I am so glad I found this website, because even though no one seems quite sure about what is causing this, at least its somewhere to talk about it. There seem to be loads of situations where these these vaginal tears occur. The thing is, I'm pretty sure I can diagnose mine. I had sex for the first time last night and although I enjoyed it I guess i was probably a little tense and my guy was quite big. I only really noticed the cuts this evening- the six o'clock and some tears on my vaginal lips- when it hurt loads when I peed so I had to check it out. So i know it seems obvious in my case but I'm still worried that the problem is indicative of something greater and I'm worried this is going to happen every time I have sex from now on. I'm just wondering whether the same condition can link people who have been having sex for years fine and then suddenly have this problem, and people like me. This has really got me down and has kind of ruined what was otherwise a great night. I'm just wondering whether I should go see a doctor now about but they all seem to be pretty useless. If anyone was in a similar situation to myself, i would really appreciate hearing how it progressed afterwards.