shaving. I tried using the electric shaver once I dried off to clean up a few areas, but I really didn't like it. It's a Braun foil/shaver head, not the 3 circle kind.

I really liked the results of the shave. Only a couple nicks that didn't hurt at all, and the most amazing smoothness I'd ever felt. As a circumsized guy, I have a somewhat hairy shaft, more so than I'd like, and now to have the smoothness... Very nice.

She preferred lotion, I used our Pjur Eros lube for aftershave. I really like that stuff. It's expensive, but worth it.

If I had found this wonderfully informative 18 page thread before the fact, I'm not sure I would have done anything differently. I think I had the right razor, right shaving cream, and right attitude. But it has been really nice to see other experiences and suggestions. I will likely try a few of them...

Nunquam_Idem 07-09-2004 12:36 PM

Shaving the backside...
Rather than make one huge post on my shaving experiences, I'll break it up into a couple / few. This one is about how I did my backside...

A few days after shaving my pubes, shaft, and boys, I screwed up enough courage to go all the way and try my backside as well. After a good shower scrubbing, I sat on the vanity in the bathroom over the sink with a little hand held mirror and *very* carefully spread shaving cream around and went to work with the Venus razor. It was tedious and difficult and the lighting wasn't great, I could barely see what I was doing.

It went ok. Took a long time, but was worth it. I used more Pjur Eros lube for aftershave in the area, and washed my hands.

Boy, walking after that took on a whole new feel. Smooth. Unhindered. Pretty nice.

Later on, I discovered one of the aformentioned ill side effects that I would have been better prepared for had I seen this thread- I had always been a master of the "Silent & Deadly" passing of gas. Eeps, silent no more! Without all that hair to muffle things and keep the skin from touching, cutting cheese unnoticably is very, very difficult. Something to consider before trying it out, any who are curious.

I did it again after a week or so had gone by. Second time was much easier since it wasn't a bunch of long hairs. I got closer and felt less fear of cutting myself. I had learned that the razor only cuts hair, not skin.

This time, even though it felt really strange, I stood on the vanity facing away from the mirror and bent over to see what I was doing in the big mirror. Better lighting, and it was a lot faster. Hope that's not too much info for everyone :-) I might eventually try to do it by feel in the shower, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for that.

I'm about due again, I might this weekend...

Nunquam_Idem 07-09-2004 01:06 PM

After shaving...
Rather than make one huge post on my shaving experiences, I'll break it up into a couple / few. This one is about what the effects of Milady and I shaving have been...

Well, shaving the first time didn't go so well with Milady. It makes too many red bumps and hurts and itches for her to like it. The first time we did it was a little rushed and I didn't get to do as good a job as I would have liked, so there were some hairs left to make life miserable. (Of course that happened to me as well, I didn't realize how much of a difference missing a few can make) We tried again in a couple days, but still the red bumps of ingrowns and likely razor burn. And the itching.

Oh, the itching. I've tried to give her Cortizone cream, Benydryl, Vagisil, and the Pjur Eros lube. (All at different times after the other had been removed by shower or time) Nothing seemed to help. We also got some Gillete lady aftershave with Aloe and Vit E, and she seems to like that. I've tried it too, it's ok. I still like the lube :-)

Eventually/soon I will try Halx's suggestion of Vaseline after shaving...

After some of the hairs grew back, she tried Nair on the upper pubes area, it only took off about 2/3 of the hair. I don't recall it smelling that bad. I didn't try the Nair myself. I'm more comfortable with shaving than chemicals.

We just did it together again a couple nights ago, she shaved her pubes and I did the rest. I'm a lot better at it now, it was a clean shave. I think she liked it.

I recently bought my first really nice razor for myself, a Mach 3 Power- it has a battery and vibrates. While the vibrating is cool on the face, I didn't like it vibrating while shaving 'down there'. It worked wonders for the job though :-)

This morning I tried the suggestion of someone here to shave dry with my Mach 3. It worked! It was quick, and seemed pretty effective. So far I like it because of the speed and much smaller mess. I will probably alternate between wet and dry until I get a feel for the effects of both ways...

curiousgeorgett 07-09-2004 11:24 PM

I can trim it up a bit but I have tried shaving, nair, and waxing and all of the above irriate the hell out of my skin. Maybe I'm just really sensitive, The waxing was the worst, welts and blisters and i did it right before i was going on vacation and chlorine in the hot tub was HELLLLL!! If I could find a way to painlessly do it I totally would but until then, it's just not worth it to me.

redarrow 07-11-2004 05:58 PM

Ehh.. I just shave my nutsack once in a while when Im bored.

teethman 07-16-2004 06:32 PM

it depends on how much is there initially

Jam 07-18-2004 02:52 AM

hw is shaving on my neck sexual? ohwell anyways...

I can shave... *ahem* with out any creme or anything and its all smooth and good ... my face with shaving creme is fine, but my neck always gets razor burn... any thoughts?

Gopher 07-22-2004 07:18 PM

Ok, I've finally taken the leap and shaved my sack. I wasn't sure about it at first, but damn is it worth it! My only problem is this: the itching! From what I've read here I should use some kind of moisturizer... are there any brands that work well, or should I just get any old one?



Originally posted by htwhite
... curel makes some post shave lotion that is intended to make hair more sparse and softer when it grows back, ive been using it since early feburary and my nut hair is much softer and easier to shave.its called Smooth Legs and technically is a shave minimizing moisturizer.
Does anyone else use this or something like it? It seems like it'd be so much easier (and less itchy) because the hair would be softer. Anyone with any experience help me out?

Averett 07-23-2004 11:44 AM

Aveno makes a line of shave minimizing lotions and shaving creme. I highly recommend it :D

The Phenomenon 07-27-2004 01:59 AM

a small peter is not a bad thing. Most women do not enjoy a bruised cervix anyway... :P

Most of the nerve endings in a woman's vagina, except for the G-Spot, is in the front part of the vagina (as in near the opening). She does not want you to pound holes into her cervix - atleast no women I know like that.

Women have most fun near the hole :P

The Phenomenon 07-27-2004 02:03 AM


Originally posted by former newt
well, while we're on the subject....

What if you're TOO sensitive down there? I've got an "uncut" dick, and when i pull...it...back, i'm really sensitive...to the point where it kinda hurts to even rub it too hard...obviously this can cause some problems. is this normal?

Yes its quite normal.

I am not circumsized, but my head is always partially exposed so because of fricition with clothes etc. you lose a little feel.

What you are feeling is perfectly normal, especially if it has always been that way for you.


unoaman 07-28-2004 07:55 PM

Only being here to promote my thread concerning which side your dick rests on during the day...I don't give a crap about size, what I wanna know is where does it hang? (that of course is assuming that it's long enough to "hang".)

aphroditeskiss1 08-01-2004 07:25 PM

For any girls reading this... a word of warning..while the intuition razor works amazingly well everywhere else, not in the pubic area. bad, bad idea. It's just too bulky to work well. Stick with "regular" razors and lots of shaving cream. Also following up with Neosporin helps prevent ingrown hairs and is quite soothing.

unoaman 08-04-2004 05:57 PM

Anybody that has to have me shaved anywhere but my face, needs to go to the back of the line. Plenty more to take your place...

rodneybrooks 08-10-2004 06:42 AM

Keep it trimmed not shaved
I don't think a full shave is in order, just a trim to keep it manageable is all that it takes.

davik 08-15-2004 11:35 PM

Hmm, I've been keeping it all ultra-short with a beard trimmer, but haven't actually shaved it in quite awhile due to past experiences, but after reading some of this I may actually go ahead and shave some of it (all of it?) again. I know my g/f certainly appreciates a close trim, and I certainly appreciate the same from her (having a mouth full of hair definitely detracts from the experience).

ManWithAPlan 08-16-2004 03:52 AM

you know.. i'd suggest using a women's razor.. they are sharper and have a larger blade area usually, so they are more convenient for large strips of thicker hair, because your pubic hair (for some ungodly reason) is thicker than your facial hair.

women have told me this when i asked them for advice

greyeyes 08-22-2004 07:34 PM

I do realize that this is a thread that is mostly geared toward shaving. BUT I really would like to hear more about Waxing. I have trie waxing my ass but I honestly am not flexible enough and the wax didn't get it all (which was highly dissappointing, shit, I'm not that hary of a guy). Could anyone give me any pointers or direct me to a place where you could pay someone to remove this hair (what kind of place would do that)?? I really really really would like to know, Thanks in advance!!

CanadianCommie 08-24-2004 08:27 AM

I'm of avg length (5'5 for a normal erection, probably just over 6 inches, almost 6'5 if I'm super-sex-excited), but I've been told I'm quite thick and that it feels HUGE upon insertion.

Racer 08-24-2004 10:21 AM

I've been shaving about a year. Triple blade is best, but only after using it on my face a couple of times. You'll get some irritation after the first couple of times until your skin gets used to it. I tried waxing--I'll never do that again.

Averett 08-24-2004 10:25 AM

greyeyes, call up local spas/salons in your area. Not sure where "nowhere in perticular" is ;) but I'm sure you've got a few spas/salons in your area who do waxing. Just call them up and explain what you'd like and they should tell you if they have that service. And don't be embarassed, many men are getting into waxing these days.

The Phenomenon 08-25-2004 01:17 AM

You see the whole point is for you NOT to post about it.


CanadianCommie 08-26-2004 09:54 AM

well, by posting here, we get it out of the way, then I don't have to make a thread on it ;)

bigoldalphamale 08-26-2004 12:35 PM

i love it when a chick 'bottoms out' on my dill pickle. especially the ones who think they know how to work a dick, then when they get to riding and are like "ow! fuck!".


Willravel 08-26-2004 01:47 PM

hahahaha. This thread is funny. According to Men's Health: 5.7" erect is 100% average FOR ALL RACES. Stop worrying.

adam 08-31-2004 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by rrf
shaving the ball sack is a tense situation... that sharp object so close to... ah i wont speak any more

If you use Schick's "Silk Effects Plus" (lady's razor) it's pretty much painless. The blade has thin wires across it that prevent you from easily nicking yourself.

mokle 09-07-2004 05:28 PM

My erect penis is fine. I just wish my flaccid one hung lower, it's like I'm always cold or something :(

A little more girth would be nice too :p

blar 09-09-2004 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by datalink7
Well, I'm 5" so on the small side

wah?? your average man most men are 5-6 inches and saying that would mean 6 inches is "smallish"

nuqui 09-13-2004 10:13 PM

i`m 6,6", and not all girls do like it!

DJ Happy 09-20-2004 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by unoaman
Only being here to promote my thread concerning which side your dick rests on during the day...I don't give a crap about size, what I wanna know is where does it hang? (that of course is assuming that it's long enough to "hang".)

Whichever sock I decide to tuck it into in the morning. ;)

skills1 09-21-2004 03:20 PM

Yea, skill > size :)

greyeyes 09-22-2004 09:30 PM

thanks for the advice Averett!!

shAzb0t 09-24-2004 06:50 AM

Just a few nights ago I finally got the courage to shave the jungle that I was sort of self-conscious about for a while, and the problem was that I have very thick hair (just hereditary) and so it took quite a long time. I got a bunch of nicks around my bladder because I went against the grain the whole time with a brand new razor, and that area isn't as sensitive as my face, so I just couldn't tell. From what has grown back in a few days, it's getting very itchy. I also tried to shave around the side of my balls, where the leg meets the crotch, which was the worst thing I've done: since it's not totally shaven there are still some hairs that cause major pain when I'm walking places.

I need some advice on handling the itch, and since I'm in a university dorm with a shared bathroom, advice on the most convenient and unnoticable times and place to do a quick shave. Also if anyone has the 'problem' like I do of thick hair, you'd be of great help as well.

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