As with many of you, it is good to know I am not alone!
Here’s my story… I am a 49 yr old woman; married for 15 years w/ no other partners for at least 18 years; and two children from this marriage - both C-sections. My husband has had no other partners either in that long – I know because I would kick his ‘rear with a Capitol A’ if he did! But, truly he is a wonderful husband and very supportive. I have never been diagnosed with genitals herpes. I am currently over-weight by approx 35 lbs but, hello, I am pre-menopause, and I have not always been over-weight. I do get vaginal cuts. I don’t know for how long, off and on, but I estimate I have gotten them over the past 10 years. My best guess is stress brings them on – of course, isn’t stressing the leading cause of all unexplained ailments?? Although I will say I don’t always feel stressed when this occurs. Occurrences are not regular and usually occur before my period.
I experience a heat in the vaginal area, and dryness that, I believe, creates the “paper cuts” in the folds or the vagina area and above the clitoris area. If left “untreated” yeast will form-white pastey stuff. I have been to my GYN for the pain and burning, and she has prescribed a cream for a yeast infection. The cream burns for a prolonged period and hurts like ‘H E double hockey sticks’! I do not recommend the cream personally. What I have found to help the best, by self trial and error, is to spray Solarcaine to the area. I know that probably sounds bad and it will burn for a brief period, ten seconds. But then it will ‘numb’ or ‘cool’ the area. It is a temporary relief but is effective until the cuts go away. It may take a week to ten days for the cuts to disappear – same as if you use the cream. You may also want to apply Vasoline or a K-Y gel to keep the area lubricated. Wear a mini-pad so you don’t get any on your undies. What does it say on a tampon box, resume normal activity? Except, sorry guys, sex will be uncomfortable until the cuts disappear. I think this is just something you need to make yourself the most comfortable until it passes. It seems to me it needs to run its own course.
As an additional note, when I describe the ‘heat’ in the vaginal area, I am talking about an internal heat. I want to say it is related to my blood type. Approx. 9 years ago, I experienced what is called Sweets Syndrome. If you ‘google’ this, it will totally gross you out. I did not have an extreme case. What happened is, I developed tiny blisters on my arms and legs, along with a low grade fever. I thought they were spider bites and went to the dermatologist. He took a biopsy and diagnosed it as a case of Sweets Syndrome. FYI, This is named from a man with the last name of Sweets, and not related to eating too much sugar. The dermatologist prescribed steroids which eventually made them disappear – after two doses. Sweets is very, very painful. Note, this did not affect the vaginal area. They also ran a blood test because Sweets can be a precursor to Leukemia. It is written somewhere that within a year or so of the first outbreak of Sweets, the patient will develop Leukemia. I am telling you right now, I never developed Leukemia. I did experience Sweets two other times over the course of approx. 3 years. The doctor said it is not known what causes it. He prescribes steroids and they go away.
So back to the vaginal cuts, I get them. I do not know if the cuts are at all related to the blood or the Sweets. I am currently very stressed about finances so I will use that as an excuse for my current occurrence. If yeast forms, I wipe it clean and spray with the Solarcaine. Since yeast requires a dry area for healing, I do not use a lubricant then. But, I can usually feel it coming on with the cuts and catch it before any yeast develops now. Good Luck!