first off, thank you all for this thread! i'm still working on reading it all.
Originally Posted by ayrisa83
I have been having the same problems.. At first my vagina started itching at night and i stupidly itched felt real good to itch it too...but it was NOT worth it . I have one slit like cut on each fold and one maybe, more on the bottom near the bum...My boyfriend and I then had sex the next night it hurt, but my vag was itching so much some of it felt good..(i know it sounds crazy but just trying to give all the details)....Then the next day the cuts hurt so much when i was using the bathroom..Then we tried having sex the next night but i had to stop in the middle..Now i'm having my period and can't even use tampons, because it hurts to even touch it. Now i'm just trying to find something to heal it or make it feel better....I will never itch that damn thing again...I know it could be a multitude of problems...The itching was the problem..Perhaps dry skin or vaginitis...But this forum and all of the others who have posted have made me feel so much better that i'm not alone..
oh that so sounds like me!
i'm almost 31 and until about 6 weeks ago, i'd never had a yeast infection. for that i did the same "Gee, i'd better itch that" followed by an "oh, @#$* that hurt!" and finally went to one of my ob/gyns (i have 3 - my gyn, my reproductive endocrinologist who took out a huge uterine fibroid i had about 5 weeks ago, and just my regular gyn - i've been seeing the repro endo for surgery follow ups). she told me it was a yeast infection and gave me one of the seven day prescriptions, which i took. then she told me i had a secondary infection and gave me metronidazole pills (i think that was them) but they actually made me throw up so she switched me to a metronidazole insertable gel.
about 2 weeks later she did tests when i had my surgery and she told me i still had that secondary infection, so i took the 3 remaining doses i had (i had originally received 10 but was told to take 7).
about 5 days ago i tore a little again at the 12 o'clock position, and there was some sexual activity (a horribly stupid idea in retrospect). the next day, the tear was bigger and i noticed i actually had a scab over it. not thinking, i squatted in the shower and ripped the scab off in doing so.
reading this forum, i realized that i was pretty certain i had another yeast infection so i got an over the counter 3 day product. 2 days in, the pain is less, but i'm itching more (perhaps cause the pain doesn't override the itching anymore) and i can actually feel that there are some raised areas right inside the labia. (i just realized i feel really weird writing all this on a forum!!) in any case, if i don't see more improvement tomorrow, i'm going back to a gyn.
but thank you so much for this thread and i will keep reading in hopes of more info!
eta: it's all a lil better today, but there's redness over the cut area that feels firmer than the rest and i actually feel some pressure when i walk. i'm trying to get a hold of a different gyno today - i was on hold for the other one for 30 minutes yesterday.