I also had/have a vaginal cut in the 6 o clock position. I guess you can also call it the perineum, because it extends outward a bit. it's like a slit, and red. never burns or itches. just.. hurts. I can't stick items in there, and sore to touch.
I first started having sex in october, and noticed it in November. it hurt to have sex, so I looked in the mirror to see what it was.
I think it first occurred because it was around the first time I was having sex, AND my boyfriend used condoms with spermacide. back then I didn't read about what nasty things spermacide can do to your vagina. I also noticed I have dryness issues down there, and my body in general, so that didn't help the situation. I also had a yeast infection. treated it. but that situation may have made the skin crappy too.
also in november, I had an outbreak and was diagnosed with genital herpes 1. when the gyno looked at my outbreak, she said there was a lesion in the same spot where I am having the reoccurring cut. I don't know which happened first though: the cut, or the lesion.
so from november-january, the cut kept reoccurring. there was even a time I didnt have sex for a month, and it came back again. I decided that fixing my dryness problem was a MUST.
the past 2 weeks I have been taking (all things listed here are daily):
- multivitamin
- extra B vitamins + C
- vitamin E
- omega 3 and 6 fish oil capsules
- Biotin 5000 mcg
- probiotic acidophilus
- eating better & drinking more water
- pop vitamin E capsules and apply the oil to the vaginal cut area, gently massaging it (I apply it 1x morning, 1x evening, and then if I've had sex I usually apply it after as well. I may start skipping the morning application, to avoid getting any infections).
- not using any soap or perfumes or anything near vagina.
- avoid taking long hot shower so vaginal area doesn't come in contact with hot water for long periods of time.
- NO spermacide condoms. plain condoms.
- I use a water-based Vagisil lubricant during sex.
- I also go to bed in just loose sweatpants, no underwear- so the area can breathe.
and FINALLY we've been able to have sex 3 times in 7 days. it seems like the cut reopens just a tiny bit. but definitely better than what it used to be like before. it doesn't look as big or red as before. maybe I should wait longer before having sex next time so I can give this old cut more time to heal and make even more progress.