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New Page Necromancer!
Zombie Bunnyfish Galore! (or was it 'onslaught'?) |
You know that podcast I posted before? maybe as a breakfast treat...
Yeah this one; I have it on a loop to absorb all the funny like a sponge, and wouldn't you know it, the topic is on (wo)man-eating piranhas. Quote:
That's the magical third page in row, I believe.
I wonder if there is such a thing as a Kismet Fish. |
I believe there is, but it might eat you when you fall asleep. (piranha joke)
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3549/...24845ce6_m.jpg |
Wow, still the last reply.
Coincidence? I think not. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/82/26...83e3a08a70.jpg |
If moments of pain
don't provide you aversion, can you stand the years? (2-fer) I scent you & become inflamed. Let's, standing! |
zombie-fish the most diabolical fish in the sea
what is the main difference between vamps and and zombs?
http://farm1.static.flickr.com/110/3...fe887cdd55.jpg |
This giant pink bunny (Google Earth coordinates 44.244273,7.769737) in Prata Nevoso, Italy, was built by a group of artists from Vienna, according to published accounts. It's 200 feet long and answers to the name "Hare." |
If the onus of being
weighs too heavilly upon you now just wait until tomorrow. |
no parachute
I think I saw that featured in either FHM or Maxim.
It's a giant fuzzy bunny somewhere in rural America or the Balkans/Europe. (now I read your description!) It is also infested with bats, insects/grubs, and snakes ("snakes...why did it have to be... snakes") Quote:
No likey snakes?
It's from a movie i don't know of, and probably haven't seen.
sounds something as being remarked by 'the' Harrison Ford would utter in chancing upon, maybe? more bunnyfish, or do want you want jokes? |
mutant bunnies
i forgot (everything) which pic I wanted to use next, but this one has been waiting a while, so this is Sarah Silverman.
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2123/...2f6b8a7934.jpg |
I now get why the fish are so magnetized around people's mouthies:
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2364/...ff8b9929_m.jpg bunnyfish cookies |
I hadn't a clue of a what a Bunnyfish was, and the surrounding
phenomena. http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/h...5caf22b54f.jpg ...must be the new, Hello Kitty, kinda thang. |
It's a production and creation of "kozyndan", the same artists who illustrated my avatar.
I know how to crochet.
I have an urge to create more of them, for some cool odd reason. |
I also found this maybe a month ago, though I don't know what I was originally looking for when I found it.
http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs45/f/20...eoSlashott.jpg |
Ancient aquatic snake-like bunnyfish
(I'm debating whether or not to fav this) http://fc09.deviantart.com/fs36/i/20..._by_Sergon.jpg |
Exquisitely done.
Superb tie-in. |
We've started a wave that is too splendidly-soft to avoid
A pet rabbit has been credited with saving an Australian couple from a fire that started in their house while they slept. The rabbit woke its owners, Michelle Finn and her partner Gerry Keogh, by scratching on their bedroom door when smoke poured through the house in the Macleod area of Melbourne.
Hey there you.
She can make my mind
into another being & blow it way up. |
It might be time to sing a lullaby about lettuce.
Or not. I like how a rabbits eyes widen and you can see the whites, as they grab & then voraciously chew what you hand them. |
Rabbits go quickly,
disappear, for quite some time, delighting us all. |
Those desert rabbits have very large ears,
and they are all named Jack - even though a Jill had to be involved. |
Enormous rabbits,
even when they're colored pink, excite me, darlin'. |
Video #?
I just noticed that they deleted a few videos from my playlist... I have to go repopulate them.
I've never seen a pink elephant.
No No No, and if I did I would lie about it. A tickling memory of a man sized rabbit that only he could see. ???? |
I affectionately refer to them as "heat dissipators". When I moved into my house 30 years ago, I hardly ever saw a rabbit in my immediate neighborhood. In the last few years I see many every day. To parallel this phenomenon, until recently I didn't see fox around here, either, but now I can see them almost every evening. It was so cute...one evening back in late Spring I noticed the pachysandra rustling next to my front door and upon closer examination I saw something move. I reached down to see what and saw a little baby bunny try to run away...it scooted over a couple feet. So I picked it up and took it inside to show my kids, who wanted to keep it, but we put it back right away. I immediately noticed a couple more little ones, and then again over the next couple weeks, but now they've moved elsewhere. I should check inside my garage which is always wide open. |
I was trying to post this, but Disney claimed their copyright stamp, and 'twas removed.
One 8 five 1 nine.
Amazing how the mile posts fly by, when having fun. |
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