I hope people refer back after posting. I'm wondering if everyone could respond to a couple of questions. 1 - how many of you have children? And how many of you have environmental/food allergies? I am so frustrated reading through, about how often, when doctors simply don't know the answer, they use teh standby yeast argument (i've been tested numerous times, and never had yeast show up). Or they prescribe a steroid to temporarily treat the area. I have been dealing with these paper-like cuts for years ... accompanied by sometimes unbearable itching ... and yes it definitely makes sex very uncomfortable. I feel that there has to be a link - either hormonally or with allergies. I have irregular periods, and always have. I am also allergic to many foods (starting a few years ago) - peaches, apples, plums, nectaries, sulphites ( i think), cherries ... i think that's it. Clearly western doctors aren't going to be of much help ... so we better start working together to find the commonalities. HOpe to hear from you all soon.