Hi Ladies,
I can't tell you how happy I am to find this right now I am almost in tears...I have been looking on the internet for information about this and haven't really found anything...
Well I don't lubricate very well (I am also on the pill) so without lubrication I get very dry during intercourse. My boyfriend is very well endowed and I am really tiny and about a month ago after sex when I went to the bathroom I felt stinging..I looked down and there was a tiny paper cut (very shallow also only in the uppermost layer of the skin) slit in the delicate tissue near the vaginal opening (not in the 6 o clock more like the the 7) it only was tender if I touched it or if pee passed over it when i urinated but there was no general tenderness or pain I got an appointment with at the local clinic 2 days later and it was already healed so she couldnt take a culture...
The reason I am writing is because I am very confused...the Nurses and a Gyn I talked to there said that it is possible to tear after intercourse but when I saw the NP at the clinic she said it doesn't just tear like that but then went on later to say it was possible...She told me that it could either be a yeast infection or Herpes 1 (she said it definately wasnt herpes 2 even though I am pretty sure you cant tell the difference between the two by just looking at it)
So she told me to use lube and gave me yeast infection cream just in case Since using the lube I have been good but this weekend I didn't have it on me and again I got a tiny tiny tear around the same area... That was Saturday night and by Monday night it was healed...i told my doctor what happened with the NP and he pretty much thinks she is crazy and thinks it is highly unlikely that it is herpes ...I ended up getting a blood test and get my results tomorrow for herpes 1 and 2 ...I am so scared because I know that most people who have herpes don't know it and I hope I am not one of those people...
Does anyone else tear in that area I see a lot of you said in the 6 o clock between the vagina and the anus but mine is more to the side near the opening of the vagina ...
Sorry for the long post hopefully I will find a doctor who will be able to figure this all out!!! Thanks ladies