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#81 (permalink) |
Hi Everyone!
Its really really interesting to read all of these posts and see that we seem to have more idea as to what is going on than gynos and GPs! I started having sex in January and after about 1.5 months I developed the infamous 6 o'clock tear, but more like a split rather than the "paper cut" that some of you have described. Since the end of feb I have used vit e oil quite a bit and paw paw. Interestingly I'm also on Diane35/Brenda/Juliette (they're all the same) a couple of questions: [B]Do people really think the contraceptive pill could cause these skin/dryness issues? How does a yeast infection cause this? Yeast is also in the pill right? How many vitamines would one need to take? NOTE - I also eat all organic and often take Cranberry tablets (for UTI) I also take Vit C on and off. Thanks Everyone - We need a forum where you can ask Qs to a gyno too! Anya Hello, Note - I take cranberry to prevent UTI I dont have one. Also, my "split" is almost like the skin splitting as if there is too much skin?! then it heals over 3days and then as soon as I have intercourse again the "split/gash" happens again. Its odd. You'd think the body would get used to the new action (sex) thats happenin?! I have NO - itching, redness, soreness, tenderness just this odd 'split' it opens like a wound so there is a little blood. its odd it only happens when he enters - its only mu entrance, nothing inside. then once hes in it all feels fine, but when he initially enters its like "ow,ow ow" then fine. ODD!!!! Thanks for reading everyone, its great to have something like this. Ta Anya Last edited by Anya22; 05-24-2007 at 04:27 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost |
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#82 (permalink) |
It amazes me that so many women are experiencing this problem and not one Dr. has heard of this before.
I am in the same boat as well. I am 34, married, monagamous relationship. I had a baby by C-section 2 years ago and the tearing is in the same place. 6o'clock position. The tearing started 7 months after I had the baby. I've been tested and biopsied and nothing. I've used several creams, the last one is Esterace. The Dr. and I thought the increased estrogen would strenghten the area. It didn't work. I changed bc pills..now on Femcom and still the same issue. I am thinking I should stop the pill all together. I am in Norhtern VA, does anyone know of a good Dr or Specilaist? |
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#83 (permalink) |
As with many of you, it is good to know I am not alone!
Here’s my story… I am a 49 yr old woman; married for 15 years w/ no other partners for at least 18 years; and two children from this marriage - both C-sections. My husband has had no other partners either in that long – I know because I would kick his ‘rear with a Capitol A’ if he did! But, truly he is a wonderful husband and very supportive. I have never been diagnosed with genitals herpes. I am currently over-weight by approx 35 lbs but, hello, I am pre-menopause, and I have not always been over-weight. I do get vaginal cuts. I don’t know for how long, off and on, but I estimate I have gotten them over the past 10 years. My best guess is stress brings them on – of course, isn’t stressing the leading cause of all unexplained ailments?? Although I will say I don’t always feel stressed when this occurs. Occurrences are not regular and usually occur before my period. I experience a heat in the vaginal area, and dryness that, I believe, creates the “paper cuts” in the folds or the vagina area and above the clitoris area. If left “untreated” yeast will form-white pastey stuff. I have been to my GYN for the pain and burning, and she has prescribed a cream for a yeast infection. The cream burns for a prolonged period and hurts like ‘H E double hockey sticks’! I do not recommend the cream personally. What I have found to help the best, by self trial and error, is to spray Solarcaine to the area. I know that probably sounds bad and it will burn for a brief period, ten seconds. But then it will ‘numb’ or ‘cool’ the area. It is a temporary relief but is effective until the cuts go away. It may take a week to ten days for the cuts to disappear – same as if you use the cream. You may also want to apply Vasoline or a K-Y gel to keep the area lubricated. Wear a mini-pad so you don’t get any on your undies. What does it say on a tampon box, resume normal activity? Except, sorry guys, sex will be uncomfortable until the cuts disappear. I think this is just something you need to make yourself the most comfortable until it passes. It seems to me it needs to run its own course. As an additional note, when I describe the ‘heat’ in the vaginal area, I am talking about an internal heat. I want to say it is related to my blood type. Approx. 9 years ago, I experienced what is called Sweets Syndrome. If you ‘google’ this, it will totally gross you out. I did not have an extreme case. What happened is, I developed tiny blisters on my arms and legs, along with a low grade fever. I thought they were spider bites and went to the dermatologist. He took a biopsy and diagnosed it as a case of Sweets Syndrome. FYI, This is named from a man with the last name of Sweets, and not related to eating too much sugar. The dermatologist prescribed steroids which eventually made them disappear – after two doses. Sweets is very, very painful. Note, this did not affect the vaginal area. They also ran a blood test because Sweets can be a precursor to Leukemia. It is written somewhere that within a year or so of the first outbreak of Sweets, the patient will develop Leukemia. I am telling you right now, I never developed Leukemia. I did experience Sweets two other times over the course of approx. 3 years. The doctor said it is not known what causes it. He prescribes steroids and they go away. So back to the vaginal cuts, I get them. I do not know if the cuts are at all related to the blood or the Sweets. I am currently very stressed about finances so I will use that as an excuse for my current occurrence. If yeast forms, I wipe it clean and spray with the Solarcaine. Since yeast requires a dry area for healing, I do not use a lubricant then. But, I can usually feel it coming on with the cuts and catch it before any yeast develops now. Good Luck! |
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#85 (permalink) |
Hello, I am so glad I found this site hopefully it will help. My story is I have been having sex with my boyfriend for about 3 years and now with in the past 7 months i have been getting small tears along the out side of my folds and near the connecting skin. I went to my yearly gyno since i was 17 then and still didnt have a car nor the guts to ever say anything to anyone except my boyfriend. well she told me it was a yeast infection and confirmed it with a strip of paper that turned a color, but i still had no other signs of an yeast infection so i put off using the cream she gave me. my boyfriend and i are very active and it takes me a while to get ready and certain things irritate me so it takes too long. We have tried lube but it seems to sting the inside of me and the tears. At first the tears were small but now 7 months later they are so long almost 1 1/2 inches!
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#86 (permalink) |
I just found this forum on google myself... I must say I'm at the end of my rope and very frustrated.
I have been doing research on this vaginal tear, papercut, fissure thing for months now and I'm no closer to figuring it out than I was before. As far as I know, my problems started back in April and they are not related to sexual activity at all. I get papercuts on my labia. Sometimes on the lip itself (on the inside) and sometimes at the base of where the labia meet. Back in April I was getting them pretty frequently... when I notice them, the seem to heal in a matter of days. I have been to many doctors and they basically think I'm nuts. Usually the first reaction out of a doctor when I go in is AH YOU HAVE HERPES. I've been tested for herpes on a number of occassions and I in fact do not have it. My STD tests are all negative as well. The second thing they tell me is that I have a Yeast infection...that always comes back negative. The third thing they tell me is its bacterial... that's not it either. I had been on NuvaRing for almost 2 years or so but they keep telling me that the ring would not cause this problem... I seem to think it does. I went off it for a couple months and I seemed to stop getting them (its hard to know because the only way I know they are there usually is if I'm constantly inspecting my vagina with my hands). I just put my ring back in a week or so ago and low and behold I have another one where my labia meets. I have been to many forums and have heard anything from crohn's disease to Licien Sclerosis ... but I'm soooooo frustrated and irritated its not even funny. I also seem to have just really sensitive skin down there... I shaved myself a few weeks ago and promptly after the hair started growing back I broke out in like razor burn or something. Underwear also irritates my skin... I get rashes where the elastic is touching my skin sometimes. I am an overweight woman and my legs rub together... I'm wondering if this has something to do with my vaginal health? I seem to sweat a lot. I called an OB today to make an appointment to have someone look at it but was basically laughed at and they told me to go to the ER. Should I go to the ER for something like this? Won't they laugh me out of there too? I really dunno what to do and find I'm starting to get depressed because I can't figure out what's wrong with me. Do I have some wierd disease...do I have cancer? EDIT: I had a biopsy done and after all that she says its dermatitis. An allergic reaction.... makes no sense. Last edited by Amy26; 08-20-2007 at 12:37 PM.. |
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#87 (permalink) |
Location: Palm Springs
Worth a try..... indeed
I have been miserable with this condition for quite sometime and I wanted to share with other ladies what has finally worked for me. I take 1000 mg. of Ester-C every day along with 3- omega 3 fish oil capsules and last but not least I drink a large 18 oz. glass of water w/ 1 tablespoon of psyllium seed husk, (rather than metamucil or others that have added sugar or the sugar-free junk added) That combo has healed me up within a month and 1/2. The combination of ester-C for skin as well as the fish oil and the psyllium husk to give your body a break down there during the healing process for softer smaller stools to allow the healing process to take over. Also I dabbed on some vitamin E oil every time I used the bathroom to soothe the sore spot while it healed. It's really worth a try, I have very thin skin and it still allowed me to heal very nicely and inexpensively as well. I hope this helps someone out there like it did me.
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#88 (permalink) |
Wow I thought I was the only one with the issue. Recently I started to have these tiny slits on the sides and on the top skin. There is also slits in the middle skin connecting to the anus. It is very itchy.When I pee it burns (of course the acid in urine and the open skin). This usually happens before my period and during. There is no smell or abnormal discharge. I am not having any sexual activity since my BF is off to Iraq. When we did have sex the last time a few months ago there was a great burning pain when I peed after and sometimes it would hurt when he would put it in. It was probably because of the lack of lubrication or I don't know. I never had issues like these. However, now this issue has occurred and I don't have any idea how to deal with it. I stopped using soap because that was torture. I sleep naked sometimes and it eases the burn the next morning. I stopped itching and it helps a great deal even though it is very tempting. I also soak in water (thats what my doctor prescribed). This is the second time this is happening and I don't want to deal with this anymore. I also should add I got the Depo shot. After my period finally normalized this happens. I don't want to tell my BF just yet since he doesn't come home for awhile and until I find out what it actually is. I practice monogamy and got tested. I'm going to get tested again and hopefully the gyno can help me out. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas please do respond, it would be greatly appreciated.
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#89 (permalink) | |
Location: Iceland
And think not you can direct the course of Love; for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course. --Khalil Gibran |
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#90 (permalink) |
I am so glad I found this website, because even though no one seems quite sure about what is causing this, at least its somewhere to talk about it. There seem to be loads of situations where these these vaginal tears occur. The thing is, I'm pretty sure I can diagnose mine. I had sex for the first time last night and although I enjoyed it I guess i was probably a little tense and my guy was quite big. I only really noticed the cuts this evening- the six o'clock and some tears on my vaginal lips- when it hurt loads when I peed so I had to check it out. So i know it seems obvious in my case but I'm still worried that the problem is indicative of something greater and I'm worried this is going to happen every time I have sex from now on. I'm just wondering whether the same condition can link people who have been having sex for years fine and then suddenly have this problem, and people like me. This has really got me down and has kind of ruined what was otherwise a great night. I'm just wondering whether I should go see a doctor now about but they all seem to be pretty useless. If anyone was in a similar situation to myself, i would really appreciate hearing how it progressed afterwards.
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#91 (permalink) | |
first off, thank you all for this thread! i'm still working on reading it all.
i'm almost 31 and until about 6 weeks ago, i'd never had a yeast infection. for that i did the same "Gee, i'd better itch that" followed by an "oh, @#$* that hurt!" and finally went to one of my ob/gyns (i have 3 - my gyn, my reproductive endocrinologist who took out a huge uterine fibroid i had about 5 weeks ago, and just my regular gyn - i've been seeing the repro endo for surgery follow ups). she told me it was a yeast infection and gave me one of the seven day prescriptions, which i took. then she told me i had a secondary infection and gave me metronidazole pills (i think that was them) but they actually made me throw up so she switched me to a metronidazole insertable gel. about 2 weeks later she did tests when i had my surgery and she told me i still had that secondary infection, so i took the 3 remaining doses i had (i had originally received 10 but was told to take 7). about 5 days ago i tore a little again at the 12 o'clock position, and there was some sexual activity (a horribly stupid idea in retrospect). the next day, the tear was bigger and i noticed i actually had a scab over it. not thinking, i squatted in the shower and ripped the scab off in doing so. reading this forum, i realized that i was pretty certain i had another yeast infection so i got an over the counter 3 day product. 2 days in, the pain is less, but i'm itching more (perhaps cause the pain doesn't override the itching anymore) and i can actually feel that there are some raised areas right inside the labia. (i just realized i feel really weird writing all this on a forum!!) in any case, if i don't see more improvement tomorrow, i'm going back to a gyn. but thank you so much for this thread and i will keep reading in hopes of more info! eta: it's all a lil better today, but there's redness over the cut area that feels firmer than the rest and i actually feel some pressure when i walk. i'm trying to get a hold of a different gyno today - i was on hold for the other one for 30 minutes yesterday. Last edited by daffydil; 11-27-2007 at 08:19 AM.. |
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#92 (permalink) |
Hi Ladies,
I can't tell you how happy I am to find this right now I am almost in tears...I have been looking on the internet for information about this and haven't really found anything... Well I don't lubricate very well (I am also on the pill) so without lubrication I get very dry during intercourse. My boyfriend is very well endowed and I am really tiny and about a month ago after sex when I went to the bathroom I felt stinging..I looked down and there was a tiny paper cut (very shallow also only in the uppermost layer of the skin) slit in the delicate tissue near the vaginal opening (not in the 6 o clock more like the the 7) it only was tender if I touched it or if pee passed over it when i urinated but there was no general tenderness or pain I got an appointment with at the local clinic 2 days later and it was already healed so she couldnt take a culture... The reason I am writing is because I am very confused...the Nurses and a Gyn I talked to there said that it is possible to tear after intercourse but when I saw the NP at the clinic she said it doesn't just tear like that but then went on later to say it was possible...She told me that it could either be a yeast infection or Herpes 1 (she said it definately wasnt herpes 2 even though I am pretty sure you cant tell the difference between the two by just looking at it) So she told me to use lube and gave me yeast infection cream just in case Since using the lube I have been good but this weekend I didn't have it on me and again I got a tiny tiny tear around the same area... That was Saturday night and by Monday night it was healed...i told my doctor what happened with the NP and he pretty much thinks she is crazy and thinks it is highly unlikely that it is herpes ...I ended up getting a blood test and get my results tomorrow for herpes 1 and 2 ...I am so scared because I know that most people who have herpes don't know it and I hope I am not one of those people... Does anyone else tear in that area I see a lot of you said in the 6 o clock between the vagina and the anus but mine is more to the side near the opening of the vagina ... Sorry for the long post hopefully I will find a doctor who will be able to figure this all out!!! Thanks ladies ![]() Last edited by reallyscared; 12-04-2007 at 04:14 PM.. |
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#93 (permalink) | |
just as an update, it turns out I have herpes, and I read that (from herpes.com) -
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#95 (permalink) |
So I got my HSV type specific test results back today and I am negative for HSV-2
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#96 (permalink) |
Location: Massachusettes,USA
Vaginal Tears
Hello everyone =)
Tonight I did a Google search about this topic and found this website. I am just so relieved that there is actually a place that I can just come out and talk/ask about pretty much anything. That being said... My dilemma is very similar to most of yours. I have been reading through all of these replies and getting myself educated on a few things. But, I still have a few questions. Recently, I have been having sex with a guy that I have been seeing for a few weeks now. He's on the rather...large side...Every time we have sex it killlllllsss afterwards and a little bit during. We haven't had sex for 2 days now and today I realized the little area in between is irritated and torn...even bleeding a little. We do use lube...maybe not enough? I'd been with a guy that was a lot bigger and the same thing happened, but not this bad. At first I thought maybe it was because we used a certain brand of condoms that I have had bad luck with in the past. But even without condoms it hurts. It's only itchy in the most irritated spot so I don't think it's a yeast infection. I did see that someone suggested vitamin E...in which form should I try it? I've never had to go out and buy vitamins in any way other than pill form. Any other suggestions are GREATLY appreciated! Thank you!! Last edited by Gooskalinsky; 01-01-2008 at 12:04 AM.. |
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#97 (permalink) |
I also had/have a vaginal cut in the 6 o clock position. I guess you can also call it the perineum, because it extends outward a bit. it's like a slit, and red. never burns or itches. just.. hurts. I can't stick items in there, and sore to touch.
I first started having sex in october, and noticed it in November. it hurt to have sex, so I looked in the mirror to see what it was. I think it first occurred because it was around the first time I was having sex, AND my boyfriend used condoms with spermacide. back then I didn't read about what nasty things spermacide can do to your vagina. I also noticed I have dryness issues down there, and my body in general, so that didn't help the situation. I also had a yeast infection. treated it. but that situation may have made the skin crappy too. also in november, I had an outbreak and was diagnosed with genital herpes 1. when the gyno looked at my outbreak, she said there was a lesion in the same spot where I am having the reoccurring cut. I don't know which happened first though: the cut, or the lesion. so from november-january, the cut kept reoccurring. there was even a time I didnt have sex for a month, and it came back again. I decided that fixing my dryness problem was a MUST. the past 2 weeks I have been taking (all things listed here are daily): - multivitamin - extra B vitamins + C - vitamin E - omega 3 and 6 fish oil capsules - Biotin 5000 mcg - probiotic acidophilus - eating better & drinking more water - pop vitamin E capsules and apply the oil to the vaginal cut area, gently massaging it (I apply it 1x morning, 1x evening, and then if I've had sex I usually apply it after as well. I may start skipping the morning application, to avoid getting any infections). - not using any soap or perfumes or anything near vagina. - avoid taking long hot shower so vaginal area doesn't come in contact with hot water for long periods of time. - NO spermacide condoms. plain condoms. - I use a water-based Vagisil lubricant during sex. - I also go to bed in just loose sweatpants, no underwear- so the area can breathe. and FINALLY we've been able to have sex 3 times in 7 days. it seems like the cut reopens just a tiny bit. but definitely better than what it used to be like before. it doesn't look as big or red as before. maybe I should wait longer before having sex next time so I can give this old cut more time to heal and make even more progress. |
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#98 (permalink) |
update.. cut keeps coming back. about 2-3 weeks ago I went to my gyno. she suggested I take valtrex for 5 days since I do have genital herpes 1. I took it and refrained from any sexual contact.
last night my boyfriend fingered me, and the 6oclock position cut has reopened. I read few peoples experience online saying the same thing happened to them, and they got minor surgery to repair the area of skin- cut away a little part of excess skin. it makes sense. maybe I should try to do perineal massages daily with vitamin E. I should be getting my period in 4-5 days, so I can't make a gyno appointment yet. I'll wait til the end of March, so she can inspect the cut when it's "healed." this is so frustrating. |
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#99 (permalink) | |
Location: Iceland
And think not you can direct the course of Love; for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course. --Khalil Gibran |
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#100 (permalink) |
I did take dilfucan and valtrex.
and there are not multiple cuts. it's just the same 1 that reopens with fingering or penis. I know yeast infections can weaken the skin, but my gyno did not think I had one, but I took the pill anyway. she recommended lube too, but I used to use that and cuts still reoccurred. last night I did not use lube though, so I am sure that didn't help. but for me, it seems like it doesn't matter. I'm gonna stick to a strict pernieal massage routine with vitamin E, take my vitamins, drink more water, maybe get a dilator and try to stretch the skin. since it's been occuring since November, I'm sure extra scar skin has been forming.. and that obviously doesn't help the cause. I really just want someone to snip that little extra piece of skin anyway where the tear forms. its like almost a web-like extra flap that tears when its stretched when something is inserted. |
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#101 (permalink) |
Location: Massachusetts
If you're sure it's not yeast, I recommend getting Estrace estrogen cream and applying it nightly. It will help to make the skin more supple and moist and less likely to tear.
"Never regret something that once made you smile." |
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#102 (permalink) |
don't Estrace estrogen creams thin the skin?
either way, I'm just doing perineal massages 2x a day with vitamin e. I'm helping to practice stretching the skin there. it's almost like I have a web of extra skin on the 6oclock position of my vaginal entrance. I've read about 2 people online who had the same problem, and they had minor surgery to snip away extra skin and it helped. so I dunno, we'll see. anyway, I'm scheduled to get my period today, so I'm gonna hold off on going to my gyno until 1-2 weeks from now. depending what she says this time, I may go get a 2nd opinion too. |
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#103 (permalink) |
cut has come back againnn.
march 7th it came back with just fingering. I decided to wait again and do some vitamin E massaging around my perineal area. last night I had sex, march 26th, with lube, and cut it open again. last night was the first time we did it without condoms, since I am now on birth control. so no irritants from condoms, and I now have glycerin-free lube. but apparently none of that helped with this at all. it's been what, 5 months now? I've had 2-4 week gaps in between. it heals, but then reopens immediately. I'm going to try to find a new doctor. |
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#104 (permalink) |
Location: Iceland
When you took the Diflucan pill for the yeast infection, did the doc also give you a cream to put on the affected area at the same time? And did you abstain from sex for at least one week during the time after you took the pill, applying the cream daily? For me, this was the only thing that totally knocked out my yeast infection and the accompanying cuts that I get with them. And my cuts hurt like a bitch, too... thin red lines on either side of the opening. I hate those things.
Anyway, I know it might not be a yeast infection, but I also think that the yeast infection pill by itself is not always good enough to do the job. So there's still a chance that this is your problem.
And think not you can direct the course of Love; for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course. --Khalil Gibran |
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#105 (permalink) |
My appointment was around Feb 23. it was then I received 1 pill of dilfulcan, even though she thought I didn't have an infection. and 5 days worth of valtrex. no yeast creams. she thought my reoccuring cut was my herpes simplex 1. but I find it hard to believe that this same exact spot would just keep reopening since November (when I began having sex), especially after taking valtrex.
2 weeks after that appointment, March 7th, I was fingered, and the cut reopened. that was the first time since I took those meds, that I did anything sexual. I abstained from penis/vagina sex about 1 month. last time I had sex before last night (march 26th), was around Febuary 12th I think. around there. at this point, I still don't think I have a yeast infection. but I know those things can be tricky. I'm very anxious to see what another doctor might say when they took a look at me. but I can't make an appointment for a little while. the cut isn't painful. it's a bit sore to touch. but it doesnt burn or itch. and it's always the same spot. it's like, a mini episiotomy. |
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#106 (permalink) | |
I wish I would be able to get contact info of this person! i would love to know if they have been cured, because it sounds like my same problem. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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#107 (permalink) |
Location: SF Bay Area
I, too, have the dreaded 6'o'clock tear after sex and I also have HSV-1 in the nether regions. My outbreaks, which are rare, also happen in the pereneal area but they are quite different than the tears I have during sex. HSV-1 outbreaks, for me, sting constantly, whereas a tear only stings during sex or urination. My last boyfriend wasn't very large, but his penis really flared out at the base. He ripped me (accidentally) a few times but now I tear every time I have sex. I use plenty of lube, stretching, the whole works. I'm 43 but my hormones are fine so it's not premenopause for me. If you have you figured out what sort of surgery can correct this, I'd sign up for it tomorrow. eGirl |
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#108 (permalink) |
My girlfriend is suffering from something that sounds quite similar to many of your problems, so I've been trying to find out more about her symptoms in advance of her appointment with a specialist in a couple of month's time.
I'm definitely not a doctor, but one thing that keeps appearing in my research is Lichen Sclerosus. This disease is commonly mis-diagnosed as thrush so it can go untreated for a long time... and the longer it goes undiagnosed, the greater the chances of the cuts leading to scarring. A diagnosis often requires a biopsy, but some of the articles say that an experienced skin specialist should be able to tell just by looking... so I decided to see if there were any images on google. Most of them are for quite extreme symptoms, and look a bit scary, but some of them show more minor symptoms so I thought it could be helpful if I send you the links. As someone said above, printing out this information and showing it to your doctor could help speed up diagnosis so I hope this information is useful to somebody.
Last edited by LLL; 04-12-2008 at 12:38 AM.. |
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#109 (permalink) |
my 6oclock cut keeps coming back. but I notice it doesn't bother me in most sexual positions. it only bothers me when my boyfriend is on top of me with my legs stretched to the side or other positions. if he's on top of me with my legs slightly bent at the knee, with my feet resting on the bed. then it's fine. all other positions: me on top, doggy style, etc. are fine.
so we can still have sex whenever we want. the cut still doesn't cause any itching or burning when I pee or anything. I just can't do it in positions that bother it. that's why I'm thinking I just have some abnormal extra skin in my perineal/6oclock position of vagina, that doesn't like being stretched in those positions. I'm pretty sure mine isn't lichen. those diagrams aren't what I have. no bruising, no multiple cuts, etc. but from what other people have said in this thread, they should look into it. |
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#110 (permalink) |
I am desperate about my 6 o' clock tear
![]() Today I went to get a second opinion, because the first I heard was "Yeah, I used to have another patient with the exact same problem... She kept calling me, complaining about it. She only stopped complaining when she switched boyfriends!" Need I comment on that? I almost cried right there. For the past year and a half I have been in a relationship with a man I really, really love. But I think he has a wide penis. Don't you ever get that impression from your partner's penis? I even had my boyfriend measure his and it seems to be a tad above average in circumference: 5.1 inches at the widest point. But then again, a vagina can fit a baby, right? Well, not really, since it rips most of the times a woman gives birth. Right? Seriously, haven't any of you thought maybe it's because he's too wide? I saw one guy posting that he and his wife agree he's too big, but he didn't say if it was length-wise or girth-wise... and no one commented on his post. Well, my second opinion told me to get tested for bacteria and go see him again in two weeks. So I'll post again then. Also, I have just found this: http://forums.obgyn.net/womens-healt...9805/0596.html Last edited by baleias; 06-09-2008 at 06:16 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost |
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#111 (permalink) |
I hope people refer back after posting. I'm wondering if everyone could respond to a couple of questions. 1 - how many of you have children? And how many of you have environmental/food allergies? I am so frustrated reading through, about how often, when doctors simply don't know the answer, they use teh standby yeast argument (i've been tested numerous times, and never had yeast show up). Or they prescribe a steroid to temporarily treat the area. I have been dealing with these paper-like cuts for years ... accompanied by sometimes unbearable itching ... and yes it definitely makes sex very uncomfortable. I feel that there has to be a link - either hormonally or with allergies. I have irregular periods, and always have. I am also allergic to many foods (starting a few years ago) - peaches, apples, plums, nectaries, sulphites ( i think), cherries ... i think that's it. Clearly western doctors aren't going to be of much help ... so we better start working together to find the commonalities. HOpe to hear from you all soon.
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#112 (permalink) |
hi all,
I have been so frustrated ... i started having since a 3-4months ago with this guy i was dating (being i was a virgin prior)..and i discovered i had the "tear" when i visited the obgyn..cuz i kept bleeding during sex. She told me i had a tear...she gave me some estrogen cream..and said it will heal..just reframe from having sex for two weeks..which i did...EVERYTIME i have sex the tear comes back.. and heals and comes back...wat can I do ..i am so frustrated..I afraid to have sex now.. i tried lubracation...i was not on the pill...i checked i dont have stds...i feel like im at the end of my ropes here..can someone please help me...or answer my questions...all i feel is tat there is alot of frustration going on ..but NO answers to our problem... |
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#113 (permalink) |
I have found a cure for me- maybe for you?!
I was so depressed getting a fine cut due to tearing whenever I had sex, no matter how much lubricant or how slowly we went I could always feel it tearing. I was totally off sex and feeling very low that I couldn't do what was normal to everyone else. I went to the doctor and tried many things- the only thing that seemed to work on and off was an oestrogen cream applied to the area. This was giving me side-effects of terrible headaches so I stopped. After a whole year of trying this and that from different doctors I went and saw an awesome Natropath. She did a test that read my hormone levels and they were totally out of whack for near 10 years on the pill. She said that by looking at my tests she would have thought I was a menopausal women, I'm only in my mid- 20's! I have reluctantly gone off the pill and using condoms (my own decision) and she has given me all these natural tablets to regulate my hormones and to strengthen the skin at the tearing. It has been about a month and a half and I feel better than ever and I'm no longer breaking during sex! I am so happy that I'm back to normal again! Hopefully this acvice will be helpful for you also.
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#114 (permalink) |
I just got it my doctor says it is lichen sclerosis. Caused by not enough female hormones usually happens around menopause but can happen other times hot to warm sitz baths help to generate blood and believe or not take hair dryer to dry when you get out to area to help heal also go to dr and ask for steroid cream to put on it to help heal good luck
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#115 (permalink) |
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#116 (permalink) | |
Location: Leeds
Vaginal Tears
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#117 (permalink) |
Are you thin? I'm a very lean person and have suffered from vaginal cracking for over 10 years. I saw several doctors & obs and went through a battery of tests to reveal nothing.
Until I met my husband. . .his sister had just gotten out of med school and he got down there and looked and described what was happening and she immediately said. . .vaginal cracking due to low estrogen. Estrogen is produced in the fat and it's a symptom of menopause. . .I hear. . .as I am only 35 and shouldn't be experiencing menopause. I always had issues with my progesterone levels and it shouldn't surprise me to have issues with estrogen as well. She said it was due to being thin and to use an estrogen cream (I use a natural wild yam cream). Over the years I've learned to manage the splitting and have noticed patterns and here is what I have come up with: 1) If I'm not having sex I notice it's cyclic and and occurs about a week after ovluation, usually one crack and the same one every time. I keep the area clean and apply a bit of the yam cream. 2) If I'm having sex and using condoms the latex irratates it and I end up with several cracks in the same general area. 3) Yeast infections exacerbate it causing more splits as well, and causing alot of pain and discomfort. (Spermicide can cause UTIs and then if you have to use an antibiotic a yeast infection will follow. I treated monthly yeast infections--I would get from my husband--with boric acid for year, but it's pretty harsh. Oral use of acidiphilus on a daily basis eliminated the monthly yeast infections and if I get one I insert two tablets vaginally--one in the morning and one in the evening--and increase the oral dose to two a day until it's gone). Natural remedies take a little longer to get results, but they are generally better for your overall health. 4) I switched to cotton panties as synthetic fibers worsen the cracks. 5) I also switched to natural cotton pads without bleach, again, the synthetic fibers made it worse. Be sure to change them frequently. 6) The problem has never gone away and on occasion gets worse. It sucks, but I guess as long as I remain fit I'll have to deal with it. I just try to stay away from the things that aggravate it. If I do have a bad splitting issue I keep the area clean and dry and treat it like any wound & usually apply an ointment to the affected area. Unfortunately I've only discovered management and am still seeking other solutions myself. . .so if anyone else has any ideas . . .please let me know. Thanks. |
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#119 (permalink) |
It has been several months since I last posted on here and I still have not found a solution. My doctor has suggested making the entrance of my vagina slightly larger through a simple surgical procedure, as I told her my husband's (he is my husband now, the same guy from my previous post) penis is more on the thick side (5.5 to 6 inches around). This has seemed like the only solution for me for a long time now, but I have to admit it seems a bit drastic.
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Tags |
ladies, tears, vaginal |