I have found a cure for me- maybe for you?!
I was so depressed getting a fine cut due to tearing whenever I had sex, no matter how much lubricant or how slowly we went I could always feel it tearing. I was totally off sex and feeling very low that I couldn't do what was normal to everyone else. I went to the doctor and tried many things- the only thing that seemed to work on and off was an oestrogen cream applied to the area. This was giving me side-effects of terrible headaches so I stopped. After a whole year of trying this and that from different doctors I went and saw an awesome Natropath. She did a test that read my hormone levels and they were totally out of whack for near 10 years on the pill. She said that by looking at my tests she would have thought I was a menopausal women, I'm only in my mid- 20's! I have reluctantly gone off the pill and using condoms (my own decision) and she has given me all these natural tablets to regulate my hormones and to strengthen the skin at the tearing. It has been about a month and a half and I feel better than ever and I'm no longer breaking during sex! I am so happy that I'm back to normal again! Hopefully this acvice will be helpful for you also.