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Old 09-04-2003, 11:34 PM   #321 (permalink)
Location: Charlotte, NC
Originally posted by Prophecy
how long did Ric Flair hold the title? I know he's a 13 time champion, but in my book that means he lost it 12 times. Did he hold it for a long period of time once?
Off the top of my head I am going to say he held the NWA title for at least 3 years once. The NWA was aliitle looser with their titles than the WWF was.

If I'm wrong about Flair someone please correct me.
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Old 09-05-2003, 05:30 AM   #322 (permalink)
Flailing White Boy
Location: Cincinnati
Yeah...working the crowd/mic skills sure counts for a lot now. Look what happened to Bull Buchanan. He was a talented wrestler with no personality. They kept trying to give him supporting roles, like with the Bossman and the RTC, but it just didn't work. Personality goes a long way...
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"Why me?"
"Because you're perfect."
"You have a point there."
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Old 09-05-2003, 10:49 AM   #323 (permalink)
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is this the steve blackmon fan club?

So what happened on smackdown last night (9/4)?
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Old 09-05-2003, 12:07 PM   #324 (permalink)
Location: Taxachussetts
I gotta admit I was a big Hulkamaniac in the day and still enjoy him on the stick or on a talk show...maybe it's time he moves into a commish role or a manager-type thing [maybe a role like Flair is in] if he ids going to show up in WWE again, that is.
Not only do I not know the answer...I don't even know what the question is!!!
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Old 09-05-2003, 12:54 PM   #325 (permalink)
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Biggest thing I know of that Flair did was holding the Wolrd title 16 times, now if he held it for a long time I dont know, something to research I guess. And as far as Hogan goes, he left the WWE a month or 2 ago, he probably won't be back.
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Old 09-07-2003, 06:54 PM   #326 (permalink)
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So, what did you all think of SmackDown!? I thought the best part was the Undertaker/Angle title match, it was good up until Brock Lesnar made the predictble true, and ruined it.
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Old 09-08-2003, 12:02 PM   #327 (permalink)
Location: Taxachussetts
too many crap endings in WWE these days...they need to come up with more creative ways to keep heat on all involved withuot every matchending with a run in...Overall though, a good show. Smackdown continues to get it far more than Raw.
Not only do I not know the answer...I don't even know what the question is!!!
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Old 09-08-2003, 12:38 PM   #328 (permalink)
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Yeah, that and throwing Zach Gowen down the stairs was lame as hell in my opinion. I mean, that was just plain stupid.
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Old 09-08-2003, 02:01 PM   #329 (permalink)
The Funeral of Hearts
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Yes, Zach Gowen got the shaft, yet again, poor kid.
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Old 09-08-2003, 06:27 PM   #330 (permalink)
o god did u ever fuck up La Resistance, poor Spike
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Old 09-08-2003, 07:52 PM   #331 (permalink)
I'm not about getting creamed, I'm about winning!
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I saw HHH/Flair VS Orton/Goldberg a mile away, but that was really enjoyable tonight anyways.
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Old 09-09-2003, 05:12 AM   #332 (permalink)
feeling tingly
With Spike's bump and the hard landing of Trish during her match, I'm waiting for another serious injury. It seems as if they're more comfortable with just taking giant risks rather than developing an exciting storyline.

Let's take a bad guy....put him against a good guy....and then throw him really hard against something.

I'm worried about the health of these guys. I don't want another Droz or Dynamite Kid.
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Old 09-09-2003, 03:38 PM   #333 (permalink)
The Funeral of Hearts
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Location: Trapped inside my mind. . .
I'm making a predicton now, and that is Triple H will lose the World Heavyweight Title at Unforgiven to Goldberg. Who's with me?
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Old 09-09-2003, 06:42 PM   #334 (permalink)
Location: The Tip of the Boot
If HHH doesn't lose the title at Unforgiven, I will stop watching WWE, and I'm not alone in my opinion. HHH seriously needs to get off the belt and let someone else hold it for a while. The only reason HHH still has it is because he always gets his buddies involved. I am inclined to agree with DownwardSpiral though. I honestly don't believe that Goldberg is going anywhere any time soon anyway (unless he goes to Smackdown).

I saw Spike's bump Monday night. I would find it very difficult to believe that he didn't get hurt in any way. I hope that he's alright.
Louisiana: We're Not ALL Drunken Cajun Wackos, But That's Our Tourism Campaign
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Old 09-10-2003, 06:49 AM   #335 (permalink)
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Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
Bah, I bet spikes fine. I mean, its ONLY the back of his head that cracked off the edge of a table. He's had worse.

Don't kill me or anything, BUT, what are the stipulations of the match between HHH and Goldberg? I wasn't really paying attention, as I usually do with HHH, Goldberg and Big Shmo. Is it Goldberg has to Win the TITLE, or he just has to win to keep his job?

If he just has to win, then you can rest assured that the rest of Evolution will butt-rape Goldberg during the match, giving HHH a win. If he has to win the title... well... I'd rather see HHH keep it than give it to Goldberg.
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Old 09-10-2003, 06:55 AM   #336 (permalink)
I wish I had a television and could watch. I miss the WWE.
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Old 09-10-2003, 10:57 AM   #337 (permalink)
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Originally posted by Thraeryn
I wish I had a television and could watch. I miss the WWE.
WHAT!? No TV? The idea of living without a television scares me.
"I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to." -- Donnie Darko
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Old 09-10-2003, 05:21 PM   #338 (permalink)
Enter Title Here
Location: Tennessee
You're not missing much. I'm finding myself watching it less and less. Now I watch it just to see Stone Cold and Goldberg.
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Old 09-10-2003, 07:03 PM   #339 (permalink)
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Originally posted by JoeyB
I'm worried about the health of these guys. I don't want another Droz or Dynamite Kid.
I noticed I haven't seen Droz in ages, the Dynamite Kid was in a period when I wasn't watching wrestling. So I guess what i'm saying is, what happened to those guys?
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Old 09-10-2003, 07:04 PM   #340 (permalink)
WoW or Class...
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It seems as if they're more comfortable with just taking giant risks rather than developing an exciting storyline.
I take it you've never seen ECW then because the "giant risks" that happen in the WWE are next to nothing that ECW did.

The biggest bump at a PPV for the WWE could have easily happened in the first match at a house show in ECW.

The biggest storylines the ECW had no one really cared about because they just set up absolutely incredible matches.

Rhino vs Sandman

Tommy Dreamer vs anyone

RVD vs anyone

Almost any match in ECW has surpased the best WWF/E match in the past 2 years.

When the WWE is telling guys like RVD, and Rey Mysterio to slow down, do very few top rope moves, and to exclude most outside weapons, they're basically guarenting a crappy match.
One day an Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman walked into a pub together. They each bought a pint of Guinness. Just as they were about to enjoy their creamy beverage, three flies landed in each of their pints. The Englishman pushed his beer away in disgust. The Scotsman fished the fly out of his beer and continued drinking it, as if nothing had happened. The Irishman, too, picked the fly out of his drink but then held it out over the beer and yelled "SPIT IT OUT, SPIT IT OUT, YOU BASTARD!"

Last edited by BigGov; 09-10-2003 at 07:09 PM..
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Old 09-10-2003, 08:47 PM   #341 (permalink)
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Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
Someone please answer my question up above, thanks



The sucky half of La Ouisistance is injured!! He hurt his neck or something. Good. Maybe he'll lose his new pot-belly and sucky ring skills. I'll admit it, La Ouisistance isn't as bad as I used to say they were. Pretty much, the only thing that sucks about it was Grenier. The sucky half. Rene Dupree is pretty freaking cool. Rob Conway has a good look to him. I'd like to see some matches between himself and Val Venis, since I pretty much think of them both as the same guy (don't ask)
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Old 09-11-2003, 08:58 AM   #342 (permalink)
Location: The Tip of the Boot
In response to your question, MeanSpleen, If Goldberg wins the match, he will get the belt, but if he loses, he has to leave WWE forever. Sucks, huh? I'd personally rather watch two hours of Goldberg or Stone Cold than have to endure five minutes of HHH or Ric Flair.
Louisiana: We're Not ALL Drunken Cajun Wackos, But That's Our Tourism Campaign
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Old 09-11-2003, 02:42 PM   #343 (permalink)
The Funeral of Hearts
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Location: Trapped inside my mind. . .
I'll almost guarantee that Goldberg wins at Unforgiven, Triple H is gonna drop the belt. If he dosen't I'll plague the WWE with horrible e mails hah.
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-- H.I.M., "Pretending"
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Old 09-11-2003, 02:50 PM   #344 (permalink)
Location: Vancouver
Originally posted by Prophecy
I noticed I haven't seen Droz in ages, the Dynamite Kid was in a period when I wasn't watching wrestling. So I guess what i'm saying is, what happened to those guys?
I'm afraid I don't know what happened to Dynamite Kid, but I can tell you what happened to Droz.

Droz had his neck broken and was made a quadriplegic in a match with D'Lo Brown when D'Lo botched a running power-bomb and dropped Droz on his head. Last I remember Droz was doing some sort of talk show thing for the WWE but I don't know where he's at now.

Oh yeah, and Goldberg will probably win the title, because I can't imagine Vinnie Mac wanting to waste all the money he must have spent to get Goldberg to sign. It would also make for some interesting stories as Evolution tries to regain the gold.

Last edited by gduventree; 09-11-2003 at 02:53 PM..
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Old 09-11-2003, 04:30 PM   #345 (permalink)
The Funeral of Hearts
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Location: Trapped inside my mind. . .
Actually, Triple H is due to take time off after Unforgiven because he's getting married, that's why I think he's gonna drop the belt to Goldberg.
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-- H.I.M., "Pretending"
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Old 09-11-2003, 06:19 PM   #346 (permalink)
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Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
Ah thanky thanky.

Just to make sure, he has to win the match AND the title. right?


As for the Droz inquisition : Go to WWE.com> Commentaries or something. He has a pretty good article that he writes nearly everyweek. He took over for JR's 2 cents that JR wrote a couple years ago.

Side note: Droz is married to the lady who designs and makes most of the WWE's costumes. So that is a pretty good reason as to why he is still on the company payroll
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Old 09-11-2003, 06:31 PM   #347 (permalink)
The Funeral of Hearts
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Location: Trapped inside my mind. . .
Steve Austin made it so that if Triple H gets disqualified or counted out he will lose the match and the belt to Goldberg, so no mtter how Goldberg wins hes gonna get the title, meanSpleen.
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-- H.I.M., "Pretending"
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Old 09-11-2003, 06:56 PM   #348 (permalink)
Flailing White Boy
Location: Cincinnati
Woohoo! It's looking better and better! I just hope they don't pull what they did a few years back with the Foley/HHH series...That would really turn me off.
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"Because you're perfect."
"You have a point there."
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Old 09-11-2003, 10:12 PM   #349 (permalink)
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Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
hehe, fantastic downwardspiral! I think that totally answers my questions!

umm, and HHH... please don't give the title to Goldberg... please. *sob* I know. Put Jericho in the match. Yeah, and let Y2J win!
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Old 09-12-2003, 03:28 PM   #350 (permalink)
The Funeral of Hearts
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Location: Trapped inside my mind. . .
Nah meanSpleen I've also heard that Jericho's wife is due to have a child anytime, so I doubt he'd get the title so close to that event occuring.
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-- H.I.M., "Pretending"
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Old 09-12-2003, 06:33 PM   #351 (permalink)
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Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
Let him win, and bring the kid to all the events! In just 18 years, we can have another Jericho in the business! Hell, we can call him Y3J... *bad joke*

Anyone notice that Sean OHaire actually made it on Smackdown on Thursday? His arm is very recognizable, when he was at the APA's table, and I'm pretty sure he was skulking around in the Cena/Guerrero match.


Go Chavo! Welcome back! (finally, even though you were ready to come back a few weeks ago)
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Old 09-12-2003, 06:39 PM   #352 (permalink)
The Funeral of Hearts
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Location: Trapped inside my mind. . .
I think we have a Jerichoholic in the thread, lol. I actually agree w/ you somewhat, Jericho is very entertaining and hes good at what he does, he should be given that push back to main event status in my opinion.
"So Keep on Pretending.
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-- H.I.M., "Pretending"
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Old 09-12-2003, 06:44 PM   #353 (permalink)
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Jericho's cool. He can make me laugh and he can wrestle.

He must have the championship!
"I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to." -- Donnie Darko
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Old 09-12-2003, 06:47 PM   #354 (permalink)
The Funeral of Hearts
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Location: Trapped inside my mind. . .
Nah Spacemonkey, as long as Goldberg has the belt, and he will, they wont give Jericho the chance, Goldberg will probably be the one to carry RAW as soon as HHH takes his time off.
"So Keep on Pretending.
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-- H.I.M., "Pretending"
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Old 09-12-2003, 06:51 PM   #355 (permalink)
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Yeah, your right, Jericho probably won't have a shot at the belt for a very long time. But Jericho DESERVES a title shot.
"I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to." -- Donnie Darko
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Old 09-12-2003, 06:53 PM   #356 (permalink)
The Funeral of Hearts
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Location: Trapped inside my mind. . .
So does Chris Benoit on SmackDown! But that'll never happen either. *Sigh* Vince McMahon should put me in charge of the storylines in WWE, i'd make it interesting! Hah.
"So Keep on Pretending.
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Keep on Pretending.
It's Alright."

-- H.I.M., "Pretending"
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Old 09-12-2003, 11:30 PM   #357 (permalink)
1.) my all time fav. wrestler is hbk... followed by hhh and jericho.... jericho is hilarious

2.)Jeff hardy was the shit and his skills did not uck that guy was a sick wrestrler and i saw him as the better if the 2 hardy's and yeha that guy takes mad bumps... i mean jesus every tlc match i would just wait to see that fucker almost kill himself

3.) trish and stacy r extremely hot but both lakc a buiit i skill altho trish hads vastly improved

4.) they should get sting

5.)i hate kane w/o the mask its fucking retarded

6.) mysterio is the shyt

7.) edge was good

8.) rvd is the shit

Last edited by h2ogo69; 09-12-2003 at 11:35 PM..
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Old 09-13-2003, 08:08 AM   #358 (permalink)
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Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
1) The current HBK, or the old one? Theres a difference. The current one screams "I'm trying to relive my past!" The old one was "I'm trying to prove I'm not Bret Hart"

I hate you for liking HHH.

I love you for liking Jericho.

2) Jeff Hardy has some skills. Yes. But he is solely an entertainer who can pull off some good looking moves. However, technically, I have to say that Matt Hardy is, and was, the better wrestler of the two.

6) Mysterio rocks, but I'm tired of the same 4 moves every match. I want WWE to let him tryout some new stuff, and get him into the ring with Ultimo Dragon, Psikosis, and Amazing Red. Now THAT would be an entertaining match. Hell, lets toss Spanky (penis) in there too.

7) Edge rocked. He's still healing, with expected return sometime next year from his neck surgury. I believe he went for a fusing, instead of the repair that Angle opted for. Fusing takes longer to heal.

8) RVD is "The Whole Damn Show!!" I wish he was on smackdown. No reason. I just wish he was on smackdown. And bring Matt Hardy back to RAW!! But their current characters (okay, RVD's ONLY character) just don't fit the definitions of each show.

RAW=Entertainment (har)
Smackdown=Wrassling ()


Jeebus... an ironman match on Smackdown? Isn't that a wee bit long? I mean, the shows only 120 minutes, minus ten 5 minutes commercial breaks, minus 20 minutes of McMahon airtime, minus 8 minutes of bantering between Tazz and Cole, minus a 4 minute bikini show, minus a 6 minute Benoit screwjob. That leaves what, 32 minutes for a ironman match?!??!?

Last edited by meanSpleen; 09-13-2003 at 08:11 AM..
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Old 09-13-2003, 08:36 AM   #359 (permalink)
Originally posted by meanSpleen
1) The current HBK, or the old one? Theres a difference. The current one screams "I'm trying to relive my past!" The old one was "I'm trying to prove I'm not Bret Hart"

I hate you for liking HHH.

I love you for liking Jericho.

2) Jeff Hardy has some skills. Yes. But he is solely an entertainer who can pull off some good looking moves. However, technically, I have to say that Matt Hardy is, and was, the better wrestler of the two.

6) Mysterio rocks, but I'm tired of the same 4 moves every match. I want WWE to let him tryout some new stuff, and get him into the ring with Ultimo Dragon, Psikosis, and Amazing Red. Now THAT would be an entertaining match. Hell, lets toss Spanky (penis) in there too.

7) Edge rocked. He's still healing, with expected return sometime next year from his neck surgury. I believe he went for a fusing, instead of the repair that Angle opted for. Fusing takes longer to heal.

8) RVD is "The Whole Damn Show!!" I wish he was on smackdown. No reason. I just wish he was on smackdown. And bring Matt Hardy back to RAW!! But their current characters (okay, RVD's ONLY character) just don't fit the definitions of each show.

RAW=Entertainment (har)
Smackdown=Wrassling ()
1.)the new shawn is ok... but the one fomr the attitude days prooving he was no bret hart or anyone he was jsut the shpowstopper was my all time fav. hhh i will admit is getting lame but hes got skills and hes a good wrestler. and how can someone not liek jericho?

2.)i will igve u that matt had was a better technical wrestler jeff was more entertaining as u said and he pulls sum great shit off ...in fact the hardy boyz are my all time fav tag teamyou have mats tech wiht jeffs moves and areiel attacks and u have a great team that is extremely well rounded.

3.) mysterio does need some cruiserweight competiton their is barey any in the wwe ... wcw back in the nwo days had a great cruiserweight league going on.

4.) edge was great him and christians rivalry with the hardy's was incredible

8.) rvd is an amazing wrestler altho he need a lil work they have to figure out new ways to find fueds wiht him... that dont end up with himprooving hes the whole f'n show everytime
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Old 09-13-2003, 08:38 AM   #360 (permalink)
ps. i havet been tuning in too much it kinda started getting lame a few onths back they need to do soemthing
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